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Signed Up June 15, 2019
Last Posted April 28, 2021 at 4:08 PM
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#84 Get quake-like textures/high LOD bias again in Customization

does it work on linux ?

posted about 3 years ago
#6 Playing tf2 on linux in TF2 General Discussion
Legit_LurkkimasterTF2is it convient tho for config edits/changing huds and this stuff?it is the exact same as windows

no dxlevel tho

posted about 3 years ago
#14 good pc bad fps in Q/A Help
ComangliakimHey, so i just replaced an old potato desktop with a laptop and here are the specs :
Intel i7 4810MQ
16gb ram
Intel HD 4600 + NVIDIA QUADRO K2100m(2gb)
60hz monitor
kimin game max temps are :
Core0: 98°C
Core1 :91°C
Core2 :90°C

Core3 :76°C
I thought 98 was too much until i made research and found that i7 4thgen MQ can go max 100 on laptops and is normal

Highlighted some problems for you.

The explanation

Laptops inherently run hot and slower largely due to the extra heat. The primary issue is that a laptop can't dissipate that heat as fast as a desktop can because the components are smashed in together, covered in plastic and have shitty fans.
CPUs the like Intel i7 4810MQ will throttle themselves when they reach their max operating temperature in order to not get to hot and completely fail, it will keep throttling itself more and more so long as it's operating near it's max operating temperature.

There could be a few more things going on but thermal throttling is definitely going to be your primary issue.

The Solution(s)
fps_max 121 // fps_max should be set for laptops to avoid excess heat especially when it's not necessary. Use a lower value if needed.
setting fps_max to 121 should keep your CPU from getting hot in situations where you would normally have over 121fps such as at spawn, meaning your CPU should be a bit cooler on average and delaying thermal throttling and potentially resolving thermal throttling sooner than normal. You may need to use an even lower value.

Get a laptop cooling pad, as it's name implies it should help your laptop dissipate heat faster meaning your should have lower overall system temps, and should mean you thermal throttle less often and not to the same extreme. (I still recommend setting fps_max if you do this)

damn never thought comanglia himself will get in here XD thanks a lot for the explanation it made it clear for me, i'll try the fpx max and see how it goes

posted about 5 years ago
#11 good pc bad fps in Q/A Help
CovooTF2 is a source game which means it cares more about single-core performance than most other games (esp since lol 2007) but having a good GPU does matter. I'm no Setsul but I do not think it will get much better for you unless you opt for using a toaster cfg. I also had stuttering on my gaming laptop because it came with a 5400RPM HDD in it and when I swapped it out for the Samsung 860 EVO SSD that went away.

I would absolutely open it up and replace the thermal paste though before you try anything.

I'll try replace thermal paste in the upcoming months, cheers for the suggestion !

posted about 5 years ago
#10 good pc bad fps in Q/A Help
scrambledkimscrambled..wait how did u know XD it's a lenovo thinkpad w541
I might clean it and change the thermal paste cuz it's a 2015 laptop
Also it might seem high but as i said it's still on the average/normal temp in games, everything is cool when m not playing (41°C - 49°C)
98 is very high, max operating temp is 100 and it'll thermal throttle to keep it below that point.

dunno man, this i7 4th MQ is known to be the hotest so, i just looked and found that it's max can go to 100 and can handle it well, also the only problem i get is some stutter when i turn around in game, otherwise having 60fps with no stutter isn't a problem for me since i used to play on 30fps, undervolting will maybe reduce about 5°c and reduce performance which in my opinion isn't worth it

posted about 5 years ago
#7 good pc bad fps in Q/A Help
scrambleddid you get a w540?

my w540 runs in to problems with thermal throttling if I run tf2 on it :(

Assuming its an old laptop you got second hand, best you can do is open it up and clear out all the fans + reapply thermal paste. If your temps are still high I'd recommend underclocking, thermal throttling in my experience makes the game run incredibly jank. Lowering your max framerate might also help with temps.

wait how did u know XD it's a lenovo thinkpad w541
I might clean it and change the thermal paste cuz it's a 2015 laptop
Also it might seem high but as i said it's still on the average/normal temp in games, everything is cool when m not playing (41°C - 49°C)

posted about 5 years ago
#5 good pc bad fps in Q/A Help
ArenWhat are temps like when playing? Is it boosting to the proper turbo speed?

in game max temps are :
Core0: 98°C
Core1 :91°C
Core2 :90°C
Core3 :76°C
I thought 98 was too much until i made research and found that i7 4thgen MQ can go max 100 on laptops and is normal

posted about 5 years ago
#4 good pc bad fps in Q/A Help
hushNow I need to know your desktop specs, what counts as potato to you?

The FPS numbers seem right, try mastercoms low, disable team hud, use nohats mod

CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Q6600/ GPU: Geforce 210/ 3.19gb RAM

posted about 5 years ago
#1 good pc bad fps in Q/A Help

Hey, so i just replaced an old potato desktop with a laptop and here are the specs :
Intel i7 4810MQ
16gb ram
Intel HD 4600 + NVIDIA QUADRO K2100m(2gb)
60hz monitor

Running tf2 on it under medium cfg mastercoms or even low medium low gets me about 60-50fps on teamfights and about 150 on spawn, with stuttering when turning around
tbh this wasn't the results i was expecting, tf2 is known to be more as a cpu game, so i guess my smh bad gpu isn't the problem ? any help ?

posted about 5 years ago