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Last Posted March 25, 2019 at 7:24 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 ⋅⋅ 337
#2 How to Make Videos for TF2 in Videos


This is the part of the process that I'm asked about the most when it comes down to having problems. It's a really simple process.

First thing you're going to want to do is click on File, then choose Open. Now you'll want to find the path where you decided to store your .tga files. Once there, you'll notice, depending on how many different clips you recorded, different groups of .tga files. These are categorized by letter.

Example: a_00000 - not quite what it looks like, but the fact is the letter will always come first, and the first .tga will always be all 0's.

You don't have to go about it in alphabetical order if you don't want to, but I don't see why you wouldn't. Find the first .tga for the letter you're on. The first .tga is always all 0's. Since you're going to have a lot of .tga files, I search for the next letter in the file search bar by typing what letter is next, and it will show me the first few .tgas for that letter. It's a lot more handy than scrolling to find them.

Once you have selected the first .tga, it will import the rest of the .tgas for that letter. Now click on Audio and choose Audio From Another File. The .wav files will be in the folder you chose to put the .tga files in. The audio files are also in alphabetical order. Once you've done that, click on Video then choose Frame Rate. Select Change so that video and audio durations match. This will make sure the video and the audio are synced together. In parenthesis, it will show what FPS the video/audio will be at once synced. It's normal if the number shown is a few FPS off.

After this, select File again, then choose Save as AVI. Choose where you want the .avi to be saved, then hit okay.


This is the part everyone wishes they can skip to. At least it is for me, as I find recording and stitching together the .tgas to be a huge pain in my ass.

First thing you're going to do is select File then choose New. - Here is what you'll want it to look like.

Secondly, you're going to want to do is select Explorer on the middle-left side of SV. Then drag and drop the necessary .avi files into the blank rectangular box on the bottom. Once it's placed in there, give it a few seconds to finish its process of loading the audio.

Once you have done everything you wanted to the video, select File and choose Render As. This is where you will choose your render settings. Select Customize Template. - Here is a 3 picture album showing my render settings for Video, Audio and Project. Finally, render.


Easiest step. Side note: encoding converts your Sony Vegas rendered .avi into an .mp4 file.

Click select for Video File and find the .avi you made from Sony Vegas. Next, click select for Output File. This is where you want the encoded video will be placed on your computer. I put it on my desktop.

For Video FPS choose 29.97 (or 30 if that's an option for you). For Encoding Preset choose Brassemmense HD 720p (Big). After you have done that, click on Start Encoding.

After the video file has finished encoding, you can now upload it to YouTube.

Congratulations, you're on your way to becoming the best video editor in the world!

posted about 12 years ago

So I am often asked a lot of questions from different people on how to make a video, and as much as I love answering everyone's questions, I think making a guide would be a good idea.


1. Lawena Recording Tool - There is Lawena and then there is still a working version of PLDX that's hanging on for its life. I suggest using Lawena. You can find a download link for it here This is the most up-to-date version of the tool.

2. VirtualDub - You will need this to stitch together the thousands of .tga files you will receive after recording. You can download that here -

3. Sony Vegas Pro # - Used for stitching together .avi (or sometimes .mp4 (sv11)) files that you made with Virtualdub. This will also be used for any editing, unless you use AE or some other program. I don't remember the exact steps on getting SVP#, but Google is your friend. You can try this video -

4. Easy H.264 - This is software to encode your .avi file that was rendered out of Sony Vegas. For anyone who doesn't know what encoding does, it compresses your video's file size down so that you're not left with a huge file. Easier for uploading quicker and you barely lose any quality. You can download it from here -

note: you don't need to use EH264, but it's what I use as I find it's the most simple way of encoding/compressing video files.


Ironically, this is the part I get a lot of questions about. Since my videos are usually of great quality, I guess people believe it's partially to do with my Lawena settings. Well, it's not. Below are the settings I use for Lawena.

