During quarantine I got this cool idea of overhauling the entire UI, similar to what Sunset HUD does, except with more "functionalist" approach. I spend like 8 hours a day for 2 weeks working around hardcoded elements and other bullshit, until I eventually got burnt out. I'll be busy irl this year so there isn't going to be much work done in the foreseeable future. I've figured I'd put this out here so people can use it. There are also some things I've "discovered" that other hud makers may be interested in.
low effort hud showcase video
basically it has:
- a lot of transparency
- extensive support for animated backgrounds (use multiple images to get around file size limits)
- both class loadouts and backpack (and crafting etc.) buttons accessible from anywhere in the inventory
- class selection wheel (has a few limits)
- team selection as also kinda cool
- tldr: I basically ripped off CSGO's panorama
Not much effort went into HP, ammo and stuff, just enough to make it usable. Scoreboard is stock. There are some issues like missing payload checkpoint icons (fixed), most of them are easy to fix but I just can't be bothered.
I know there are some hud enthusiasts in the community. If someone wants to take this project further just copy it as your own, I don't care. If you need help with something ask here, dm me, or add me on steam.
About the class selection wheel
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I just put bunch of buttons all over the screen to mimic how a selection wheel would work. The only setback is that I can't make them all update the class model on hover (but they work when you click them). The cursor starts in the center, so you can just flick in the class' direction and click to switch (not tested with multiple monitors, you may need something like cursorlock to avoid the cursor going out of TF2)
The hud toggles antialiasing on launch to force reload some hardcoded elements. This slows down launch by about 5 seconds. If you want so skip this add prevent_reload to your autoexec.cfg .
If you use mastercomfig medium-high or higher, you need to create a cfg/user/antialias.cfg file with mat_antialias 4 (or higher). You don't have to do this if you use the medium preset or lower (those have antialiasing off).
the hud on GitHub
also I play on DX8, on DX9 the colors might be a little different
Hypnotize for Sunset HUD (inspiration and base for some of the menus + I used his icons)
JarateKing for his hud editing reference