Account Details
SteamID64 76561198208382525
SteamID3 [U:1:248116797]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:124058398
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up April 8, 2016
Last Posted November 18, 2024 at 1:37 AM
Posts 32 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2
Windows Sensitivity 10
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Basilisk V3
Keyboard Logitech G815 (Clicky)
Mousepad Steelseries Qck XXL
Headphones Razer Blackshark V2 Pro
Monitor Alienware 240 hz monitor
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#8 jyp lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

bumping 4 next season

posted 3 months ago
#7 jyp lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

bumping, i know its mid season but my team died D:
im willing to sub or main

posted 5 months ago
#43 RGB LAN 7 in LAN Discussion


posted 6 months ago
#6 jyp lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump again for rgb 7

posted 7 months ago
#5 jyp lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump 4 rgb 7

posted 9 months ago
#12 Cheeto Crew. in The Dumpster
Thank you for this post and 2 more cheeto alt bans from anything I control.

Arie, I believe you may have mis-read my post, not investigated into my account at all and falsely banned me. I am making a joke post to shoot shots at cheeto. I have nearly 2500 logs that date as far back as 2014, over 10 seasons with RGL and 10 seasons of UGC. A very brief investigation into my account should easily indicate that I am not a cheeto alt.

posted 11 months ago
#10 Cheeto Crew. in The Dumpster
hobophobiccityplannerSorry I don't speak pedophile. Can someone translate?

I had spent a month trying to decipher this "pedophile" language. Here is what I have:

Some people play Team Fortress 2 to have fun. We at the Cheeto Crew™ are professional child predators and we always say things that are racist or otherwise not nice to say.

The "CP" situation that involves us is justified. We like to play the game sometimes (when we are not being child predators), however because of our (justified) RGL ban it makes us look bad - which is good because we have done plenty of horrible things - we are unable to play as much as we would like to.

However, obviously the Cheeto Crew™ (whom are groomers) are not as bad as neets who no life the game. We do not no-life TF2 (because we are too busy grooming children) so therefore we are way better than these stupid NEETS!!!!!!!!!!

If you would like to apply, you must groom 50 children minimum. Signed by John the brick, -Jessemeatus97 -GamingDemon TonyShart#GameBanana. -CVk -Beats(givesunusualsForfree) Jacob Dicker.

posted 11 months ago
#381 Most aids log? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#6 Custom Skyboxes in Customization

I know that this post has been dead for two months, but I actually managed to get custom skyboxes working.


It also works on sv_pure servers (Such as UncleTopia):


The second image proves that I'm actually on UncleTopia. (Check the top-left corner of the screenshot!)


There is this person named "Justmed" on Game Banana who uploaded some custom skyboxes. You can download the skyboxes, they come in .rar files, and you just open it up, and place the "my_custom_folder" in your tf/custom folder. Here's a link to his Game Banana profile: https://gamebanana.com/members/2631754

posted about a year ago
#4 Custom Skyboxes in Customization
shullers14 year old me was very confused and disappointed when only cheating tutorials showed up when i looked up “custom skyboxes tf2” on youtube

Same as me. The first tutorial I found was how to have any custom skybox with nullcore.

NoNoeWayThere is no way to do it without config cheats in insecure mode, you can't do this while playing. There's a reason you only see this in frag movies.

If you're working on a frag movie, the easiest way is to just use Lawena (a glorified config loader) which has a menu for changing skyboxes (this does not work in normal games!). And if you use HLAE, do not turn off insecure mode and try to connect to normal servers, there's a risk of getting banned.

Also some community maps internally contain the skybox instead of referencing a skybox within TF2's base files. This means that on maps like reckoner, normal skybox replacements do not work and you'd have to play on an alternative version of reckoner with no skybox. So even if you were to do this, it wouldn't work on all maps.

That's a shame. I saw something about modifying map files to get custom skyboxes, and it not working on all maps, so I figured that's what you mentioned at the end. Thank you.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Custom Skyboxes in Customization

I haven't seen any recent threads involving skyboxes, and was wondering if you could still add custom skyboxes in tf2, and use them on all maps.

An example of it is this fragmovie from Toss:


Anyone have any idea of how to do this?

posted about 2 years ago
#4 jyp lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump 4 rgb 6

posted about 2 years ago
#4 LFP RGB LAN in Recruitment (looking for players)

bumpy bump

posted about 2 years ago
#9 RGB lan shoutouts thread in LAN Discussion

Shoutout to the 420 duck squad, especially prograde and MarioManz. it was such a pleasure playing with you two and chilling when we weren't playing tf2. Also prograde's bbq was fucking dope, especially the hamburgers.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 LFP RGB LAN in Recruitment (looking for players)

bump from rgb 5

posted about 2 years ago
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