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Signed Up February 21, 2013
Last Posted July 1, 2016 at 2:39 PM
Posts 39 (0 per day)
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#42 Odd TF2 FPS Trick Found in TF2 Files in Customization

Jesus Christ people are bad at life.

These are the fucking commands.


I'm not going to fuck around with this shit, but just about every one of these commands should already be in your autoexec if you know anything about config'n.

EDIT: Just to clarify, if your game's currently being played with things like "mat_specular 1" and increased levels of detail, simply copying and pasting these into a config will do you zero good. You have to make sure the values are set to the appropriate number for increased performance.

You're definitely no Ron Jeremy

posted about 8 years ago
#1 I went to Valve HQ in The Dumpster

Well not neccessarily, I was on the top of the building next door with a bug in GabeN's shirt, but I can tell you with 100% certainty, that this update is going to be the bees kne--wait no.. It will be best neato bean burrito the game has ever seen. I can confirm that Valve is doing everything in their power to make this game great, and as much as people like to act like they dont, they know what they are doing.

I had to filter through about 5 hours of knife sharpening, but after awhile I finally intercepted the soundbyte metadata through the bug in GabeN's shirt. I overheard their strategy to balance the game, analyze flaws, and quickly fix any bug known to man.

I can't tell you everything I heard about the update because Gabe gave me HL3 for me to vow my silence, but this update looks mega wicked.

I do NOT know their plans for competitive, or future updates, or anything -- and anything I say regarding the future of TF2 is from my perspective on their development process, NOT from specific update details that I know. The next update could be terrible or amazing, big or small, and I have no idea what their real plans are.

posted about 8 years ago
#45 Valve Visit in TF2 General Discussion
Getawhalek0ngzyIt's not assurance, and that's my point, there is no fucking assurance if he can't provide factual evidence that the game is changing for the better, it's just fodder meant to sway opinion. Like I said in my post, he provided us with a status update of his life, not an information update regarding TF2.
Everything you are posting is stupid

In a community so full of people brainlessly declaring the game is dead, it's nice to get different tidbits and perspectives from multiple people who have spoken to or met with Valve. Yes, we'd all prefer concrete, thorough, details. You're not winning coolness points by bitching about downfrags. We're all impatient with this update. Just stop.

I never said I wanted concrete info... You're right, there's lots of brainless people here. I'm saying this entire post is pointless. There is no tidbits of information, there is no perspectives, there's one perspective you dumbass, and it's "hype neato bean burrito" That's the extent of these tidbits you enjoy so much.

EDIT: if anyone says this game is dead they are just flat out wrong, but the competitive side is definitely suffering in terms of players, but it is still active and not hard to find competitive format games, but definitely small.

posted about 8 years ago
#39 Valve Visit in TF2 General Discussion
Geel9You're never going to get information on future updates from valve. You can't promise those sorts of things in their position.


k0ngzyLike I said in my post, he provided us with a status update of his life, not an information update regarding TF2.

EDIT: In case you dont follow, I was responding to him on how you weren't assuring anything. I'm not asking for concrete information like you propose above.

posted about 8 years ago
#36 Valve Visit in TF2 General Discussion
JarateKingk0ngzyscheming capitalist scum geelYou can say "we want info, not teasers or guarantees that it'll be good" without having to be a dick.

I think we can all agree that it really feels like valve is on their own island, rarely communicating and even when they do (like now) usually with a "but don't tell anyone." Which is disappointing, obviously, for a few reasons and is probably something to sort out more properly in the near future. But it is nice to get some more assurance that valve's tf2 team is competent and dedicated, and that's all geel's trying to say and all you can take his post as.

It's not assurance, and that's my point, there is no fucking assurance if he can't provide factual evidence that the game is changing for the better, it's just fodder meant to sway opinion. Like I said in my post, he provided us with a status update of his life, not an information update regarding TF2.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 Valve Visit in TF2 General Discussion

Well I for one am happy to know that you have spoken about these things with Valve, and i'm more happy to know that the same company that is driving the CS and DotA names into the dirt with sticker capsules, operation packs, battle passes, and tree cutting challenges, is the one who can't directly tell the TF2 community anything without you giving us crumbs of the sandwich you had. All my confidence is now behind the TF2 team, I now think that they are going to be able to swindle millions of people into thinking they are playing "competitive" when in reality they are participating in glorified pubs for rank, hats, emotes, and MAYBE, they'll let us change the color of our text ingame!

Maybe I'm venting a little, but these are issues nevertheless. BUT

All in all, without sarcasm, I am actually now hyped for this update more than ever because in your effort to respond to my post, you exposed that you might have actually had meaningful conversation with the TF2 team.

