2fort is one of the most played maps because everyone is familiar with it, noobs don't have a hard time understanding it, and more experienced players keep on coming back for nostalgia.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198117722422 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:157456694] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:78728347 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | September 5, 2016 |
Last Posted | December 28, 2020 at 8:02 PM |
Posts | 3017 (1 per day) |
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Mousepad | |
Headphones | |
Monitor |
see i told u that u would look better with a haircut
Really great sniper offclass, not bad at maincalling and choosing the right play either, could definitely perform at a low-mid open level on scout
Hello Does Anyone Have LazyPurple Config?? :D
p.s: asking for a friend :D
whenever their team is wiped I say "they're extinct"
netwrkjrkSidularhave you ever tried contacting valve for their support? i know its unlikely but maybe you could convince them to release an item with proceeds going to LAN prize pools or something.netwrkjrkI think that hosting tournaments/LANs will be really important for the success of the league. The only large LAN that TF2 really has at this point is the i series (correct me if im wrong.) A lot of TF2 players are adults who need money to sustain themselves, and playing on an invite team is a huge time commitment. If the players can make more money playing TF2, they won't have to switch over to other games that present better opportunities (overwatch.) And honestly, I feel like a lack of high tier players is part of the reason why TF2 is failing. No one wants to watch froyotech win every single year. Also, LANs will attract things like twitch viewers and attendees, which in turn will bring in sponsors and ad revenue.We've got lan tournaments covered. There's one this summer, and another in 2018 as well. Hoping to turn it into a yearly thing.
Can't go into specifics right now, but it's definitely a part of my plan. I'm also focusing a lot on Twitch stuff, which helps with the sponsorship thing. More viewers means more sponsor interest, and you're right, a lan definitely helps with that.
Valve has announced the finals to his ultiduo tournament i believe
damneasyExaflamerget a mouse bungee (optional)
I used to game on a 50-60 fps laptop as well, but this helped my aim quite drastically.
How the fuck can a mouse bungee help your aim lmao, you should never buy a fucking mouse bungee its the biggest waste of money ever
It reduces traction, that's why some people like wireless mice
yall wanna hear an Ira story?
Flashback to 5th grade, there was the little wimpy black kid with glasses named Ira in 4th grade, very sheltered and you could tell his mom did most of everything for him. so i was in the drama club in school, and we had just finished performing the play, amazing success. After we finished we went to the room that we practice in, and did this sort of little game with a tennis ball, basically we would all sit in a circle say something nice about a person, pass the tennis ball to them, then they would say something nice to someone else, and so on and so forth, after a while only half of the class has gotten their chance to go, at this point Ira starts crying and the teacher comes over and asks why. Ira responds with "nobody is gonna pass me the ball" after seeing this one of the nicer people says something nice to Ira and passes him the ball. Ira takes the ball walks into the middle circle, and starts doing an "inspiring" speech, about how we shouldn't let this ball stop us from giving compliments, and that everyone is amazing in their own way, the teacher says "You're right Ira" takes the ball and ends the game right there, with half the class not having gotten a turn.
I'll post another Ira story tomorrow
BrimstoneIf your ban was an autoban then there's nothing you can do but wait
it wasn't an autoban and im banned from pugchamp and not mixchamp
you just put it into your custom folder not custom>mycustom
How about you just download the vpk version of it?
wolsne you're a pretty chill guy in game so i don't understand why you make it your fucking business to join all the drama this forum has to offer
TEEN_TOP_Official : hello everyone my names Jerome and welcome back to tf2
(Voice) bence12: MEDIC!
(Voice) bence12: MEDIC!
TEEN_TOP_Official : we have just reached 200 subs
Feel free to put SG in your name to show your support
YoelTheKiller [STEAM_0:0:187291788] joined.
TEEN_TOP_Official : this chanels been up for a month
[Store] You earned 12 credits for playing on the server.
TEEN_TOP_Official : thanks so much
hero.karlsson : omg what
(Voice) Saith™: MEDIC!
[Hop] SG[US] | Orange - cp_orange_x_7 (23/32) [type !servers]
vulcan : what channel?
TEEN_TOP_Official : and lets begin
(Voice) hero.karlsson: Thanks!
TEEN_TOP_Official : the channel is T_T
TEEN_TOP_Official : we make comedy, songs, and lets plays
please unban me from pugchamp, nursey tried unbanning me but it didnt work