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Signed Up December 12, 2017
Last Posted December 12, 2017 at 10:09 AM
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#4866 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Two questions...

So I tried to implement a custom main menu background into hypnotize's version of m0re hud and ran into the same problem as what's addressed in this thread below.
From what I can tell, their solution was simply to replace the vtf file in the custom hud folder but I don't see a vtf file in m0re hud for the main menu background. How can I stop my main menu background from turning dark and ugly?
Edit: nvm, they edited the MainMenuOverride.res! But still can't identify what part correlates to the dark overlay. Don't really know what I'm doing but from vgui tree the only thing highlighting the whole screen is FocusOverlayPanel so it might be there somewhere? No idea what I'm talking about.

Also, is it possible to rip apart and combine certain huds? Or is it too much work?
For example, the health and ammo overlays from m0re hud, the scoreboard of eve hud and the main menu of some other hud

posted about 7 years ago