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Signed Up August 17, 2023
Last Posted August 17, 2023 at 7:51 PM
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#4 [Help] Game taking too long to load into a server in Q/A Help
durzothe seal update caused everyone on my friends list, me included, to take nearly 3x as long to load into servers. it's genuinely insane that so few other people seem to have noticed it. for people with fast computers, 3-4 second load times are now easily 10+ seconds, but for people with slower computers like some of my friends, their old 15-20 second load times are now sometimes so long that they literally cannot join the server before it times them out. i know i don't have a solution for this but just wanted to throw my 2 cents in and say that this is, from what i understand, a universal issue caused by the latest update

i find it bizarre. the posts i linked in mine are just a few of the ones you can find of people detailing the same issue, yet no one is discussing it at all. appreciate you giving your pov on this a lot, cause hopefully if enough people talk abt it, it will get noticed and adressed by someone or even valve. ty very much

crespiIn addition to the slower join time, one little detail I noticed is that the loading screen goes completely black for a few seconds before coming back, right before you finally join the server. I don't think that used to be a thing.

havent noticed this happening to me but it definetly isn't something it used to do. at least i dont think so

posted 9 months ago
#1 [Help] Game taking too long to load into a server in Q/A Help

so my game has been taking an ungodly amount of time to actually load into a match, like load the map, and i have no idea what could be causing this. ive tried everything i could think of

  • re-install tf2;
  • remove files from the custom folder;
  • remove config files;
  • remove startup commands;
  • verified files;
  • stopped antivirus;
  • used ccleaner to clean stuff;
  • updated drives.
  • changing dxlevel
  • updating mastercom
  • updating hud and other custom files

and nothing changed.
so i thought i should ask here to see if anyone has any ideia what might be happening. this is also all very recent, it ran perfectly fine, still does honestly once i do get in a match, its just that recently after these last few updates the game has been doing this.
it also seems to not be just a me problem, as other people have been experiencing something similar:

posted 9 months ago