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SteamID64 | 76561198010637797 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:50372069] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:25186034 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 16, 2019 |
Last Posted | March 4, 2025 at 11:56 PM |
Posts | 164 (0.1 per day) |
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just depends on whats on offer with a promod compared to not. if there was a fully fleshed out promod with built in class tutorials/mechanics improvers/role explanation/general "information consolidation" then I would be in favor. but a promod isn't an objective in it of itself, it's got to offer something more substantive than what we currently have.
i do think that it's worth discussing though. my areas of concern would be whos working on it? how do they plan on integrating currently built infrastructure (leagues, server providers, etc)? is there going to be a push for greater splintering from the base game wrt balance changes, class modifications etc or is it going to be purely a comptf2 promod w/ hardware optimizations? will we be able to airstafe out of airblasts again?
lot to ponder. very exciting though.
Rendoaspervert freak nonsense
anyone who posts stuff like this should be hunted for sport
theyve not released any since ~S11. how else am i supposed to flex on pubbers?
+rep good guy, enjoyed playing with him. dedicated to the grind and will put in the work to improve his own ability
crossposting cos i havent seen it posted here yet:
"After a lot of preparation, we’re happy to announce our latest 6s map testing cup!
The Cup will be free to play and will take place on Aug 24th and 25th!
This map cup is intended to gather extra data on maps that have been played in other regions or have been requested by the player base to be tested. Testing these maps will give us the opportunity to see the value, and receive feedback on these maps. To see if they would hold value in running in sixes season 16.
The cup will run for two days in a double round-robin format with 4-team pods sorted by traditional 6s divisions (NC, AM, IM, etc). Teams in each pod will play every other team twice, never on the same map!
Map Pool and Schedule
The map pool will have a different map for each Group Stage round. The maps will be cp_entropy_b5b, cp_Granary_pro_rc16f, and koth_govan_b6. There will be NO Playoffs scheduled for this cup.
Match schedules for all divisions will be released on Aug 23th, allowing teams to schedule matches at their convenience, However, default times will be set if teams cannot agree on alternate times. The top team at the end of all 6 matches will win their group.There will be a tie-breaker match scheduled in the event of a tie at the top of the standings.
ALL MATCHES MUST BE PLAYED before Aug 25th at 11:59 EDT.
The default schedule* will be as follows, (all times EDT):
Sign-ups end: Aug 22th, 2024
Saturday, Aug 24th - Day 1
Group Stage Round 1: 18:30 EDT - cp_entropy_b5b
Group Stage Round 2: 20:00 EDT - koth_govan_b6
Group Stage Round 3: 21:30 EDT - cp_Granary_pro_rc16f
Sunday, Aug 25th - Day 2
Group Stage Round 4: 18:30 EDT - cp_Granary_pro_rc16f
Group Stage Round 5: 20:00 EDT - koth_govan_b6
Group Stage Round 6: 21:30 EDT - cp_entropy_b5b
*If both teams are ready before the scheduled start time, matches are encouraged to be played early. However, if teams do not want to play beforehand games will be played at default time. All matches must be played before Sunday, Aug 25th 11:59 EST. If a tiebreaker match must be played the players will have until Monday 10:00 EST to play that tiebreaker.
Configs and Map Versions
Control Point (5CP): Each 5CP map has a map timer limit of 30 minutes* and a round timer of 4 minutes. There are no halftimes played, instead matches using the 5CP Progressive Config (rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro.cfg) are continuous until a winner is declared.
The rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro.cfg config will be used for cp_Granary_pro_rc16f, and cp_entropy_b5b
The rgl_6s_koth_match_pro.cfg config will be used for koth_govan_b6
The map versions being used are:
What servers should we use?
All Serveme servers should already have the maps uploaded to them; however, it is highly recommended to download the maps from the link above before connecting to reduce connect time, delays, or other issues for those matches."
ggs everyone in IM. it's been a lot of fun being back on the grind one last time. even though we didn't finish where we wanted I enjoyed every minute massively. before this season started i decided it was gonna be my last season of 6s. i didn't want to leave like some do, where they say they're gonna take a season break and never return. for better or worse this game and the competitive scene have played a big role in my life the last few years. to finish on my own terms is very satisfying.
shout outs to everyone who's ever been on bruh moment - both the ozfortress and RGL iterations. Special mentions to go Lev, Luggnuts, Ozy, Krollic, DubThink (the only person aside from me to play in both region's bruh moments), Loot, Freddo, NK, Antlers, Ggglygy, Brandon_411, Will, Linguini, and Nbr1Rckr. Thank you to everyone I've met through this game - especially the IM contingent at this year's LAN. Thank you to everyone we've ever gotten to play against.
