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Signed Up January 1, 2018
Last Posted June 14, 2019 at 6:04 PM
Posts 18 (0 per day)
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#38 You guys were right. in Off Topic

ape ape ape

posted about 5 years ago
#44 ETF2L player falsely banned for supposedly aimbot in TF2 General Discussion
StalinPowerthis ry guy has perfect logs, literally every game is perfect http://logs.tf/profile/76561198424844078?p=1
no cheats of course 4Head
jamalthis ry guys logs makes him look like the best player to ever touch the game

I've been playing with him for about a month and his logs are insane, as you could imagine I was a little sceptical but if you watch his POVs he plays the game by the book. It's more a matter of the players he's up against failing to kill him. If you didn't already know, these logs are taken from Fresh Meat scrims and matches Ry has either merc'd in or played with our main roster. For someone who wanted to go straight to Div2 after playing FM, its no surprise he's getting those numbers and if he was cheating he'd be hitting a lot more shots in those games than he already was. I'd suggest watching the demos before coming to conclusions instead of just looking at his logs.

posted about 5 years ago
#11 ETF2L player falsely banned for supposedly aimbot in TF2 General Discussion
StylaxMeh he either cheats or was trying to sandbag against the fresh meat team I buddy for.

So not arsed.

Your argument that he was "sandbagging", and therefore should be banned is irrelevant. In fact, it doesn't even correlate with the rules of the league. He rightfully qualified for The Fresh Meat Challenge, whether you like it or not. Rules are rules, and that's all that matters. Ry was banned unjustly for the wrong reasons - full stop.

posted about 5 years ago
#1686 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Use this command: tf_use_match_hud 0

Let me know if your game stops stuttering.
Turns out it was this thing all along that was causing problems.

posted about 6 years ago
#1685 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
nimby5539lexkicks01nimby5539i keep getting ridiculous stuttering every time someone join or disconnects from a server
Me too :/ It must have something to do with models being loaded on demand? It happens as soon as players join teams or change classes.
it happens way more in a full mge server and it seems to occur even when nobody is joining or leaving. so maybe it is caused by class switching. when im scrimming I get far less stutters.

edit* ive been looking into this a lot. possible solutions ive tested/am going to test: are downloading new graphics drivers, including using DDU to full wipe my drivers first, clean install, my monitor cable needing to be re plugged in/replaced, faulty ram, i have tested cowmanglia and mastercomfig, going to try rhapsody
edit** i think that its a hardware/driver problem, i get stuttering in dota 2 as well. gonna order new cable for monitor see if that fixes it

I've been looking into this issue more and i'm certain its a HUD problem. Try this for me:
- Create a LAN server
- Use makeshift binds for adding bots eg. bind "m" "tf_bot_add 1" and bind "n" "tf_bot_kick all"
- Firstly, I want you to move your mouse in a smooth motion, whilst spamming your "bot add" bind. Notice that you'll get a few stutters from doing this.
- Kick all bots from the server and repeat the same process but this time, hold TAB whilst doing so. Notice how you will no longer stutter each time the scoreboard refreshes.

I think that the way TF2 handles custom folders is very much "on-demand"; everything is loaded as and when it happens. I'm not yet sure if the results are different without a custom HUD.

posted about 6 years ago
#1683 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
nimby5539i keep getting ridiculous stuttering every time someone join or disconnects from a server

Me too :/ It must have something to do with models being loaded on demand? It happens as soon as players join teams or change classes.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 Random mouse flicking [Video example] in Q/A Help
Grixi changed the lift off distance on my fk2 and it basically stopped happening

What setting did you change it to?

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Random mouse flicking [Video example] in Q/A Help
driftahappens to me too sometimes
i have an fk1
charlemine does this but it points down. im on g403

It's good to hear that I'm not the only one I guess. It's very weird since this has only been happening for like the past month. Up to now, it's been like 4 years since I had something similar happen.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Random mouse flicking [Video example] in Q/A Help

I'm posting on this account because for some reason I get 404'd when trying to post on my real acc.

I recently bought a new ZOWIE FK2 to replace my old one thinking that the mouse was just old (I had similar problems with my old budget mouse) and that's why i was experiencing this problem. Turns out I have the same issue on my new mouse...

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfO3z8TuT60 (not the best quality but it does the job... my upload speed is pretty bad.) The flick happens at around 0:04.

I'm currently playing with the optimal mouse settings both in windows and in TF2 and my mouse pad is relatively clean since I dust my gear down regularly.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 stuttering when players join teams in Q/A Help
caaaaaaaaatjust take your time with the words, its gonna be okay nobody is rushing you. speak slowly and clearly everyone stuters abit
i believe you can get over it

I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem. I pretty much never stutter until someone joins a team. It doesn't have an impact on my gameplay too badly it's just more of an annoyance when I'm MGEing when players are constantly joining teams when they add up to an arena.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 stuttering when players join teams in Q/A Help


posted about 6 years ago
#3 Does anyone else get this? in Q/A Help
Reerotry cl_allowdownload 0

Just tried that, didn't work. Spent about 10 mins pubbing and the problem still persists. It seems to happen before/during the message saying "x" player joined appears on my screen and will always occur when someone disconnects from the server.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Does anyone else get this? in Q/A Help

So I've previously posted about stuttering but this time it happens whenever a player joins/leaves the server. I notice this especially when playing lobbies during pregame and when a sub joins the game, as well as during any pub and mge session etc. on open servers. As you can imagine, it can be slightly frustrating to practice by pubbing/mge because of this. The game would be running perfectly otherwise but i was wondering if anyone else had a similar problem.

To give perspective, these stutters last for at the very most one second, and when they occur it either looks like I'm losing frames, or (this scenario is rare) my screen will freeze entirely for maybe a split second, along with in-game sounds being repeated (like when you alt-tab on full screen).

posted about 6 years ago
#1 MGE server lag in Q/A Help

For some reason I seem to experience performance issues during MGE sessions. If I'm waiting in an arena on my own I don't seem to get this issue; it only occurs when another player has entered and the 1v1 begins. I don't get this issue during lobbies etc. so I'm assuming it's something to do with the MGE plugin. Has anyone else noticed this when playing MGE? Although my frames and ping are stable it just feels really choppy and it's really agitating.

posted about 6 years ago
#9 microstuttering in Q/A Help
Comanglialexkicks01Guys I've found a solution. Thanks everyone for posting/upvoting etc.

It was my projectile sapper particles that were causing the lag. That's why I noticed the issue more on soldier though on scout when sent airborne (BY A PROJECTILE) the issue persisted. The game runs fine now; this has been bugging me for ages!

For reference:
"ExplosionEffect" "ExplosionCore_sapperdestroyed"
"ExplosionPlayerEffect" "ExplosionCore_sapperdestroyed"
"ExplosionWaterEffect" "ExplosionCore_sapperdestroyed"

If you still want to use a replaced explosion effect you can try this one.


hope that one doesn't cause you microstutters.

Thanks very much! I've tested it and so far it seems to be working just fine.

posted about 6 years ago
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