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Signed Up November 10, 2013
Last Posted August 24, 2017 at 12:41 PM
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#8 Suggestions for high end headphones/sound cards? in Hardware

Yeah that why I asked, the HD598 are quite tame. They're a good all rounder, but really laid back and relaxed. Right now I have some Beyer DT990 Pro and I really enjoy their low end, even tho they are more of a V sound signature, with really nice bass and highs, but the mids are not their strong point.

What I'd recommend would be something along the lines of an HD650 (for something more refined, but still dark) or Fidelio X2 (for something just more fun and plug'n'play).

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Suggestions for high end headphones/sound cards? in Hardware

Nowadays I'd recommend a DAC over a dedicated Sound Card. For about 199$ you can get a Schiit Stack (Magni+Modi) or for 279, if I'm not mistaken, an ODAC + O2 combo. Both are DAC's + AMP, which should power just about any headphone you throw at them.

If you only need to power something relatively easy to drive like the HD598 (that only has a peak in impedance in the low end), you should be fine with just the DAC component of what I reccomended above. What is the sound signature that you like?

Also regarding source material, most music nowadays is garbage, even if 320 kbps. So much compression totally ruins the songs, and this is clearly noticeable when you go back to amazingly recorded jazz songs from the 70's or 80's

posted about 9 years ago
#19 i5 or i7 for TF2 specifically? in Hardware

Just get an overclockable i5 (if you don't plan to stream) or an overclockable i7 (if you do stream). TF2 wants GHz, and you can easily feel a frame rate improvement just by overclocking to something like 4.2 GHz

posted about 9 years ago
#214 i55 in TF2 General Discussion

This is only helping that the tf2 community sets up in another big community lan rather than the insomnia series... Could be cheaper as well ^^

Also good idea admirable I guess :)

posted about 9 years ago
#3 wireless adapters in Off Topic

Powerline connectors are also a interesting solution for when routing cables is not an option. Be sure that the electrical connection of the house supports them tho.

posted about 9 years ago
#70 E3 Megathread in Other Games
PolartfKingdom Hearts 3 Im fucking crying guys

So much this boysss, gonna have to buy a next gen console tho :c

posted about 9 years ago
#28 WHERE ARE THE STARS in Off Topic

tfw no stars :c

posted about 9 years ago
#55 i55 Showmatch #1: Ascent vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Events

next community fundraiser is going to be a server in the middle of the atlantic, exclusively for tf2 showmatches

posted about 9 years ago
#14 ETF2L Premiership Week 3: Reason Gaming vs. The Last Resort in Events
tonythetigerherr_p probably wont be able to make the game
reason denied all mercs so far (me, zebbosai, nukkye & kiler4fun)
kiler hasnt even played since last season and doesnt snipe, I dont understand it

m8 I got dat sick pyro offclass, what u talking about

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Ascent and Froyotech need your help! in News

Valve pls sponsor i series with ingame items? I can dream right?

posted about 9 years ago
#14 French TF2 legend is (not) verified to join TLR? in TF2 General Discussion
FlickerTwiggyHerr_PAlso knoxx is just backuping.

Sorry to destroy your hopes, sideshow can still rate us worse than dogs if he wanna.

pretty sure i heard that some seasons ago

But didn't KnOxXx become TLR's pocket because Rising had a broken arm at that time ?

I don't think those kind of circumstances will happen again, KnOxXx will probably stay backup.

who knows if KnoxXx didn't make a trip to Germany to break Rising's arm?


posted about 9 years ago
#45 i55 Fundraiser: Ascent + Froyotech! in News
blazesnowblindLast year I learned that they pretty much only won if they could backcap, so we’ll see what gimmick they rely on this time around to put rounds on the board.
don't know if i'd say this in an interview asking the community for donations for the 4th year in a row....seems pretty harsh. you guys did win the finals pretty convincingly but the europeans were all impressive players to me and were extremely welcoming to us during our stay

I think it was more friendly banter than anything else to spark some rivalry..

Also it's obvious I won't be playing scout to backcap this time.......

I'll use a spy :3

posted about 9 years ago
#131 TF2 Legacy videos, round 2! in Videos

Yey beater, welcome back and kick the ass of those exams ^^

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Eddie Hall 60kg > 420kg > 60kg pyramid deadlift in Off Topic

Dude is a giant, tfw he speed deadlifts ur max :c

posted about 9 years ago
#72 Dad bods (Bodybuilding 2015) in Off Topic
Hallowkiler4funHallowits just bothering me that i'm expected to sacrifice good things in my life for apparently looking interestingThink of it as an RPG, you're just grinding to get dem sick statsbut rpgs where grinding gets you nowhere (ie no additional content, just stats) are regularly critisised for it

I think that unlocking achievements of lifting heavy stuff is pretty good... Each PR is a new achievement u unlock.

posted about 9 years ago
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