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Signed Up February 21, 2013
Last Posted July 1, 2016 at 2:39 PM
Posts 39 (0 per day)
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#60 slin's valve visit in Videos
consumonnk0ngzyMikeMattoads_tfi also heard murmurs of transparent viewmodels, that seems like an alright compromise. As much as a love r_drawviewmodel 0, it is important that the game is understandable and visually appealing to the outisder.Why though? Is it really so important to make the game appealing to viewers that we're willing to downgrade the experience for the players? I'm not sure I'm willing to give up no viewmodels just so b4nnys viewers can understand whats going on.
A pointless rant
Theres a big difference between viewmodels and making the game not look like tf2. If valve allows literally everything to be changed, shit like transparent wall textures and spiked models will probably be common as hell.

? You realize things like SV_pure are in the game right? I can't believe I expected more intelligence out of tf.tv than reddit.

Sv_pure can force textures, giving people options to change the already allowed textures would not magically let people replace texture files with transparent wall textures. It seems as though you have no idea how people even did transparent texture edits. You have to completely change the local files, and this would not get through valve's Sv_pure.

People dont put in commands to make their game transparent, cause that would be cause they are using an sv_cheat they replace files. Next dumbass in line please try me.

EDIT: Changing the way a texture looks, doesn't change what the the actual texture is. (that should be a litlte more easy to understand)

posted about 8 years ago
#54 slin's valve visit in Videos
MikeMattoads_tfi also heard murmurs of transparent viewmodels, that seems like an alright compromise. As much as a love r_drawviewmodel 0, it is important that the game is understandable and visually appealing to the outisder.Why though? Is it really so important to make the game appealing to viewers that we're willing to downgrade the experience for the players? I'm not sure I'm willing to give up no viewmodels just so b4nnys viewers can understand whats going on.

This is hilarious because I think I got banned for this same type of position, but I think my posts were a little more out of anger that no one else could see this, but I'm so happy that everyone is talking about hte view models now, rather than when they needed to be talked about, because now it's ultimately too late, and we wont have ability to change it.

I'm not willing to give a single positive mechanic that I can take advantage of because there is no issue with choice and with these updates they should give us more of it. Players can choose left or right handed gun, does this make a difference? I will take view models, but give me the option to put all guns in the center, because this game embodies the same shooter style as quake and I'll be fucking damned if the game plays the same with a viewmodel taking over my screen with a shitty scattergun reload anim, it plays like ass for me, and that's how I feel, and valve's going to ruin this game for b4nny subs.

I should be able to change every damned lighting, texture, tracer, crosshair, smoke trail and explosion that I fucking want to make the game look how I want to fucking look, put your shitty movie configs on during LAN's like they always do.

BUUUT Lets remember nothing's going to happen we already lost this battle because B4nny gave into them like an autistic brony in an anime RP guild.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 slin's valve visit in Videos


I figure Valve would take the same balance philosophy towards weapons and items the same way they would view heroes in dota.

There is a ranked matchmaking and a normal.

In ranked certain things are available and some "heroes" are not, and I think we will see a list of "bans", will you say, until valve can analyze gameplay statistics in matchmaking to better understand how they will change the more problematic weapons.

I'm so happy I'm finally unbanned and I can continue my productive conversation about the update prior to its arrival.

EDIT: Also knowing the way Valve did the ruleset for CSGO, I think they will try to assume all control once their ingame competitive system has enough of a playbase to warrant their intervention/control as it did in CS (Most all game companies have control over tournaments/rulesets now, contrary to what I wish)

posted about 8 years ago
#43 TF2 Pre Update for 6/22/16 in TF2 General Discussion
flatlinethe difference is that the tf2 team is not the csgo team

BRO CSGO USED TO HAVE THE SAME AMOUNT OF DEVELOPER INVOLVEMENT AS TF2 LMFAO. Everyone thought it was like 3 guys doing everything.

Kids dont know when a fucking veteran is in their presence.

