question for you harb: what do you think about the mindset of most invite players who don't want to put the time in to become the best and instead call our team a 'superteam' instead of focusing their attention inwards and becoming better players? i'm sure you'd agree that our team is easily the weakest its ever been considering we never practice and every one of our games is streamed and recorded, and i agree with you that the talent is out there right now.
what bothers me is that even when i was on a bottom of invite team for multiple seasons before working my way up the ladder, i had a ton of fun getting rolled by top players and tried hard to take even one round. the incentive to improve has never changed, yet just because we have top players people think its either impossible to beat us (which is a joke) or not worth the effort (incentive to be good has never changed). you were on multiple teams that upset the 1st place team (mix, x6, etc) and i'm sure you also have some good perspective on the topic.