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Signed Up February 26, 2013
Last Posted March 23, 2017 at 9:54 PM
Posts 174 (0 per day)
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#724 Post your setup in Off Topic


New desks came today

posted about 10 years ago
#28 What Are Your Casting Preferences? in TF2 General Discussion
Ggglygycasters who actually understand whats going on in the game

i dont care what's onscreen (usually casts need more fireplaces tho) i just want to hear good analysis

The streamer side of things on tf.tv is good, i52 VODs were really impressive watching back. The cheat sheet, the plugins everything is cool and I'm sure that there will be even more cool stuff for the next big event. TF.tv's issue is quality control. Back in the early days of tf.tv there were quality casters that actually knew what the fuck was happening and didn't just read the killfeed and that's why their viewership was way higher than vtv's. Now I'm surprised when I see a prem/invite player casting a tf.tv and just assume otherwise. I think plenty of prem/invite players (inactive or otherwise) would be willing to cast and provide some real analysis, but are too lazy to go out and organise it themselves.

On topic though, a nice preset camera angle for mid fights on every map that focuses on the high ground would be awesome. Switching player POV every 5 seconds is annoying and doesn't really convey whats happening on mid.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 i52 LanCam: POV Stream of Insomnia 52 Footage in Videos
SideshowThe rest of sunday's footage has to be postponed until tomorrow, or possibly even saturday, as I need to skip parts with squid in it and I'm out drinking both tonight and tomorrow. If you haven't seen any then catch the twitch vods @ http://twitch.tv/the_sideshow as well as highlights there and on http://youtube.com/sideshow1994

the people have spoken

posted about 10 years ago
#40 Linux in Off Topic


Linux is the best. It can look really cool if you want it to. Only thing stopping me from using it on my desktop is support from amd.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Blank Space V. Text: An Interplay in Off Topic

looks like someone just had their first english lit 101 lecture.

posted about 10 years ago
#135 Who is leaving? in TF2 General Discussion
1 min 45s is is almost enough time for 3 ubercharges btw, so plenty of action in that timeframe in TF2 :)

Valve adding the ability to change the round timer in game would make a huge difference. This is a tiny little change that could drastically increase the pace of tf2 and remove a part of the metagame that really sucks i.e. "parking the bus". Currently the round timer is irrelevant, I don't think I've ever seen a stalemate in a competitive game. But once again, this turns into a "but if Valve did this then tf2 would be saved" argument which has been shown to be a moot point.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Beta LAN in LAN Discussion

best lan in the former soviet union

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Sideshow's i52 vlogathon in LAN Discussion
MaksKOS doing 20 push ups needs to be seen by the people

edit: Also the story about your poop although I'm not sure if you had the cam on for that

I didn't realise I could even do 20 pushups so I want video evidence of this too since I was too drunk to remember.

posted about 10 years ago
#597 i52 in TF2 General Discussion
aykarin#597 - if you can get to Birmingham New Street, last train at 20:20 to LLS will cost you £26.90

Yeah that's the train i got in the end. I had to get 3 different trains in the end all 5mins apart so I had to run across the station between platforms. I was really worried that I'd break my pc by slamming it down flights of stairs in my suitcase but thankfully I didn't.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Sideshow's i52 vlogathon in LAN Discussion

Probably not the best idea to stream the whole thing without knowing what's on there since you were hammered most of the time.

posted about 10 years ago
#583 i52 in TF2 General Discussion

I'm stuck here because of sideshow's shitty poopmobile and the only train is £64 which is ridiculous so can anyone give me a lift back to Liverpool? Can pay petrol money etc.

posted about 10 years ago
#98 Anybody like heavy music? in Off Topic

Stuff OP linked is the kinda shit "hardcore" kids with neck tattoos and ear stretchers listen to because its \m/. Blackgaze is pretty cool, but you can't go wrong with classics like Slayer, Bathory, Burzum, Emperor, Mayhem, Ulver etc.


Some of the new hipster black metal is alright too, stuff like deafheaven. Kinda blending together post-rock, bm and shoegaze. e.g.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYzp8N-vlC4 (intro is tight)

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Any huds for Linux? in Customization

HUDs don't differ on operating systems. Only the location of install directories. Steam directory will be something like




I'm more amazed that you're struggling to install a HUD but decided to use linux as your operating system. Which is powerful with the right user but pretty much useless for the technically inept.

posted about 10 years ago
#43 Why do you still play tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
wareyaquake is dead

Pretty much. This is the only fps around with a comp scene that has some semblance of skill based movement and arena shooter mechanics. Although my interest has been waning recently.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 Reborn - new arena FPS from James "2GD" Hardin in Other Games
Reminixerip reflex?


this looks like more a straight up quake 3 clone (which is fine by me). Hopefully it's not a flop like warsow. I'm just glad that people are pushing for arena shooters to come back tbh.

posted about 10 years ago
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