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Signed Up May 1, 2015
Last Posted December 25, 2015 at 3:06 PM
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#97 Competitive Matchmaking Details Revealed in News
saam^ yeah but you also forget that there are people who willingly choose to play engineer as their main class

With no item restrictions (seems to be the case so far) and ctf apparently being in MM, they could probably do pretty ok playing gunslinger engi on ctf and koth maps in matchmaking if they have decent shotgun aim.

posted about 9 years ago
#76 Competitive Matchmaking Details Revealed in News
mousiopei think not having highlander as an option from the start its a mistake, sure it would be harder to get games running and to create a balanced system but it would be a much smoother transition from casual players to some sort of competitive format,sure its cool to hate on highlander here but if i actually invite a friend that never played anything except pubs and i tell him its 6s pretty sure most of them are going to decline the invitation but if i explain to them its just 9v9 (a glorified pub) i might get some of them to actually try it ! having options never really hurt anyone

Matchmaking will probably be more like a pub with 6 players on each team, some classlimits (because 2 demo/2 heavy/2 medic is not a fun game for anyone). and everyone actually trying to win and not being completely awful at the game than it will be like 6s.

I doubt a majority of matchmaking games will have a team with 2 scouts 2 soldiers 1 demo 1 medic.

posted about 9 years ago
#540 Valve and Competitive TF2 in News
sandhillcelticok a question for the podcast- will there be more advanced tutorials added with matchmaking for things like rocket jumping and the competitive meta?

Seems difficult to make a tutorial on the meta before the matchmaking format has actually been played by anyone outside Valve and before a meta has even had time to evolve.

posted about 9 years ago