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Signed Up February 26, 2013
Last Posted March 23, 2017 at 9:54 PM
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#13 Help get Epsilon to DreamHack in TF2 General Discussion
MGEMikeStarkiefrom london stansted the return flight to gothenberg is £20
from berlin to gothenberg it's £92
from paris to gothenburg it's £78
in total that's £423 for flights after 2 minutes of googling
you're getting $500 at least for 4th place and you're almost certainly gonna place higher than that
this takes the flights down to £100
I know you have to get train tickets from gothenberg to jonkoping and from your respective cities to your airport but come on, £1000 for all of that?

we're not asking for £1000 for all of that? we're asking for £540. You underestimate the cost of trains and peoples access to these cities, schocky doesn't live near berlin, and i know tek at least didn't use to live near paris and used a different airport (idk about bulle & flippy, pretty sure flippy is ages away from paris, which would make flying from there either pretty impossible if the time of the flight is bad or expensive to stay in a hotel overnight while he waits + the long train journery also expensive). For me the flight is £20 from stanstead yeah, but the train & bus to get there will cost around £80 since I live about 4 hours away.

edit: also like dashner said, you're using the same accommodation as we are, which hafficool told me you were contemplating starting a fundraiser to cover, i don't think you should stay on your high horse unless you think living in the same gamer mansion for that weekend will be bearable still

Best thing you can do is give a breakdown of the costs in as much detail as you can. People will be less hesitant to give money if they can see exactly where it's going and that you guys aren't throwing money away on luxuries or even turning a profit.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 stream: kos in Requests

Just started streaming will stream more when my internet gets upgraded next week. Mixes/pickups/dm whatever usual stuff.
use name kos on sidebar please

posted about 9 years ago
#86 DreamHack Winter 2015 TF2 Invitational powered by Marketplace.tf & esportunited in News
cirloHotCoffeeCan dashner make a patreon so we can appropriately compensate our den mother who keeps this boat afloat.What about sideshow? In the last few months he's managed to organise so many things i can't even keep the count of(Razer cups, challengers cup, DreamHack,...). He's our door to the outside world, making real many of our dreams.

THANKS SIDESHOW! For working so hard for us but still being even dumber <3

to be fair it's amazing how competent he is despite his lobotomy.

posted about 9 years ago
#29 Dreamhack TF2 rumors in TF2 General Discussion

full tilt have pre emptively dodged because we have a team consisting almost entirely of players with vast lan experience.

posted about 9 years ago
#683 post your desktop in Off Topic
ErenJayI haven't seen any phone home screens on here, but htc made a custom theme app, so I figured I would make some simple custom icons and try for a minimalist vibe.http://i.imgur.com/3ojeoqd.png


circle in top right opens apps folder thing. Bar under the clock is battery and I use muzei to get a diff wallpaper every day

posted about 9 years ago
#58 What We're Up To in News

Stream list in-game would make a huge difference! I'm no expert but it doesn't seem like it would be difficult to implement?

posted about 9 years ago
#62 Challengers Cup hosted by teamfortress.tv in News
kounterpartswhy is this not on the front page of etf2l?

your wish is Permzilla's command


posted about 9 years ago
#60 Challengers Cup hosted by teamfortress.tv in News

3 days left and the tournament isn't even half full. Show razer some support and sign up!

This tournament is over 2 days during pcw times, playing against a team in a cup will be a million times better practise than pcws. If you get knocked out early then message someone from another team that was knocked out and schedule a pcw against them as normal. I seriously doubt there's only 14 teams in Europe playing on Thursday night.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 Challengers Cup hosted by teamfortress.tv in News
ReinisableWhat's Reason Gaming's roster if Mike and Knoxxx are in Epsilon?

permzilla medic kaidus demo kaptain pocket rising roamer haffi and stark scouts

posted about 9 years ago
#27 Challengers Cup hosted by teamfortress.tv in News

$$$ CU ON $$$

posted about 9 years ago
#90 Epsilong Time No See in News
numlockedNiCOOOKanecoSilverToasterThat was disappointing... What happened to the schocky + starkie scout pair? They would've been so much stronger.Schocky will still join and destroy everyone, doesn't even matter if they have stark or not. Plus, flippy gives them some good offclassing potential. I would love to see cookye return and play with schocky tho.
I don't think that schoky will destroy everyone. He is not as good as he used to be.
Imo taking stark could be more useful for them especially if he plays with mike.
There are a lot of good teams and scouts this season such as Astt, Nukkye even scrab. He will has to train hard to be able to duel them !


posted about 9 years ago
#9 Throwback in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#30 Epsilong Time No See in News

shocky and stark scares the shit out of me not gonna lie

posted about 9 years ago
#21 i55 gallery seems to be posted in TF2 General Discussion
What moment was that? Seemed quite exciting.
nR vs 4G on Process, nR was holding last and Flippy's on Sniper, Tony Stark on Engie, both Meds have full Uber and 4G wants to push in after they pick Zebbospy. Flippy takes aim.


posted about 9 years ago
#76 ETF2L-P S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

- kaidus to 32erz because retsh0ck will bail
- nR fold or take a break for a season, french team reform
- TLR -nico +stark, the sheer aids of stark and war in the same mumble folds the team
- Russian team reform based around sdb and forsak3n, gdk will play for a week then quit again
- Zebbo will make some aids broder/bk type of team and play demo
- full tilt win s22

posted about 9 years ago
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