TF2 is valve, that's all that matters.

posted about 8 years ago
#37 TF2 Pre Update for 6/22/16 in TF2 General Discussion
saamk0ngzycan't wait for 60 tic deathmatches with viewmodels. It's exactly what b4nny envisioned for PC gaming and competitive TF2 as a whole.
you complain a lot for someone who's literally never played a competitive tf2 match

You dont complain enough and that's what makes you a weak frail beta autist.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 TF2 Pre Update for 6/22/16 in TF2 General Discussion
chowsterrplease let me use mat_phong 0

LMFAOif they are forcing viewmodels, do you think they are going to let you change specular and phong??? Bro i've been through all of this with CSGO, everyone was fighting for these things 4 years ago in beta, like commands to improve the game and fighting for 128 tic matchmaking.

The only difference with the TF2 community is that it's filled with furries, virgins and neckbeards who can't actually stand up for a single mechanic that is preferred.

All of you are disgusting. Have some pride.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 TF2 Pre Update for 6/22/16 in TF2 General Discussion

can't wait for 60 tic deathmatches with viewmodels. It's exactly what b4nny envisioned for PC gaming and competitive TF2 as a whole.

posted about 8 years ago
#46 your entire time with tf2 in Off Topic

So many careers no one has heard of and so many walls of text no one will read.

posted about 8 years ago
#76 Valve Visit in TF2 General Discussion
the301stspartanI don't know where you're getting this idea from lmao.

Valve isn't locked into doing anything, and no matter what they say or do, they won't ever "get locked" into doing or saying anything they don't want to. I have no idea what even makes you think that.
Valve make 2 million dollars a day from selling pixel items to dota, cs and pub tf2 players and there is NOTHING you or I or anyone else can do about that. They can give away ANY amount of information they please at ANY time and they can change this behavior ANY time at their discretion without ANY problems whatsoever. If they give monthly development updates and then stop, people will be irritated and nothing will change. If they give updates only when something major is underway and sometimes don't deliver, people will be hyped and then disappointed and nothing will change.
This is exactly what happened with end of the line and NOTHING HAPPENED. The gazillions of youtube videos complaining about duck update didn't change a thing about the ludicrous amounts of shekels that valve made with said ducks.
They have nothing to lose with transparency and communication. And in a time where they are trying to promote a competitive mode in an e-sports scene where it has become commonplace for developers to be involved closely with their communities, they only have to gain.

As a pub player, I wouldn't want to get involved in a competitive beta that the devs themselves don't seem to acknowledge, where I have to find out about tf.tv to get any info about what matchmaking is all about, and where said info consists of "I ate sandwiches with Valve and I'm not telling you anything about it".

I'm not as calm as you because I have seen what Valve can do to a game full of die hard fans. Quake is quake because if the developers took it anywhere else, it wouldn't have been the same game and the players wouldn't have played it, (Quake 4). If they force viewmodels, a direct negative response will happen, and it will cause more and more updates to aid the gentrification of the community for the benefit of Valve's pockets the same way that they changed small things in CSGO for 4 years, every month I was more and more disappointed and now the latest update comes out with a noise that lets you know when you're low on ammo? Is this the direction we want to take with TF2?

I'm tired of quitting games I love because of this.

posted about 8 years ago
#56 Odd TF2 FPS Trick Found in TF2 Files in Customization
ComangliaEvolvingEnviousI didn't make this thing, it is just a trick that you can do, it is just to give you higher graphics as well, if it's crappier then it is crappier, I didn't make it and some people actually happen to like it, so how 'bout you just leave it as this, and pay attention to other things then this, if you don't like this, then ignore it.
I haven't tried this "trick" but I do have to comment that you're a horribly rude person who doesn't think shit through. You find a possible FPS improvement and post about it and give really shitty / almost non-existent instructions and then you act like a dick to people who don't know exactly know how you did it, and then you instantly write off anyone who questions your method. Now I'm not perfect at this either but this is something you've consistently done in the last 5 or so threads you've made.

