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Signed Up September 4, 2012
Last Posted March 25, 2023 at 4:43 AM
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#3 Hud help please. in TF2 General Discussion
starry-just rename or delete the resource and scripts folder from broesel hud, then put the new resource and scripts folder from garm3n into your tf folder

Thanks for replying. I actually just found, nestled deep between the lines of the garmen Hud webpage, similar things as you just stated. I will try and see if it works, will post back in a bit.


posted about 12 years ago
#1 Hud help please. in TF2 General Discussion


I've been having some troubles installing a HUD and was wondering if the tf community could help me out. Ok, to get things started, I have a custom HUD already installed and wish to replace it with a new one. My current HUD is "Broselhud" which can be found here-

I wish to replace it with the Garmen TF2 HUD which can be found here.

The problem. (excuse my lack of knowledge on the subject) I figured the installation of the new hud would be as easy as putting the "new" extracted files in "tf" folder like my last hud required and they would just be overwritten. I did this and nothing happened. Could someone possible tell me what I'm doing wrong, clarify, or possibly provide a link to the installation instructions for the Garmen HUD? I'm unsure If I have to uninstall my previous HUD(which I have no clue how to do)or a possible re-install of TF2 files. I'm trying to be as clear as possible, I can understand if you have questions since I am quite unsure of what I'm talking about.


posted about 12 years ago
#23 competition for the worst computer na in Hardware

amd turion(tm) x2 dual-core mobile rm-72 2.10ghz
4.00gb ram
64 bit operating system
ati raedon 3100 graphics
avg 20 fps with chirs' max frames config

posted about 12 years ago
#21 Does Cl_interp work anymore? in Q/A Help
swedeslambdaswedeslambdaOK, please excuse my lack of coherency. I start tf2, bottom right hand corner I have all the game performance indicators. fps, ping, in, out, lerp. (don't know what this is called sorry.) I open command console, I type in "cl_interp 0.01". When I did this before, my lerp number would change from "100.0ms" to "60.0ms". Know when I enter it, the number stays "100.0". I tried "cl_interp 0.05 also and nothing happened.

Edit: fyi: I'm doing this on the same servers as I did before when the command worked.

That is called net_graph, you have it set to 1 (net_graph 1)

make sure that your other net settings are set to the "correct" values, you can find them in any of Chris' fps configs. Sometimes if you don't set your rates right the interp won't set right either.

here are the net settings that I use:

cl_cmdrate "66"
cl_interpolate "1"
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "1"
cl_lagcompensation "1"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_updaterate "66"
cl_smooth "1"
cl_smoothtime "0.1"
rate "25000"

and I use cl_interp 0.0152 for projectiles and cl_interp 0.033 for hit-scan.

Let me know if this helps

Thanks for the reply. I noticed you mention something regarding Chris' fps configs. I do in fact use max frames. Are you saying I need to open the config file, find these settings and change them to what you stated in your post? I appreciate your detailed post, but I'm still a little unsure of where to enter these commands at. Thanks.

//cl_cmdrate 66
//cl_interp 0
//cl_interp_ratio 1
//cl_lagcompensation 1
//cl_pred_optimize 2
//cl_smooth 0
//cl_smoothtime 0.01
//cl_updaterate 66
//rate 60000

those are the "good connection" settings from chris' maxframes config. If you remove the // before each command, it will use them. He comments the commands out (thats what the // does) to disable them in case a player has their own net settings. So if you take it out they will apply. Try it and let me know if the problem persists.

Also there is no need to change to what my config uses, it was just an example that I had on hand.

Oh, and change that cl_interp 0 to cl_interp 0.0152 actually, with a recent update I think that cl_interp 0 messes something up

Ah the sweet sound of success. looks as if everything is know in order. Thanks for your help.

posted about 12 years ago
#19 Does Cl_interp work anymore? in Q/A Help
dingotry cl_interp_ratio 1
and you should really have cl_interp 0 or cl_interp 0.0152 in your auto exec so you don't have to type it in every time you launch tf2

Thanks for the reply. I did in fact open the command console and entered the value "cl_interp_ratio 1, and nothing seemed to happen. Is it still working if I get no response from the console?

posted about 12 years ago
#18 Does Cl_interp work anymore? in Q/A Help
swedeslambdaOK, please excuse my lack of coherency. I start tf2, bottom right hand corner I have all the game performance indicators. fps, ping, in, out, lerp. (don't know what this is called sorry.) I open command console, I type in "cl_interp 0.01". When I did this before, my lerp number would change from "100.0ms" to "60.0ms". Know when I enter it, the number stays "100.0". I tried "cl_interp 0.05 also and nothing happened.

Edit: fyi: I'm doing this on the same servers as I did before when the command worked.

That is called net_graph, you have it set to 1 (net_graph 1)

make sure that your other net settings are set to the "correct" values, you can find them in any of Chris' fps configs. Sometimes if you don't set your rates right the interp won't set right either.

here are the net settings that I use:

cl_cmdrate "66"
cl_interpolate "1"
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "1"
cl_lagcompensation "1"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_updaterate "66"
cl_smooth "1"
cl_smoothtime "0.1"
rate "25000"

and I use cl_interp 0.0152 for projectiles and cl_interp 0.033 for hit-scan.

Let me know if this helps

Thanks for the reply. I noticed you mention something regarding Chris' fps configs. I do in fact use max frames. Are you saying I need to open the config file, find these settings and change them to what you stated in your post? I appreciate your detailed post, but I'm still a little unsure of where to enter these commands at. Thanks.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Does Cl_interp work anymore? in Q/A Help
trogtype cl_interp_ratio into console and it should tell you what it's set to

Did what you said and this is the result I got.

"cl_interp_ratio" = "2" ( def. "2.0" )
- Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_update

Mean anything to you?

posted about 12 years ago
#12 Does Cl_interp work anymore? in Q/A Help
DunderBrowhat does cl_interp do? I heard it helps with airblast?... not sure

I wish I could be more specific, but I'm not quite sure myself. I think it helps with hit scan weapons like the scatter gun. I think it reduces the time between shots fired and the scanning to see if a player was in the line of fire? I probably sound like a noob, but it's something like that.

posted about 12 years ago
#10 Does Cl_interp work anymore? in Q/A Help
eulogy_what's your "cl_interp_ratio" set to?

Sorry, Ratio? Not quite following. Here's the numbers from my display in the exact same configuration as they were on my screen.

fps: 90 (<-jump map-usually 30) Ping:58
in: anywhere from 90 to 130 2.60k/s Lerp: 100.0ms
Out:60 to 80 3.9ks

20/s 21/s 21/s 21/s

posted about 12 years ago
#7 Does Cl_interp work anymore? in Q/A Help

OK, please excuse my lack of coherency. I start tf2, bottom right hand corner I have all the game performance indicators. fps, ping, in, out, lerp. (don't know what this is called sorry.) I open command console, I type in "cl_interp 0.01". When I did this before, my lerp number would change from "100.0ms" to "60.0ms". Know when I enter it, the number stays "100.0". I tried "cl_interp 0.05 also and nothing happened.

Edit: fyi: I'm doing this on the same servers as I did before when the command worked.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Does Cl_interp work anymore? in Q/A Help

If its my side would an re install possibly fix it?

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Does Cl_interp work anymore? in Q/A Help

Just wondering if valve disabled the cl_interp command?A week ago I could go into command console and type in "cl_interp 0.01" and it would work. Now nothing happens. Is it on my side or server side or am I missing something? (sorry I don't really know what I'm talking bout.)

posted about 12 years ago
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