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Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted April 1, 2019 at 11:44 AM
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Monitor XL2410T
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#20 Coach to i58 maybe unfair? in TF2 General Discussion
trucksCSGO just banned all coaches at majors for exactly this reason.

Not exactly. They had issue with the coaches basically being a 6th player calling all pushes, tracking the economy, always being able to comm. It created a scene where established teams with coaches had a big advantage that was hard to compete with, especially with how a lot of the major teams started to get the Coach to maincall. Valve made a rule for all future Valve tournaments to restrict communication between coaches and the players to timeouts and between maps. This way the players still need to keep track of the economy and decide pushes for themselves outside of the tactical timeouts.

Honestly I think this would be a good compromise to TF2 as well provided people don't pause all the time, and people actually enforce the pause limits that are set in the ruleset of each league.

Tldr; I don't think having a coach is an issue, it's that he's allowed to always stay in mumble/TS and communicate with the players during gameplay.

posted about 7 years ago
#23 baud's demos in TF2 General Discussion
I wish Anakkkin kept his plugin updated, I recently asked him for a copy of the plugin itself or the source as I wanted to abandon my own AC plugin and work on a new one using his as a reference point but he never got back to me :(

Completely agree. His plugin was great and I haven't seen something equivalent to that since. I remember when the game had an exploit that his plugin used where you could screenshot players screen, but only in-game. Some people of course was concerned that this was too intrusive but especially for ESP it was a foolproof way of catching people if you trusted the source.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 Serveme hacked? in TF2 General Discussion
ZestyzeFrostyno wonder baud got banned with such shit admins -____-See? Solid abuse the admin . is this not proof with you suck of fucks that etf2l admin is corrupt so yes its baud and azns ban is unjustified??

The same azn who got a vac in the LMAObox wave after the esp ban? And then used a friends account in an official?
Such corruption.

Is there a possibility solid's access was used by someone else? I can't ask him because he's off right now but this doesn't really sound like something he would do. What are we talking here, innocent shenanigans or actually disrupting a match?
Suppose abuse is abuse anyways.

posted about 7 years ago
#257 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
twerpMessyRecipeonv[Anyone who didn't get VAC banned in this particular wave, I personally feel very safe to say they are completely clean and have never used a hack in their life, simply because lmaobox was so far ahead of any other hacks on the market.
I would go as far as saying other hacks didn't even come close to lmaobox, both in terms of functionalities and quality.
you have to specificially be using lmaobox on a specific account to get banned.
the exception to this is main accounts that had never injected lmaobox but had injected lmaobox on an alt with the same phone number attached.

Can you assign multiple accounts to the same phone number? I thought most people used Winauth and a burner number for mm/trade alts.

posted about 8 years ago
#231 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

Just to clear some stuff up.

VAC does remove most of your tf2 inventory, but legally they can't touch items you've bought in the store or otherwise purchased. I've also seen it take several days to happen so it's not instantaneous. Non-tradeables stay in the inventory though. (and sometimes crates etc for some reason).

What mustardoverlord says is also accurate. Everyone who used LMAOBOX donator was not caught in this. Most likely Valve included it's signature and waited a fixed time period to flag accounts who used it.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Disappearing Players in CS2 General Discussion

Didn't they months ago introduce a patch to make it harder for wallhackers by making all models invisible when they are completely behind an obstruction/wall? A lot of people had issues with it especially when people would peek corners the models would pop into view magically. They have optimised it since then but I imagine if you have a connection with chokes and drops you'd get the worst of it.

posted about 8 years ago
#905 rayshud in Customization

Thx rays <3

posted about 8 years ago
#104 Half of reason kicked in TF2 General Discussion
SideshowL O L
the combo that threw i52 smh b4nny that's hilarious

Well they also won i49.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 ETF2L Highlander Season 8: Media Roundtable in News
bowswer5kKaltUubecause we all know how well NA did vs EU the last few times we checked ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9

The American team from the 3rd Nations Cup was more of a Street Hoops PuG team for fun instead of the best you could possibly get from NA Platinum at the time. It was similar to ET that seemed to be more focused on winning Platinum that season instead of coming up with ways to overcome their ping disadvantage and challenge the Prem title.