Good luck to the teams still battling it out in playoffs and may the best team win
ryvn5 im teams have been penalized due to being sniped from demos... prec pls come back
ShoeshockerSpreadsheet I threw together. If I made any mistakes dm me on discord (shoeshocker).
this is so fucking based
can we just have granary for main and lower please
posting cos it hasn't been crossposted yet
RGL is pleased to announce that Season 15 of 6v6 dates and registration is open!
To better support players this season, we have included ALL critical pre-season information regarding in THIS article. You will find all important dates for the season, including LAN dates, map pool & order as well as planned playoff information for all divisions. (Playoff details are subject to change, pending final division size)
Important Dates for Season 15
Sunday, April 21st - New Team Registration opens
Sunday, May 12th - New Team Registration closes at 11:59 PM EDT
Monday, May 13th - Invite Qualifiers begin (details to be announced)
Saturday, May 18th - Invite Qualifiers End, Invite division finalized,
Sunday, May 19th - Team placements finalized, Week 1 matches posted
Sunday, May 19th -Division payments are due. Teams MUST have 5 rostered to start the season by 9:30 PM EDT
Monday, May 20th- Week 1 of the Regular Season begins
Sunday, June 23rd - Rosters for all divisions at 11:59 EDT
Sunday July 14th - Last day for rescheduling of Regular Season matches
Sunday July 15th to Sunday July 21st- Break week before Playoffs
Monday, July 22th - Playoffs Begin
Sunday, August 18th - Last day for Playoffs matches
Please note that matches that are scheduled for Thursday, July 4th, will be adjusted to default Wednesday, July 3rd to accommodate Independence Day in the U.S. Teams are welcome to reschedule this match within the regular week schedule as needed.
Player League Fees
Invite: $40 + $12 LAN Sustainable
Advanced: $30 + $5.99 LAN Sustainable
Main: $20 + $3.99 LAN Sustainable
IM: $15 + $2.99 LAN Sustainable
Newcomer and Amateur: FREE
Player Ringer Fees
Invite: $6
Advanced: $5
Main: $4
IM: $3
Newcomer and Amateur: FREE
Invite will be played as a double round-robin, beginning on May 21st with the following schedule:
Tuesday May 21: Week 1A
Thursday May 23: Week 1B
Tuesday May 28: Week 2A
Thursday May 30: Week 2B
Tuesday June 4: Week 3A
Thursday June 6: Week 3B
Tuesday June 11: Week 4A
Thursday June 13: Week 4B
Tuesday June 18: Week 5A
Thursday June 20: Week 5B
Tuesday June 25: Week 6A
Thursday June 27: Week 6B
Tuesday July 2: Week 7A
Wednesday July 3: Week 7B
Invite Playoffs
The RGL Season 15 6v6 Invite Division Playoffs are being held July 20th and 21st at LocalHost LAN Center in Philadelphia, PA. The top Four Invite teams will face off in a double-elimination tournament.
Season 15 MAP pool [NC, AM, IM, Main]
For maps being played this Season that are not maps already included with TF2 by default, please click on the map names below to download the mapname.bsp file and then copy it into your TF2 directory at:\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\
Season 15 Map Pool
Week 1:cp_sunshine
Week 2: cp_reckoner
Week 3: koth_clearcut_b15d
Week 4: cp_snakewater_final1
Week 5: cp_metalworks_f5
Week 6: koth_bagel_rc8
Week 7: cp_gullywash_f9
Week 8 :cp_process_f12
Alternative Maps for IM/Main only:
For 5cp Weeks: cp_villa_b19
For KoTH Weeks: koth_product_final
If teams desire to play the alternative map, they must mutually agree via posts by each team in Match Comms, then notify their Division Admin that an Alternative Map has been chosen.
Invite & Advanced Map Pool
Season 15 Playoffs
This season we will be having a break between the regular season and playoffs. The planned playoff structures for each division listed below (other than Invite) are subject to change pending the number of teams registered. If you have questions regarding playoffs, please message your division admin or mods.
LAN PLAYOFFS- Top 4 Double elimination
12 or more teams: Top 6 Double Elimination
11 teams or fewer: Top 4 Double Elimination
15 or more teams: Top 8 Double Elimination
14-11 teams: Top 6 Double Elimination
10 or fewer: Top 4 Double Elimination
15 or more teams: Top 8 Double Elimination
14-11 teams: Top 6 Double Elimination
10 or fewer: Top 4 Double Elimination
38 teams or more: Top 16 Single Elimination
37 teams or fewer: Top 12 Single Elimination
13 teams or more: Top 8 Single Elimination
12 teams or fewer: Top 6 Single Elimination