Resolution: - 1280x720
Framerate: - 480
Quality: - Very High
HUD: - None (kill notices)
Viewmodels: - Typically set to always on, but there are times where I have it set to off, like when I'm recording a smooth for example.
Every box on the bottom half is checked except "disable crosshair".
Viewmodel FOV: - I'll always have this set to 70. The only time I'll set it lower is if I'm going to record an STV, then I'll slide it down to 55. 55 viewmodel FOV on an STV demo is equivalent to ~70 on a POV.

When you launch Lawena, it will ask you where you want to store the .tga files you'll obtain once recording. Put them wherever you find comfortable and can find easily. I made a folder on my desktop specifically for storing .tga files.

After you launch TF2 through Lawena, you'll want to load the demo that has what you want to record in it. Once you find the tick where you want to start recording, press the P* key and it will start recording. Press P* again to stop recording once you want to stop.

* This doesn't have to be set to P. If you want to change the key used to initiate/end recording, go to your Lawena folder, open the cfg folder, open the recbindings.cfg file and scroll down to the bottom. Here you can adjust the keys used to record.

Once you have fully recorded everything you wish to record, exit TF2. If you didn't run Lawena as administrator, after exiting TF2, a prompt will appear, asking if you would like to edit your registry. Select yes. What Lawena does when you launch TF2 is replace your configs with its own in order to record. When it asks you to edit your registry, it's asking to replace the recording configs it used back with your own configs. If you run Lawena as administrator, this prompt will not appear and Lawena will do it without asking.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 updated/fixed lawena recording tool in Videos by control point captured bug, is it this?

posted about 12 years ago

cinq needs to pick and choose people with full/near full admin options on tf2mix and then the channel would be the better channel in every aspect. if there's talk about needing new admins, going to another channel, whatever, then there needs to be action and not just talk.

posted about 12 years ago
#8 its new thread time in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted about 12 years ago
#51 Running shotgun as roamer. in Q/A Help

Why wouldn't you run shotgun? Gunboats for middle, shotgun for the rest of the points. Have to bomb? Suck it up, get buffed and bomb.

Only downside is needing heals more since you won't always be able to RJ to health. I think it just depends on how you like to play, like everything else in this game.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 demo call in TF2 General Discussion

It's a video that shows frags, whatever.

posted about 12 years ago
#21 demo call in TF2 General Discussion

If you guys would be so kind to up vote this, I will love you.

posted about 12 years ago
#20 cookye pov with comms in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 12 years ago
#26 best looking map area in TF2 General Discussion

man you guys hate beaches :c

posted about 12 years ago
#6 best looking map area in TF2 General Discussion

Then practically anywhere in this map. It's just a good looking map.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 best looking map area in TF2 General Discussion

Does it need to be an ESEA map this time around, or a map people know about? I know of this custom PL map that looks pretty as fuck.

posted about 12 years ago
#17 demo call in TF2 General Discussion

here's the video

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Evil Geniuses: A Moment with djWHEAT in Off Topic

posted about 12 years ago
#22 So what about it? in TF2 General Discussion
MIndJust go pubbing if you want to snipe. Sniping only helps the snipers DM as you either don't focus him and he gets to shoot you freely or you do and he's dead 90% of the time. Sniper ruins DM servers.

I'm sorry, but a sniper isn't ruining anyone's DM experience. If I remember correctly, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but DM servers were made to improve your DM and is often used for warming up. So how exactly is that being ruined?

Snipers don't ruin your scrim experience, especially when your team is running one, right?

What is ruining DM are impractical weapons/items being allowed and carpet bombing demos. And why isn't there a plugin to give you HP on assists? If you're going to have it where players regain most/all of their HP when they get a kill, then make something so that they gain half of their health or whatever when they get an assist.

Nothing's worse than trying to DM against some guy and have some random person steal your kill and leave you to practically die.

posted about 12 years ago
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