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Last Posted January 1, 2016 at 10:45 AM
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#97 Katie/Maqe/Uberace is really creepy. in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINCan we stop talking about katie? This topic is soooo last year.

lets talk about u slin, what is up? how was ur new years?
even tho u called me gross in a lobby for a finger nail on my mousepad, when will u come down to cardiff-by-the-sea and enjoy some filibertos carne asada burritos with me

posted about 9 years ago
#43 hype bois in TF2 General Discussion
MankyJust for a measurement, Smissmass 2014 was released on Saturday, 20th Dec

yes but also consider the naughty crates 2014 began dropping on Dec. 15th. Dota just got a monster patch for 6.86 so I assume when the storm calms we'll get more of focus on tf2 for the time being.

posted about 9 years ago
#22 August's top 10 streamers and YouTubers in TF2 General Discussion
deetrwho the fuck is silentsentry

Hes a dayz streamer. I used to watch him when I was into dayz, he's chill - nothing spectacular. As long as they don't act like star with the overexcited ADHD bullshit, they're okay in my book.

posted about 9 years ago
#56 Send Jdawg to i55 in TF2 General Discussion
chunkeyyyPYYYOURAs much as this thread is aids, I think it would be pretty cool, in addition to Ascent and Yolotech, to send a member or members of our community to compete and hang out at Insomnia.send a negro for once, me

LAMO i think ur gettin down voted cus they do not know u r black as a cloudy midnight sky

posted about 9 years ago
#49 Send Jdawg to i55 in TF2 General Discussion

chunkey is the hero the na bballers deserve

posted about 9 years ago
#56 Give me casting feedback in TF2 General Discussion

someone please tell me im delusional, but doesnt marxist sound exactly like Jello Biafra from the Dead Kennedys????

posted about 9 years ago
#22 Is lamering a thing? in TF2 General Discussion
sildeezyThey love bitching about how they THINK the other person is playing though.

lets be real though, there is people who intentionally utilize dumb mge strats.

posted about 9 years ago
#88 ayy scam smh in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordWhat UGC doesn't seem to realize, and I might sound a little vain here but fuck it, is that it needs people like me.

ok tony montana dont get ahead of urself

posted about 9 years ago
#95 Overwatch, Overhyped? in TF2 General Discussion
FanofAngelsI love when people respond to an obscure post 5 days later.

i only read these forums when im at work

posted about 10 years ago
#93 Overwatch, Overhyped? in TF2 General Discussion
fargobawlerslocalsonlyOkay, are any of you vanilla WoW players? Unlike Valve creating unbalanced weapons, Blizzard constantly threw classes out of balance. Burning Crusades PvP was on the slower side, but was more strategic and highlighted raw skill. Following 3 expansions, they constantly screwed up balancing issues leading hardcore PvP (ie: tf2s comp community) away while only pros(+streamers) and new players continued. To fix 3 terrible expansions they had to roll back and re-scale all healthpools on players, raids, and NPCS to attempt a re-balance on terrible damage and burst reliance.
Did I mention Blizzard absolutely LOVES RNG? Our communities disdain for random crits, is a concept blizzard absolutely LOVES. Imagine the frustration of losing a match because the enemy was lucky enough to get the 15% stun chance 3 consecutive times in a row in a matter of <10 seconds, leaving you in a stunlock for up to 12 seconds. This is how a Blizzard game is structured, if you're looking for a skill-will-prevail type game, you're looking in the wrong direction.
rofl all of your credibility is thrown out when you highlight tbc as the highlight of wow pvp (that was wotlk btw), theres nothing fun about 20 WLD teams making glad, and warrior was absolutely BROKEN all expansion with the most rng bullshit EVER in the stunherald/mace spec

all ur credibility is thrown out when u say wotlk. I agree stormherald was imbalanced but it wasn't an item everyone had access to, prior to the vortexs becoming BOE in 2.4. Burst =/= balance. BC was micro-intensive and a good player could always defeat the rock, paper, scissors structure through good decisions and experience. WOTLK was essentially forcing defensive cooldowns and then waiting for either a rng burst or a damage dump. Where is the challenge in that? There is a reason a majority of the BC pros are the top players throughout every xpac.

posted about 10 years ago
#84 Overwatch, Overhyped? in TF2 General Discussion

Okay, are any of you vanilla WoW players? Unlike Valve creating unbalanced weapons, Blizzard constantly threw classes out of balance. Burning Crusades PvP was on the slower side, but was more strategic and highlighted raw skill. Following 3 expansions, they constantly screwed up balancing issues leading hardcore PvP (ie: tf2s comp community) away while only pros(+streamers) and new players continued. To fix 3 terrible expansions they had to roll back and re-scale all healthpools on players, raids, and NPCS to attempt a re-balance on terrible damage and burst reliance.
Did I mention Blizzard absolutely LOVES RNG? Our communities disdain for random crits, is a concept blizzard absolutely LOVES. Imagine the frustration of losing a match because the enemy was lucky enough to get the 15% stun chance 3 consecutive times in a row in a matter of <10 seconds, leaving you in a stunlock for up to 12 seconds. This is how a Blizzard game is structured, if you're looking for a skill-will-prevail type game, you're looking in the wrong direction.

posted about 10 years ago