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Signed Up July 31, 2012
Last Posted April 21, 2024 at 6:09 PM
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#37 gay in TF2 General Discussion

my favorite gay is tojo. rock on

honorable mention to corsa

posted about 4 years ago
#34 Halo Reach MCC release date in Other Games

need halo 3

posted about 4 years ago
#30 Halo Reach MCC release date in Other Games

it sucks

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Now that the cat's out of the bag in TF2 General Discussion

yeah I couldn't agree more, rewind 2 was amazing, but I ended up going for a walk during what seemed like a solid 15 mins of overwatch and a super sad vibe like wtf were they thinking??

even completely ignoring recent events, maybe a good time to bring up how big of a disappointment a lack of rewind 3 was for all of us? the past 3 years or so, the people in charge of this community (aside from community heads who actually play the game at a high level) have had a super poor track record when it comes to everything from organizing events to organizing shit online

the juxtaposition of forced professionalism and complete incompetence is honestly fucking laughable.

also, yeah really cool for sideshow to come out and say that at the end of the doc, it doesn't really change the fact it seemed like a massive advertisement for an awful game that we all know is worse than tf2

id like to edit this to mention the fact that while i feel like im a little irritated at the current state of affairs, *obviously* people who give their time away to support this game are good people (its a great game) but hearing about some of the stuff with BTS was honestly a complete joke, its nice to play nice and do nice feelings but really our community is not in a good spot and there should have been a much larger recognition by our community leaders of our game's state as a hobby and not an esport

posted about 4 years ago
#295 BTS TF2 insanity in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 4 years ago
#58 Can you justify why you're not vegan in Off Topic

i was vegan for 2 years and couldnt maintain a healthy weight while exercising/gaming all day, i ended up losing way too much weight.

stopped when i was riding my bike home down the street from a friends, I did a sprint and felt something go wrong in my heart. I honestly felt like I had a small heart attack or something. now I eat lean meat/fish and kerrygold etc and I am way healthier. my macros were way off being vegan, like 80% carbs

i don't eat meat all day but my body just prefers having 30-40% of my diet be meat. learned the hard way

posted about 4 years ago
#6 What Genre of Music Do You Play? in Music, Movies, TV

i play jazz guitar and love playing bossa nova. its fun and makes me happy. :3

posted about 4 years ago
#19 Alternative Strategy : Heavy to replace P.Soldier in TF2 General Discussion

try running a full time heavy in the flank scout spot on granary and gullywash outside mids

posted about 4 years ago
#30 TF2 Bans in TF2 General Discussion



week ban

posted about 4 years ago
#10 Transportation in LAN Discussion

wrap each component individually w/ bubble wrap, leave mobo inside case. wrap monitor in a bunch of towels

posted about 4 years ago
#31 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion

yo can it just be like esea with a way smaller round reset timer

posted about 4 years ago
#24 creepiest person in tf2 and why? in The Dumpster

honestly dude UltimatePenisGuy was a way better alias like fr but i appreciate u coming out and saying what u think bro

posted about 5 years ago
#17 creepiest person in tf2 and why? in The Dumpster

teh creepiest person in the game is banny cause hes so good its insanely creepy how good he is man

posted about 5 years ago
#13 creepiest person in tf2 and why? in The Dumpster

OP is a pussy lol

posted about 5 years ago
#7 I ask of whistling advice from the whistlers of tf in Off Topic

its both your lips and your tongue like smitty says, also make sure your lips arent chapped :3

posted about 5 years ago
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