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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted May 20, 2024 at 9:02 PM
Posts 537 (0.1 per day)
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Headphones CM Storm Sirus
Monitor ViewSonic something
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#3 i55 Invite R2 – The Last Resort vs. Reason Gaming in Matches

Ye that's basically 18.7 hours since sunday.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Fully Charged! Europe vs. North America - Episode 29 in Events

Some people (YANKS!) were late. Do they even care????

Should go live soon.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Penciljumping: is it any good? in TF2 General Discussion

I always thought pencil jumping was when you do a really shit jump with very little forward momentum and no strafing.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Team Leading Incentives (If You're LFT READ THIS) in TF2 General Discussion

if i make all the teams can i have all the keys

posted about 9 years ago
#52 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion

Should make double donks only occur when the cannonball is actually primed part way so you can't just tap spam it. Hitbox should probably be fixed as well but it's not the biggest problem with it.

posted about 9 years ago
#162 Do froyotech care? in TF2 General Discussion
SideshowCondoMWhat a fucking joke.
Not a single team was playing with its full roster so the cup could be played when Froyo could play and then froyo just fuck off and don't even show up. And not just froyo fucking off but the fact that no results can be drawn from this cup as it was literally just mixes playing other mixes, massive delays and practically half of the scheduled games actually got played. Really REALLY needs better organizing.
Think about how all that looks to zowie when they decide to sponsor a tournament for our scene - and valve, who mentioned the tournament on their site which gathered a shitton of views.

It just simply makes the tf2 competitive scene look like a fucking joke which to be fair, today, it was.

NOTHING to do with the organisation that everyone was playing with mixes.

Teams are offered a $500 tournament. 10 teams are approached, all given the dates a month in advance and asked to raise any issues. We change the date of the event to suit teams about 4 times before it is finalised a few weeks later.

If even with that amount of forewarning and liaising with the organiser there are no teams without 2 ringers then it's just a consequence of the teams not planning well enough or people genuinely being too busy to commit time to TF2. It's not on me to make sure you're not using mix teams you fucknuggets! I gave you long enough to plan ahead and choose subs, along with incentive to do it.That is nothing to do with the organisation (which was bad re: delays and pretty much nothing else since david is a boss and covered for me perfectly).

I have to disagree with a lot of this to be honest. Maybe other teams had a different experience, but we were never contacted regarding a finalised date and time. I had a vague idea because I discussed it with you initially, but it wasn't till I stumbled upon the dates elsewhere that I learned they were finalised. I even said at the time that it would be much better to stick to a series of weeknights as getting an entire weekend free two weeks before LAN would be quite tough, considering anyone who works already had to get a weekend off in the same time period.

As for the times, they were not made clear to the teams until the official announcement that was put out 10 days before the event. The bulk of people missing today were absent because of unavoidable commitments, mainly work, which cannot be rearranged with 10 days notice for most people and would not have been rearranged for something that was not confirmed or finalized. Hafficool being absent from the final group A game was caused by it being delayed so much by a ddos, as well as other teams being late (and possibly an escaped chicken)

Furthermore, two of the teams had their Saturday schedule changed entirely when their groups were switched with a few days notice for some nonsensical reason. I don't know if this particularly affected the roster Lego showed up with, but with all this combined, it seems kind of ridiculous to say it couldn't be better organised in terms of schedule and communication with teams.

last note: This is more of a suggestion than critique, but I think it would be a lot better to create a document/email that is sent to all invited teams and provides full details of the tournament. Word-of-mouth is very iffy even when it's teams discussing amongst themselves. It might be almost a week or more after you casually tell me the proposed dates before I'm with my team on mumble, and then when I relay that information they are required to go away and check their schedule, come back and double check the dates (they have nothing official to refer to), then the next time we are on mumble we forget to discuss it because we had a hectic game or something. I'm rambling at this point with vague examples, but you see what I mean I hope. Obviously, none of this is an organiser's fault, but it's a very obvious and preventable problem if there is something concrete to refer to.It's not normally an issue or excuse for regular competitions because they are public, meaning the dates and times have to be published way in advance. I can see why you delay announcing invite tournaments until the best moment from a marketing standpoint, but they should still be something official to refer to behind the scenes for those involved.

Also sorry for terrible grammar, dictating is aids.

posted about 9 years ago
#56 Do froyotech care? in TF2 General Discussion
DanceNumberspammyJesus Christ, TF2 team actually mentioned our small community AND organized a tournament to hype everyone before i55? I feel honored, it feels so good to be a tf2 player. Thanks Evrews.
News posts literally mean fuck all. No one reads anything but the the blog.

Beaters trailer got 20k views in a day (that's quadruple what his average videos get in their lifetime). While that's not MASSIVE, it's a pretty substantial difference.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Map location nicknames in TF2 General Discussion

never forget gandalfs cave

posted about 9 years ago
#159 Razer Arena - TF2 Frag Fest (EU&NA) in TF2 General Discussion

Waited negative infinity minutes to check in. Please send help.

posted about 9 years ago
#42 i55: Three Weeks Out in News

dignitas forever

posted about 9 years ago
#25 Please use mp_tournament_readymode 1. in TF2 General Discussion

We tried this shortly after the update and encountered numerous issues (was running default hud as none were fixed yet, so wasn't a hud thing). Did something change and it actually works now?

posted about 9 years ago
#137 Razer Arena - TF2 Frag Fest (EU&NA) in TF2 General Discussion

Really discourages lower teams to signup. They have to rush home from school/work and get their shit sorted to get fucked in 5 minutes and be out.

Also theres a command, I'm not sure what it is (maybe someone can fill in for me) that prevents friendly players pushing each other around when they make contact. It's enabled on all eu competitive games and would be nice to have it in these cups.

posted about 9 years ago
#127 Razer Arena - TF2 Frag Fest (EU&NA) in TF2 General Discussion

Any chance the wednesday cups could start a bit later (1-2 hours)? Would really like to play these but people can't get home from work in time.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Coleman vs Seagull - The Real Story in Videos

Confirmed, but I never touched seagull. Pretty sure he was pissed at the yelling that went on for 10 minutes before he actually stood up. Absolving myself boys.

posted about 9 years ago
#78 Razer Arena - TF2 Frag Fest (EU&NA) in TF2 General Discussion
fatswimdudebrooky12There's only one excuse for not playing and that's because you're busy at the time

And who the fuck is busy at 3pm on a Sunday
to be fair 7 hours on a sunday is a long ass time to dedicate to video games for a lot of people

I'm not sure if the American tournament can actually last seven hours (the European one cannot), but for 90% of teams it definitely won't go anywhere near that long. Might as well play and see how you do and if you end up going all the way; worry about it at the time.

posted about 9 years ago
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