There hasn't actually been a serious representation of the NA Highlander scene against European teams since Ginyu Force and the 2nd Nations Cup, but I think that's going to change this year.

Wait? So playing vs NA players with high pings and have to play the official at 3pm is unfair? ^^
We all know it's unfair it's just le europe vs na memes.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 ETF2L Highlander Season 8: Media Roundtable in News
Don't argue balance with EU highlander players, their scene and meta are comparatively shit so they just don't understand what we do k4pp4 Kappa

NurseyThe beggar's literally makes the soldier's job in HL a shit-ton easier. I know it's pretty much a joke how much I get shit on by that weapon, but it's literally a direct upgrade. It has higher dps and the bombs are near impossible to avoid. During viaduct week, I was forced just to take the abuse from dumb beggar bombs. When I'm told I have to play so far back in a near useless position because of 1 dumb unlock, it should be pretty obvious the unlock itself is pretty dumb.

Personally wouldn't call a direct upgrade at all. It's just really specific situations like bombs where it's retarded. Or for example holding a corridor on cp_steel and spamming down it all day it takes no skill or effort. The first rocket reload is also retardedly fast, but that might just my own personal pet peeve.

A medic force or drop is supposed to be a big play, not an unavoidable expectation.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 ETF2L Highlander Season 8: Media Roundtable in News
I got 3000 hours on Demo and I never saw any difference with loch n load and pipes, blub never switched to them. When you played Demo for so long and don't have much time to practise, makes zero difference to me what pipe launcher I use after thousands hours practising with one.

I also think the roller damage and the extra spam/area denial potential for pipe bombs is quite may only be 30-40 damage on the floor but if you spam 4 pipes in an entrance, you got better area denial potential than 3 pipes which do not do damage if you do not his a direct.

Think the fact opinion is so divided on the issue proves that ETF2L are on the right track, I guarantee in a couple seasons it won't be a contentious issue anymore.

It's not that lock and load is much better. It's that it's too easy. You and blub have played demo for a long long time and the regular pipe launcher is great if you're good enough with it as it has a very high skill ceiling. Especially on maps like viaduct or badwater where rollers make a significant difference. Lock and load anyone can pick up and hit 60% of pipes within a week. When the pipes are that fast you eliminate the margin of prediction and it get's closer to how you would use a hitscan weapon.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 ETF2L Highlander Season 8: Media Roundtable in News

I think it's really rare to have a weapon even the Americans have banned now unlocked for Europe. Typically we've been the most stingy and we've had extended testing of most weapons, usually checking it's performance and issues in NA UGC or experimental cups. The December buff to lock and load is just ridiculous, and I can't help but think that Valve actually considered it a nerf, but decided to "throw in" an extra grenade per clip to compensate for the (very) small damage decrease, and they even added a 25% self damage decrease. I feel sorry for heavies who needs to play against this and personally would want it banned. A toddler wouldn't miss those pipes, and the regular pipe launcher is a beautiful weapon with a very high skill ceiling. Lock and load are none of these things. Whenever you see a weapon that forces everyone to switch to it, (which is what I did with crit-a-cola in season 6) it's generally bad for the scene.

As for the beggars bazooka, I commend Hartz to perhaps for the first time embracing it and show what it's capable of in competent hands. It's beautiful to see him jump around and get work done, but he showed a fundamental problem with it that you wouldn't understand if you haven't experienced it. There really is no counter to the medic bombs with it. We've had pyro ready, level 3 sentry in position, the medic rotating around, the bomb getting called well in advance and every factor you can think of but still the fact remains that that force WILL happen. The medic can't surf it. The sentry can't lock on fast enough. The pyro can't reflect more than 1 realistically even if he's lucky to get even that. You can't hide or rotate your medic since the speed of the bomb is twice as fast as stock rl so the solly can readjust his jump very easily, even if his teammates don't call out the medic position.

