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Last Posted December 28, 2020 at 8:02 PM
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#57 whoever owns the [As] MGE server, plz ban merlow in TF2 General Discussion
ILLEGALELEPHANTGUNcalling it right now, this b4nny/Merlow shit gets way out of hand, drags on for months, provides massive lols for the community at b4nny's expense, and ends up with Merlow becoming a legitimate invite player. not sure how all of this transpires, but im saying that if you check back with this post at a later time, some or all of these things may or may not be true.

how is he going to become a legitimate invite player if he hacks

posted about 7 years ago
#3 should i start again? in Off Topic

nobody cares? just start fresh with a better personality, you really dont need to overthink these kinds of things

posted about 7 years ago
#54 whoever owns the [As] MGE server, plz ban merlow in TF2 General Discussion

hes gone insane

posted about 7 years ago
#23 massive brain swelling with continuous knowledge in The Dumpster

I've decided to make a tl:dr for everyone's convenience

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arguing against b4nny's contradicting statement

if anyone thinks this is a personal attack, it isn't. it's an argument. i read the rules and it seems fine. is there any random chatter section where whatever shit you want, i think its the dumpster section right?

situation: recently, i call b4nny out for playing pugchamp instead of faceit.

my comment: "there is no reason to play pugchamp anymore," b4nny in latest video. *plays pugchamp* :thinking:

he calls me brainless and says that i misinterpreted what he said. he explains why he hasn't converted but the reason conflicts and doesn't match with the reason why he believes that pugchamp is a dead service now to na in his youtube vid.

the twitch vod:

im not salty enough to actually make clips so here are timestamps and subtitles, anything inside parentheses is my input on the situation

cloudexp (me), you weren't listening if that was your interpretation of what i said in that video. you like literally werent even paying attention, you turned off your brain completely. rewatch it and listen carefully. (i do after he says that)


alright cloud, if you listen to it here is what i said. when they build all the features, they said they were gonna build then there's no reason to use pugchamp anymore. that hasn't happened yet. (but wait didn't they already add the captain system :thinking:) but i still stand by it completely (ok b4n man, you are entitled to your wrong thesis)

(even b4nny mentions that they did) "Hey guys, today we are testing the new FACEIT beta for TF2 (on NA servers for now). "This system includes a private 6v6 solo queue that includes a captain draft and a leader board," b4nny says in the faceit beta post.

(and i remember him saying that why many comp players, including him, haven't transitioned to faceit because of a captain system. but wait faceit has already added a captain system, sure it might be in beta but it is still a captain system.)

youtube video:

[B&B] B4ncoming B4nIT B4ngrades

so they are going to be adding the captain system finally (at the point, i call out b4nny, they have already added it in) and that is probably the most requested feature to be added is the captaining system. the way it has been working around right now is just shuffling teams based on elo so like pure matchmaking. in the tf2 community we always had a strong desire for captaining because we have these roles and classes and is picking a team is strategic in a lot of ways (pick/ban 7v7 flashbacks :O. i agree b4n man it is strategic to pick out the best players and when they aren't available pick the second best players, im joking btw) because of those so that's something we have always wanted and we are finally getting. (ok guys, here's the juicy part) uhh, i think that the lack of a captain system was a big reason why people didn't completely convert over from playing pugchamp into playing on faceit and i think that AFTER THAT CHANGE (what's that b4nny about saying multiple changes, i only hear one that has already been completed. i understand that integrated voice server is a nice addition, but you pass it off in your video as a minor issue) HAS BEEN MADE THERE'S REALLY NO REASON LEFT TO KEEP USING THINGS AS PUGCHAMP. and keep in mind faceit is still gonna have prizes and all that stuff so if they have a captain system with voice (passes it off as a minor issue and doesn't include it as a reason why people havent switched to faceit or even the statement where he mentions that this is why pugchamp is useless now) you basically have a full package for a pubbing service and then beyond that.. (mentions more upcoming features but doesn't address them as reasons that contribute to pugchamp's death. he only mentions that a captaining system will do it. he doesn't even include this feature into why it faceit is going to be a full package pubbing system so it implies that it's a minor issue)

(i know someone is going to say why didn't call out his error before and im going to laugh. if you haven't being paying attention, anyone that disagrees with b4nny's holy godly flawless ideas is considered an idiot, example: funke, so i dont want to risk being banned just to make a snarky comment as b4nny's policy is, "if you are idiot, you get b4n.")

(feel free to channel your hate into my post and call me out on things i messed up on, but im pretty certain that i defused every counter argument at this point. i want some b4nswers b4nny, lol im kidding. im not going to reply to any comments because i lack a brain. how do i post comment?)
posted about 7 years ago
#47 whoever owns the [As] MGE server, plz ban merlow in TF2 General Discussion

trampler of the vast expanse has joined the game
Bolin left the game (Kicked and banned)

posted about 7 years ago
#46 whoever owns the [As] MGE server, plz ban merlow in TF2 General Discussion

trampler of the vast expanse: bolin can you choke yourself out in front of your parents

posted about 7 years ago
#7 how to be shade in TF2 General Discussion
posted about 7 years ago
#49 How tall are you? in Off Topic

6' 3"

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Help test new FACEIT beta in TF2 General Discussion

Can you prevent people with more than 120 ping from joining American faceits? There is a toxic Russian player who just insults people, bottoms scores the goes afk

posted about 7 years ago
#44 Pyro Update Predictions/Desires in TF2 General Discussion
BBiA_duchessMakglassbecause they have no idea what they are doing, they will pick a random pyro weapon and buff it into absurdity, ruining casual tf2 for a few weeks/months/years while they consider how to fix it. last time it was the phlog. remember that?
If u think any iteration of the phlog is/was op u may be retarded. Unfun and stupid is the most extreme answer I will accept but that's what most unlocks post-Polycount update are.

It was and still is somewhat op against brainless pubbers, but right after mym it was a little too much.

The entire heavy class is op against brainless pubbers

posted about 7 years ago
#13 whoever owns the [As] MGE server, plz ban merlow in TF2 General Discussion

Holy fuck I knew that guy was fishy, he has a couple of videos on his YouTube of him killing mge lord.

posted about 7 years ago
#42 share pics of ur mugs/cups here in The Dumpster

post a video of u drinking out of it

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Covfefe in Off Topic

cov feh feh

posted about 7 years ago
#32 memes of 2017 in Off Topic
I apologize if some Spanish is offended by my memes just wanted to do the jerk of the day nothing else


posted about 7 years ago
#4 Arm aim /vs/ Wrist aim in TF2 General Discussion

dont wrist aim because you want to, wrist aim because it's comfortable, if it's not uncomfortable to wrist aim then use your arm, and in general scout's should have to move their crosshair large distances, and instead you should aim strafe aim a bit more

posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 ⋅⋅ 198