yo i know its been awhile but i also know that captains were notified if their rosters were moving up, and i was trying to get a better picture of who is going to be in the division next season.
as far as i know:
knights of grillz=going to invite
6cuties=in the poll
the sals canal/DBJ hybrid team=also in the poll?
storytime with marxist-reforming in main
rent-a-homies-in main sans nomadic
new faith church gaming-sup kev? whats going on brother?
tonights entertainment-mostly the same roster in main
baby dick gaming-some roster shakeups
playground tactics-reforming in main
down to pound-new team with dbw and some other bros.
tragedys a comin-not sure if theyre moving up but i know peyote wants to continue with the roster
from there on out i'm pretty sure the only two teams that aren't dead in IM are sharknado and trans autistic. if they do move up the winner of this season's Open thats gonna be like 10 teams or so in the division. gonna be cozy.
also have scrimmed a team with ctrlfmuffin, mr slin, waffleb and watt that was pretty good, not sure what roster theyre gonna grab.