This shows that you care. <3

But then again you could be telling me what I want to hear. :)

posted about 8 years ago
#31 Valve Visit in TF2 General Discussion

Sorry to seem confrontational, but "The way they find, identify, and solve problems is very impressive." creates questions. finding, identifying, and solving problems is in no way a individual skill or secret to success/formula for balancing/fixing gameplay/ui. It's a goal that requires resources, like time and money, and if TF2 team sees the monetary advantages in paying people to "find, identify, and solve problems" they will do so for the sole interest in lining their pockets, this is business. No one would have had the lunch with you, if it weren't to increase your pockets, and theirs.

As it stands you're a man with a vested interest in the success and hype of this next update and you did nothing but tell us you had lunch and that you wont tell us anything else.

Not that I agree, but this is the exact type of awful communication that people in the community are harping over.

If you and b4nny go to HQ to discuss issues, and you and him don't act as ambassadors for our gameplay options, you're only there for self interests.

I don't necessarily want a response, and quite frankly I don't think this post warrants one. I think you should read, and feel disgusted to even make such a lousy post that quite frankly reads: (tl:dr) "yeah so me and b4nny make our money from TF2, and I hope you can grip onto these words long enough to stick around, buy a competitive 'operation' pass when it comes out, and support this amazing game and all of it's skins and hats"

Show us you care, and how about we start with the illogical decision that stands about viewmodels and how we will have to have them enabled in MM. How about you talk about one damn bad Idea that they had, because we all know they have one or two, instead of feeding us the, "it was great time, many sandwich but my lips are sealed, oh and the way they approach issues is totally cool"

You could have put your entire post in under 144 characters.

"I went to valve and had lunch! We talked about their brainstorming and problem solving process! Very inspirational!"

And hell you got another 25 characters to make a nice long 8=======================D

EDIT: Full confrontation.

EDIT 2: Downfrags are cool, as long as they dont censor content. I'm perplexed by the psychology that is behind perturbed virgins that disagree with what I say then subsequently use a Downfrag to show it rather than typing out a well worded response and how I'm incorrect.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 ESL to host 100k Overwatch tournament in Esports

Game will be dead in 3 months, TF2 will have economic and competitive prosperity for the next 3 years followed by a potential recreation of the game on a newer engine. These are the goals.

posted about 8 years ago
#400 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
dizastaSetletBirdyrockspeople who think this game was better vanilla are idiots, gunboats made this game so much more fun to play and watch
Maybe it made it more fun to watch, but playing against it wasn't fun and even today I still hold a grudge against it. Goes to the same category as equalizer/bonk/sandvich. At least some of those unlocks are still banned/nerfed.

Exactly, I don't know what makes people think gunboats are an acceptable unlock, it's just dumb shit like every other unlock.

Gun boats are fine in a 6v6 format, and you might as well fucking remove the shotgun its so redundant, that's my unpopular opinion.

posted about 8 years ago

FPS Veterans


Get ready for the thunda!

posted about 8 years ago
#16 LFT Scout/Roam in Recruitment (looking for team)

#15 I don't remember you LOL, you should add me on steam!

Thanks for that, I forgot about that thread.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 LFT Scout/Roam in Recruitment (looking for team)

I do not understand why you guys do a background check, you could just ask me. I also played in one of the last CAL seasons on source with a clan. Back in 2007ish. Some dumb team, I was young and went by something like "Retardead" or something. (I was 10.)

posted about 11 years ago
#13 LFT Scout/Roam in Recruitment (looking for team)


No? I don't think so, I never even played TF2 seriously. If you could link me. Touche.

I change my alias because I'm an indecisive little kid. I have gone by wh1temaN, k0ngzy, tk0, fragmatic, and a lot others.

Gamertag is k0ngzy or Kongzy on XBL if you would like to look at my hours on Halo.(Idk if you can) You can take a look at my hours on this account my hours on other account that was VAC Banned due to 1.6 editing files(HLAE). (It's a total of 1750 hours or something. I have another few thousand on an account that was hacked in 2008.) My ESEA profile I have had since 2010 but the account reflects 2013 because I do not do reoccurring payments and have to resubscribe.

Because I do not play Counter-Strike anymore, I use ESEA To mainly troll on the forums. Here is the link to my account. http://play.esea.net/users/532926

posted about 11 years ago
#9 LFT Scout/Roam in Recruitment (looking for team)

#7 I know I'm not literally great, calm down. It's just an approximation as of 130 hours on TF2.

I was, they weren't doing enough for me. I just bought Red Bull.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 LFT Scout/Roam in Recruitment (looking for team)

Just ambition.

posted about 11 years ago
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