Also you have no empirical evidence, which is why people question your method(s). For reference when I released my FPS config I posted benchmarks comparing mine to Chris's and m0re's. I even followed through to test huds and document it and including info on a few of the commands I changed and what they most likely did.

Oh shit ur here, well I hope I didn't mess anything up in my investigation of every command. Please tell me if i missed something !

posted about 8 years ago
#55 Odd TF2 FPS Trick Found in TF2 Files in Customization

mat_antialias "0" //Zero will default to 1 on start up regardless, otherwise tf2 would load with black screen. See below .
r_fastzreject "0" //This seems to be hardware dependent, but most fps configs have it at 0
mat_reducefillrate "0" //Needs to be 1
mat_forceaniso "1" //Why on earth would you force aniso, needs 0
mat_picmip "0"
mat_trilinear "0"
mat_forcehardwaresync" "1" //Needs 0, not 1
mat_specular "0"
mat_parallaxmap "0" //I'm not fucking with this because of this post.
r_shadowrendertotexture "0"
r_waterforceexpensive "0"
r_waterforcereflectentities "0"
r_rootlod "1"
mat_vsync "0"
mat_bumpmap "0"
r_screenfademinsize "200" //needs to be zero
r_screenfademaxsize "300" // ''
mat_softwarelighting "1" //Needs to be 0, not 2
dsp_slow_cpu "1"
r_shadows "0"
r_drawdetailprops "0"
r_drawmodeldecals "0"
r_drawflecks "0"
props_break_max_pieces "2" //needs to be 0 not 2
r_dynamic "0"
cl_ejectbrass "0"
cl_detaildist "0"
cl_detailfade "0"
r_dopixelvisibility "0"
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware "0"
These are commands that compliment some of the already existing sound commands.
dsp_enhance_stereo 0
snd_async_fullyasync 1
snd_pitchquality 0

The random numbers denote how many useless commands and otherwise weird shit I had to remove.

I just spiled my cofee evrywhere hal;p[

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Odd TF2 FPS Trick Found in TF2 Files in Customization

r_decal_cullsize "15"

Jay StellyOriginally that convar improved performance by making decals smaller than a certain number of pixels stop drawing. This improved performance. It never made decals larger or more visible; it just made them pop out at some distance.

For Left4Dead we rewrote the underlying decal renderer and computing the screenspace LOD metric per decal to implement culling actually reduced performance since the underlying renderer used so much less CPU. So in the new code it's faster to just draw the decals than to test each one to see if it's small enough to remove. So we removed the convar/test to improve performance since that was the whole point of having the convar in the first place.

The performance of the decal renderer without culling now is much better than the old decal renderer was with aggressive culling plus it looks better because decals aren't popping out anymore.
posted about 8 years ago
#50 Odd TF2 FPS Trick Found in TF2 Files in Customization

Dont use this shit. I'm finding more and more commands that have little to no explanation from the performance side of the game.

"r_portal_stencil_depth "1" for example.

posted about 8 years ago
#49 Odd TF2 FPS Trick Found in TF2 Files in Customization

Hell, there's a shit ton of good commands missing from this list that compliment 50% of the listed

posted about 8 years ago
#47 Odd TF2 FPS Trick Found in TF2 Files in Customization
EvolvingEnviousIt is different for EVERY computer on it, it is best to use what it says for your proper hardware.

While I do not have the time to go through every command, i can say that atleast 85% of these commands are not different on each computer and you're ultimately speaking directly out of your ass.

The posted above commands ARE going to be the same COMMANDS you will see. If you're getting lower FPS than usual, it's because the value at the end of some of the convars are not appropriate for increased performance.

ie: before I was running no lod and specular, but after i directly copy and paste every command and it's value like a moron, I lose FPS cause I already had better values for the same commands running.

posted about 8 years ago
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