WTF do I do with this?
I'd assume that if you're on a website like this you'd probably already know how to install basic TF2 mods but FINE I'll tell you.
1. Click on the download button at the bottom of the main post and then choose between two of the zip files in the Google Drive folder:
- yz50 wings (contains the mod which you can drag and drop, and also includes the weapon scripts that I use personally)
- images only (contains only a png, vtf, and vmt file for each crosshair, for advanced users who might want to add these to their existing crosshair mods)
2a. Open the zip file and put "yz50 wings REDUX" into your tf\custom folder.
2b.If you'd like to use my weapon scripts, open the folder named "ktaeoh's weapon scripts" and drag the scripts folder into the parent folder and overwrite all files as so:
3. To set a crosshair for a weapon, go to \scripts and open the script you want to edit.
4a. Scroll down or use Ctrl+F to find "crosshair69", and replace it with one of the 5 provided crosshairs:
- yz50wings (wings combined with the default seeker)
- yz50wingsnodot (wings combined with the default seeker but with no center dot)
- yz50sollynodot (wings combined with the default quartered circle)
- yz50solly (wings combined with the default quartered circle AND the dot from the default seeker)
- wings (plain wings)
- yz50medic (wings combined with default medic crosshair)
- yz50wingsshadow (yz50 wings with a shadow behind it)
- yz50wingsoutline (yz50 wings with a black outline)
4b. For example, if I wanted to use
yz50wings for the scatterguns, I would edit
tf_weapon_scattergun.txt and change the crosshair section from this:
[code] "crosshair"
"file" "vgui/replay/thumbnails/crosshair69"
"x" "0"
"y" "0"
"width" "64"
"height" "64"
to this:
[code] "crosshair"
"file" "vgui/replay/thumbnails/yz50wings"
"x" "0"
"y" "0"
"width" "64"
"height" "64"
You need to change every script to one of the crosshairs, or you will get a missing texture on your screen. If you just want to use a stock TF2 crosshair, replace that whole block with one of these:
crosshair1~7 and the "default" (cl_crosshair_file default) crosshairs
[code] {
"file" "vgui\crosshairs\replace this with crosshair1~7 or default"
"x" "0"
"y" "0"
"width" "64"
"height" "64"[/code]
I'm too lazy to post all of the correct values needed to use the cl_crosshair_file "" crosshairs since they're all defined by coordinates due to the fact that they're actually just on one big vtf file, but if anyone wants to know how just leave a reply down below and I'll answer asap.
People who use no explosion scripts, read this!
If you use a no explosion script, you need to do a couple of extra steps.
5. Find out what particle effect you're using by opening the no explosion script mod's folder/VPK (you can open .vpk files by downloading GCFScape
here) and opening any of the weapon scripts. The line you want to look for looks like this:
[code] "ExplosionEffect" "insert explosion particle here"
"ExplosionPlayerEffect" "insert explosion particle here"
"ExplosionWaterEffect" "insert explosion particle here"[/code]
6. Copy whatever custom particle effect you're using and go to the same weapon scripts in the yz50 wings REDUX folder, and replace the three values with the custom effect in their respective files.
7. Get rid of the no explosion script mod. It will overwrite the crosshair mod, and replace both the explosion effect and crosshair to whichever ones the mod sets it too, which prevents your crosshair from working. This is because the no explosions mod uses the same file as my crosshair mod, and will overwrite it with it's custom particle effect, along with it's (default) crosshair values.
8. Set your crosshair to "none" in your TF2 console by typing the following:
[code]cl_crosshair_file ""[/code]
make outlines for other crosshairs
Change log:
2.0: Updated all wings variants of the crosshairs!
- They're brighter
- They're ordered properly (some layers were in the wrong order for certain crosshairs)
- They have outlines (yz50wings only, will make more for others whenever I feel like it [probably never until someone asks me for it cause I'm lazy])
1.4: Added default seeker outline, edited seeker outline, and JackyLegsSeekerOutline under the request of JYNACCI's friend akura
1.3: Added yz50wingsshadow under the request of JYNACCI, and added some more stuff to the Drive for JackyLegs
prsnmake medic cross yzwings pls
also I updated my personal weapon scripts, added yz50medic to both zip files, and updated+renamed Image Files to
1.1: Updated the readme files in the archives to link to these instructions, and added an explanation for which crosshairs I use for what weapons.
1.0: Release!