wickedplayer494Part 2:
TF TeamSoldier
Crusader's Crossbow
- Bolt healing is very high and significantly out-heals the Medigun when the target is in combat. This might be okay given the trade-offs (risk-vs-reward of ranged shots hitting and the opportunity cost, no overheal). However, it's also the fastest way to build Ubercharge - under the right conditions (e.g. corner damage farming with the Medic behind cover).
- Changes:
- Ubercharge gain rate reduced in the same way that the Medigun's healing (and therefore, Ubercharge build rate) is - based on the last time the target was in combat
- Reduced by a third when 1 - 10 seconds outside of combat, and scales up to normal over 10 - 15 seconds
I don't understand what they mean by this change. Medigun builds exclusively based on time spent healing, not how many heals are put out. Only thing that impacts it is buffing at high health builds slower right?
Does this mean the Crossbow will now do less healing and require "crit heals" or have they added a new mechanic where Uber builds slower if you recently took damage while healing remains uneffected?
I always thought it was strange that crit heals don't build Uber faster, but this update note reads like valve don't understand how the mechanic currently works.