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Signed Up September 5, 2016
Last Posted December 28, 2020 at 8:02 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 ⋅⋅ 198
#302 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion
Nub_DanishJugggSeeing someone say that b4nny is the only person trying to help this community after I just got back from RGB lan where thefragile among others spent hours setting up, tearing down, and administrating the lan while also taking money out of their own pockets to make the tf2 tournament prize pool as large as was promised during registration is pretty sad. These guys didn't have to do this, but they did anyway because they enjoy the tf2 community. I appreciate all that people do to help tf2, specifically the ones who take their own time and money to do so.does b4nny even care about the community beyond them being his source of income?


posted about 8 years ago
#4 mwheel jumping in TF2 General Discussion

How about both

posted about 8 years ago
#14 How do I remove a splinter in Off Topic
CyanicWARHURYEAHIf the hit film War of the Worlds™ (2005) has taught me anything it's that the body will just push the splinter out when it's ready to do so. It's good practice to let the splinter feel welcome inside your body, keep it warm and comfortable, when I had one on my finger I drew a face around it and the splinter was the nose. When it was eventually coming out it looked like Pinocchio was telling a big lie as his nose grew longer and longer over time!
never change war.

war never changes

posted about 8 years ago
#2 [stream] MochaSukha in Requests

now that's an xd

posted about 8 years ago
#221 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion

can we stop posting in this shithole of a thread

posted about 8 years ago
#113 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion
zheepthe fact that the only (popular) person making tf2 content is the same person who is known by the entire community as toxic, annoying, autistic, watever u wanna call him..

believe me when i say this retard is killing his own game, dmu is probably the only positive thing to come out of his brand of social ineptitude and this video just serves as a reminder that he is not even part of the demographic that is "respectful" to newer players or whatever dumb shit he talks about

if you want progress for this game you should excommunicate him from the tf2 community


posted about 8 years ago
#77 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion

hey if i yell at my teammate for dropping an uber am i a bad person?!

posted about 8 years ago
#57 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion

You guys r all talking about how b4nny said that u shud help newer players and are getting mad at him for yelling at psi for making mistakes but what you're forgetting is that psi has played open and b4nny expected psi to do much better

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Does anyone have any usefull hitsounds? in Customization
Sinetii know where to find hitsounds, but they are always too quiet. when i raise the volume of it using audacity it gets distorted. anyway to get around that? i used the exact hitsound avvy posted but it is still too quiet

maybe your sound quality was decreased through a fps config

posted about 8 years ago
#49 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion

hey guys im a bit confused here, why is something not related to the tf2 team "Se7en" being posted on the Se7en youtube channel?!

posted about 8 years ago
#4 How can I improve at meat shots? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#9 b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

He went through a LOT of change very fast, and it seems as if it has had a negative impact on his personality.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 social life after quitting tf2 in Off Topic

play whatever you think is fun, but don't get attached to a specific game, download a bunch of different games and play them all semi equally.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 social life after quitting tf2 in Off Topic

if ur an antisocial nerd then quitting tf2 isnt gonna help lmao.

posted about 8 years ago
#44 Needing some feedback for Soldier movement. in Q/A Help
nopeSpaceCadetIf you want to practice airshots on surfing targets, play endif or spirerecommending the two most garbage mge maps nice

spire airshots are barely airshots because they're just trying to get up to your level, endif is just... what the fuck who even thought it up it's so unlike anything else in this game that it's just a waste of time

endif is great for newer players trying to get a feel for rocket speeds and spire is a great map because the other person is basically always in the air, rarely any fights that won't start out without an airshot

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 ⋅⋅ 198