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SteamID64 76561197960285276
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:9774
Country United States
Signed Up July 27, 2012
Last Posted October 4, 2014 at 5:33 PM
Posts 250 (0.1 per day)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 17
#15 Stupid aliases you used as a kid in Off Topic

klareinator from like 14-17... then klanana was born.

omg so dorky.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 iT Question in TF2 General Discussion

Someone asked me what I call them last night... I say Team iT - mostly because I have so many iT's to keep track of these days... plus it goes with the theme: Jump iT, Surf iT, MGE iT, etc etc

conductorjump it was originally conceived as a temporary name and wasn't ever really meant to be a lasting thing, everybody says it differently there's not really any way it's "supposed" to be pronounced

Like how I was supposed to be temporary owner of Jump iT.... clearly temporary and iT cannot be in the same sentence. I'm pretty glad both those things became permanent though <3

Also I really don't care how iT is pronounced... it is it but i can see why people say eye tee too.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 ESEA-Invite: iT vs. WELOVEANIME in Events

Excellent cast and camera guys - GREAT JOB TEAM iT!

posted about 11 years ago
#6 If your stream chat isnt working... in Off Topic
Saltysally1why no banny <3?

He wasnt streaming last night - rr and xalox were

posted about 11 years ago
#1 If your stream chat isnt working... in Off Topic

This worked for me and defy.... if your stream chat isnt working and you're watching on tftv - click the stream to go to twitch... there will be a little pop up about voting for games or some shit - close it. BAM chat works.

If youre watching on twitch just close that box.

If that doesn't work you probably shouldnt be talking in chat anyways. CYA!

PS watch rr he's the best <3 and xalox <3

posted about 11 years ago
#96 Personality Types in Off Topic


Extravert(11%) Sensing(12%) Feeling(75%) Judging(1%)

Pfffft this test dont know shit about me....

posted about 11 years ago
#8 How do you deal with in Off Topic

I'm gonna guess this question is regarding gender harassment or harassment that escalated to that point. I am not sure if it was luck that my voice has not changed from that of a 40 year old smoker since I was a teen... but I would guess that is one of the reasons i never got bombarded with YOURE A GIRL?? over the years. I have always been given a hard time about the sound of my voice though (like I said... 40 year old smoker) which I have realized made me never want to talk - even if its just a few people - which is stupid. At some point I just got crazy self-conscious about the way I sound and let the douchebags win.

Just dont let the douchebags win. And if you need me to kick someones ass just let me know.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 slin in Off Topic

That story was fkin terrible... thanks for a basket of paranoia lauren =(

Also I wish I were 1/10th as excited about ANYTHING in life as she is about learning tf2 crap. When she got linked those MGE videos you could actually hear the happiness orgasm. Pls teach me how to get that excited over anything =(

posted about 11 years ago
#42 S15 Invite Poll Is Up in TF2 General Discussion

I may need the full 48 hours to think about my vote due to a recent ?? robber...

posted about 11 years ago
#24 your most productive/unproductive day in Off Topic

If I run my TF2 servers while I am at work, but dont do any work work all day... does that make me productive or unproductive?

please help

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Surf iT - EU [www.tf2jump.com] - HERE U GO EUROS in TF2 General Discussion

There are a ton of euro jump servers out there... and almost no surf servers. I got requests for this almost every day so I thought you crazies wanted it =(

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Surf iT - EU [www.tf2jump.com] - HERE U GO EUROS in TF2 General Discussion

Surf iT - EU [www.tf2jump.com]
Location: Germany

Thanks to tragicservers.com I am proud to bring you Surf iT - EU! Our newest surf server is sponsored and hosted by tragicservers.com on their new servers located in Germany!! If youre looking for a server provider visit tragicservers.com and get 20% off if you use the code "SUMMER20" on orders of 16 slots or more!

PS the server is currently only running SuSurf iT maps (easy maps) but will hopefully have the Surf iT maps up in the next couple hours!

The iT! Servers Family
Jump iT! ?-?
JuJump iT! ?-? ? ? ?** Beginner Jump Maps **
Surf iT! ?-?
SuSurf iT! ?-? ? ** Beginner Surf Maps **
Bball iT! ?-?
MGE iT! ?-? ? ? ? ? ?** Stats: TF2Jump.com/MGE **

posted about 11 years ago
#208 ESEA S15 NA Invite Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

I feel like a proud mother =) Sponsored by iT not TF2Jump... but that doesnt mean you shouldn't visit TF2Jump.com - go now.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Sniper hacking in Reddit MGE in TF2 General Discussion
zigzterI'd ban him from MGE iT but I can't do much if you don't provide a Steam ID.

Thanks zigzter - keeping the trash out of MGE iT!

posted about 11 years ago
#165 ESEA S15 NA Invite Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Broking drunk for the first time in mumble.

posted about 11 years ago
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