which one of them is joking, i cant even tell anymore
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SteamID64 | 76561198117722422 |
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Country | United States |
Signed Up | September 5, 2016 |
Last Posted | December 28, 2020 at 8:02 PM |
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Ultra/High graphics config
diamond0wnerOkay so is there a ultra graphics non-cinematic cfg? Or is that nonexistent and im just really stupid
Just turn up all your settings, I doubt there's any config for it since there is no demand for one
posted about 7 years ago
TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes"
TF2 General Discussion
CollaideLet's hope they nerf rescue ranger harder, and that they nerf vaccination, quick fix and add some minor downside to the solemn vow
Why a vaccinator nerf?
posted about 7 years ago
whoever owns the [As] MGE server, plz ban merlow
TF2 General Discussion
NatoAnother possible merlow alt spotted on b4nny's mge server???
Isn't that his main
posted about 7 years ago
where are all the black girls on steam
Off Topic
dishsoapim more black than ur ass could ever hope tho Tim Been
go ahead and put that bullet in ur brain tho
posted about 7 years ago
whoever owns the [As] MGE server, plz ban merlow
TF2 General Discussion
Banning his ip is worth a try, in worst case scenario he has can't play for some time
posted about 7 years ago
Scout movement
TF2 General Discussion
you ask the entire enemy team what's their sens and if their sens is very very low then u just strafe around them in circles and annoy them
posted about 7 years ago
where are all the black girls on steam
Off Topic
this is now a nationality thread
posted about 7 years ago
I cannot see criticals of any sort!!! Help!
Q/A Help
SassyTheSasquatchlootOh wait, I thought you just meant the words Critical Hit weren't appearing. It sounds like your tf_weapon_(name).txt files might be doing that, same way you get VTF crosshairs or no explosion smoke scripts. Have you recently installed anything like that or changed your hud?
When I shoot my rockets theres no trail just the rocket head, so yes I think to your question.
Sleshare u using amd? dx8? do u see rocket trails and medigun particles or did they disappear just like the crit particles
if so rollback to a previous version of ur driver
if not idk D:
Yes I am using amd at directx 8, I dont see rocket trails and well I am not sure about the smaller medigun particles but I cant see the skipping rope so to speak. When I create frag clips it comes back because obviously it goes back to the stock hud when you use lawena. Like would rolling back my drivers really help this?
Thanks for your help so far guys!
use dx 9 amd dropped support in their most recent drivers, either that or roll back your drivers
posted about 7 years ago