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Signed Up January 7, 2017
Last Posted January 7, 2017 at 9:47 PM
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#6 TF2 Dropping Massive Amounts of Frames? in Q/A Help
kreshmott9632sibbyowlcometthe high power setting in the battery options is what enables the turboboosting if you don't already have that enabledI have the the Performance settings enabled already.

Also this sounds like thermal throttling if you drop frames all of a sudden. I think cpu-z or speedfan lets you log temps/clock speed while playing, try that
Ill try that! I just assumed that wasn't the problem since the laptop itself didn't feel hot. Nice meymey.

I also probably think that its my second monitor. My laptop is 1366x768, but my I like to game on my second monitor that is 1900x1080

posted about 8 years ago
#5 TF2 Dropping Massive Amounts of Frames? in Q/A Help
sibbyowlcometthe high power setting in the battery options is what enables the turboboosting if you don't already have that enabled

I have the the Performance settings enabled already.


Also this sounds like thermal throttling if you drop frames all of a sudden. I think cpu-z or speedfan lets you log temps/clock speed while playing, try that

Ill try that! I just assumed that wasn't the problem since the laptop itself didn't feel hot. Nice meymey.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 Dropping Massive Amounts of Frames? in Q/A Help

As of yesterday I had a tight budget and had to buy myself another laptop. Every laptop that was somewhat game-worthy would skyrocket out of my price range and was extremely crushing.

I bought a Aspire E-Series E5-532-P3D4:

  • Quad-Core Intel Pentium N3700 / 1.6 GHz with max Turbo Speed of 2.4GHz
  • 4GB RAM and 1TB HDD
  • Integrated Intel HD Graphics Mobile (Braswell) with shared video memory

After putting in some serious toaster cfg's by Comanglia() and turning everything down on low (even changing it down to dx 8), it would run decently (20-40 fps), but the frames just drop after a few minutes, or during fight, then come back up. I have a suspicion that it might be the CPU bottle-necking. Thing is, this laptop is fairly better than my old one.

Toshiba Satellite C55-A5249

  • Dual-Core Intel Celeron 1037U / 1.8 GHz
  • 4GB RAM and 500GB HDD
  • Integrated Intel HD Graphics (don't remember rest)

This laptop after installing some high fps configs, it would run amazingly even with the graphics set on high. (70-100+ fps)

Im not sure what the problem is. Another suspicion that I have is that on my old Toshiba, a process in the task manager called Debug Profiler, or Machine Debugger or something that would start up randomly and kill preformance. But when I end the task everything goes back to running smoothly. So im assuming it has something to do with some dumb process in the background as well.

Im not super skilled with too much of this stuff but I know my way around a bit. If I could get some help that would be great!

posted about 8 years ago