Think about it. All the solly has to do is jump around a corner and release mouse1. That's it. He can do that from across the map. I don't find the weapon overpowered whatsoever, in fact i'd rate stock or blackbox higher overall for most maps and setups but to have something like this weapon in competitive and adding to that a randomized luck-based spread of rockets is sort of an insult to competitive in itself, where you want the players skill to be the factor.

posted about 9 years ago
#100 baud banned again.. in TF2 General Discussion

There's a lot of misconceptions every time I see these threads. No-life wall of text incoming.

#1 Releasing evidence
No reputable league or game company would ever release evidence on a players ban. It just isn't done. Ever. Is the average player competent or unbiased enough to be able to review such evidence accurately? The material is always extremely technical, we're not talking Youtube videos with bad editing and effects here, or ignorant comments like "that shot was bs". More importantly, cheats and anti-cheats is a constant cat and mouse game. Cheats improve, AC adapts. If cheaters are aware of the methods used for catching them, they will adapt. I've always referred to this as a double edged sword, because a player has no way whatsoever to defend himself after a ban. Nonetheless this is entirely necessary for the overall good of the league. The majority of people asking to see evidence do so to satisfy their curiosity, which is not the best of reasons.

#2 "But he's bad" "but he was on lan"
Some people assume cheaters are bad at the game, which can be incorrect. When common players think of cheaters they might imagine a very young person that do it blatantly in pubs with ragehacks, not developing their game sense and positioning/aim because of the extra help they get, but could you imagine a competent competitive player with just a simple % increase in his accuracy? Players skill is entirely irrelevant for an AC admin because it's actual technical evidence that is used. It can be done on any class (medic with esp for example) and it shouldn't matter if the player is high profile or, excuse the term, a nobody. Public backlash should never be a factor, and every case should be treated equally. A cheater doesn't necessarily cheat 24/7. It can be utilized on a random pub or on a crucial moment in an official where you need a medic pick, just to give an example. A person can go 0-20 while cheating and stats and logs are entirely irrelevant.

#3 "but he/she isn't Vacced?"
briefly looking at most of the the cheat forums in my bookmarks while writing this, i'm seeing 20+ public cheats that remain undetected, one famously being undetected and used since 2011. Keep in mind that these are public forum (ie script kiddie sites), and this doesn't account for private ones. Valve is really pushing AC into cs:go due to the dev support and how prevalent it is in destroying players experience in matchmaking. Only relying on VAC for a game like tf2 is just not realistic for a competitive league. Heck, even the donator version of LMAOBOX (biggest commercial cheat in tf2) remained undetected for a long long time through regular patches, although the creator now forces you to utilize a burner steam account to avoid his customers complaining about getting a VAC ban.

#4 "Vac is game specific"
Yes. Sort of. Doesn't hurt anyone if I talk about this because a banned cheater can do nothing to prevent it. A ban in cs:source for example carries into tf2 because of utilizing the same game engine and some cheats are usable for both games, so Valve simply included most Source games together, exception being cs:go and Goldsrc games. You can't directly tell on a users profile what game a VAC applies to, but every items that's not bought in the store is queued to be removed from their inventory, usually within 24 hours. Sidenote: I really think Valve should consider showing what game a VAC applies to, because players suffer from a lot of scrutiny and currently you can even get a VAC ban for joining a custom achievement server in CoD:mw2. 300 games currently have VAC implemented and it's unfair to a player that gets one ban to be possibly scrutinized from the players of all these games.

tl;dr it's saturday night and I bothered to write all this. AMA.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 TeamFortress.TV Highlander Invitational #2 powered by Tt eSPORTS In Detail in News

Chessclub looking good. Exciting to see what you guys can achieve for this next season.

posted about 9 years ago
#27 LAN POVs in TF2 General Discussion

Now only if we can get sheep or/and Yuki to post it'll be perfect.

posted about 9 years ago
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