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Signed Up December 19, 2019
Last Posted December 19, 2019 at 7:08 AM
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#1944 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomssmziscreenshots pls
I've added that to the readme. Might move it to the wiki once I get more up.

Edit: moved to wiki.

hello sir
i would like to say that your config helped me a lot but i have a serious problem with it
i recently installed the mastercomfig low but i didnt know it would remove the hats from the game so i decided to delete it by deleting "custom" and "cfg" folder and disabled the steam cloud sync.....i even followed your instruction on how to remove it. then it removed all the effects of the mod(low textures...etc) exept that i still cant see any hat even the "custom" folder is still empty and the "cfg" folder is the default one
i followed many tutorials to reset tf2 to default but this no hat mod is still here even if i cant see any file related to it
hope you can help with that issue...
have a good day :D
posted about 5 years ago