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Signed Up June 18, 2012
Last Posted December 27, 2017 at 1:09 AM
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#1 fortnite br pick up games in Other Games

Hey yall!

Started playing fortnite battle royale a few days ago and I've been having a blast! I've been messaging tf2 people to make groups for squad games, and it's been fun to connect with everyone again, so I made a discord server for people to find other cool tf2 people to play with :)

Discord Link

Happy holidays

posted about 7 years ago
#72 Best med ever? in TF2 General Discussion

shade - has had the best positioning of any NA med, drops gems of knowledge that have turned games around
kbk - woulda been in top 2 with shade if he had been on a good team, excellent calls and mechanics
harb - able to ignite the passion in his team and let them snowball over teams, but overly emotional and shut down sometimes

posted about 7 years ago
#13 lansky first powerlifting meet in Off Topic
joddsaw you mention your impending meet in another thread; was hoping you'd post the results. thanks for sharing and congrats on your numbers + first meet. good stuff lansky!FanglesSolid lifts man! Our numbers are actually really similar! I weigh a bit more than you but you beat my bench pretty handily. One day I may do a meet for fun if there is one near me, I think my total is about 1075 right now.

thanks guys! i'm sure both of you post your lifts on instagram, was planning on making one to share progress with friends. there's nothing on it yet but feel free to add me, would be cool to see your lifts!

posted about 7 years ago
#8 lansky first powerlifting meet in Off Topic
TheFragilehehe ur quadriceps make me blush :3


damneasyHow long have you been lifting now?

2 years

posted about 7 years ago
#1 lansky first powerlifting meet in Off Topic

hey guys! I competed in my first powerlifting meet yesterday and figured some of you might want to see!

powerlifting is basically going for one-rep-max attempts in the squat, bench press, and deadlift -- you get 3 attempts for each lift and the sum of your best attempts in each lift is your total. There are 3 judges that make sure you hit depth on squat, follow commands, lockout your lifts, etc. I made all of my attempts except for my last deadlift at 200kg/440lbs, where my lockout was shaky.


Bench Press

200kg/440lbs - No lift, 2 reds from side judges

8/9 successful attempts

480kg/1058lbs Total @ 196lbs BW (198lb Class), 21y/o in Junior 20-23 Division

posted about 7 years ago
damneasyWhats up with the mat?

The benches at my gym are really slippery and it makes it difficult to get a tight setup. The mat is super grippy and makes my shirt stick to it so I don't slide around.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 how to get a 6 pack? in Off Topic

you can't selectively reduce body fat in certain areas -- you can only manipulate your body fat %. people hold their fat in different areas based on genetics (so someone with a higher body fat % than you might have more visible abs than you).

i'd say don't worry so much about the abs and just focus on altering your body composition over the years building muscle / dropping BF% eventually

posted about 7 years ago
#18 need help with port-forwarding for a local server in Hardware
i think i've got it working

so how does this work, do people just need to have that url open in their web browser in order to stay connected or something?

they use that URL to connect to your server (instead of your IP address)

so when they connect they use
posted about 7 years ago
#12 need help with port-forwarding for a local server in Hardware

use ngrok. it allows you to expose a port on your local machine to the internet, typically used for developers to test a local server but it suits your needs.

sign up its free

download it and extract it somewhere (the commands i give below assume you extracted it to your desktop)

open a command line (if you try to double-click the .exe it will just close instantly), im assuming you at least have powershell so enter these commands:

change directory to the location you extracted it

cd C:\Users\lansky\Desktop

you need to set your authtoken (from your dashboard)

./ngrok.exe authtoken YOUR_AUTHTOKEN

run the program

./ngrok.exe tcp 25565

then port 25565 will be exposed to the internet and a URL will be generated that you can share with your friends, will look something like this

have fun

posted about 7 years ago
#1 esa mvps in LAN Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#10 Youtube channels in TF2 General Discussion

VIRUS do not click

posted about 8 years ago
#16 serv0's grandma story in TF2 General Discussion

i didn't even know this happened, haven't laughed this hard in a while. good times.

i checked my email to see exactly when the interview was:

Hi Dave,

Can we postpone this meetup to next week? How about next Wednesday (5/20) at 7pm?


posted about 8 years ago
#1 what introduced you to tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

i asked my dad to buy it for my 12th birthday when i saw this

posted about 8 years ago
#4 i feel so alone in Off Topic

Kinda hard to give you any advice without context on the situation, but here's some general high school advice:

Take it easy -- feelings like this don't last forever, and in the near future, you will look back forgetting why you were ever upset in the first place.

The best advice I could give for anyone struggling with their parents is to lay low. You really have no control over your situation because you aren't independent. If you can appease your parents and not give them any reason to be angry with you in the first place, you'll be a lot better off mentally until you can become independent. It's a lot easier to just take the blame and apologize than try to argue in these situations as well.

Stay the course, handle your business and focus on getting through each day. Limit the interactions you have with your parents, they won't blow up on you if you don't give them any reason to (unless they're crazy). If you're dealing with stress outside your family life that you are having trouble dealing with, talk to your school's counseling center. It's free and they are paid to help you.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Arm position to avoid RSI in Q/A Help

this is unrelated to elbow pain but just in case anyone else has wrist pain, i realized that my mouse doesn't fit my hand very well, so the palm of my hand is in a highly arched position with mostly my fingers gripping the mouse. turns out this is awful for your wrist so don't be afraid to try different mice if anyone else has this problem

posted about 8 years ago
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