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Last Posted May 30, 2021 at 9:15 AM
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#3 Help me think of a name for my 6s team pls lol in TF2 General Discussion

Crusty and the Bread Roles

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Name change and Stream Request in Requests

hi! i've changed my username since many years ago, from Macroverb to looseyleftie. would appreciate this being changed on here!

and would appreciate my stream being added to tf.tv: twitch.tv/looseyleftie

i stream mostly Highlander Medic, Div 2 in ETF2L, and some Prolander with americans in RGL. will occasionally play demo as well as that's what i played many seasons ago in lower divs!


posted about 3 years ago
#24 Help a student with his course- do a survey in Off Topic

560 responses already? Thank you all so much, I didn't expect this much data!

I'll post here when I've collected and analysed some of the most interesting stuff, and when I've done the final report (if you're curious, it's for a b-tec level 3 "extended diploma" (which is less fancy than it sounds)), I'll put a link to the file here as well. I'll also try to get a section in the report about complaints about the survey, because a lot of them were quite valid.

Oh, and I'm going to differentiate the results I got from giving this survey to comp tf2 players, and results I'll get by giving it to other groups of people, avid gamers or not- I think it'll be interesting seeing how different respondents from each group agree or disagree.

Thank you all!

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Help a student with his course- do a survey in Off Topic

Hi all,

So, I’m doing a qualification in Computer Game Development, and our current module is on Research Techniques in gaming- specifically, we have to research and write a report on “The Effects of Video Games on Society,” including both secondary sources and ones we make ourselves.

I’ve made a quick survey (just 10 questions) related to that topic, and it would be bloody marvellous if you could take two minutes to complete it, for use in this report of mine.


You’d really be helping me out here, as I have to make my own research and apply it to the report- and I really don’t want to have to bullshit some results to get a passing grade. Cheers!


posted about 10 years ago
#69 Comp.tf Newbie-Only 6v6 Cup and Wiki Contests in TF2 General Discussion

I think my team might have to drop out, unfortunately. The new time is just into the new HL season and school starting :/
How would be do so?

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Comp.tf Newbie-Only 6v6 Cup and Wiki Contests in TF2 General Discussion

I'd like to sign my team up; we're an EU HL team, and a few of us would like to play 6s, which we've only done once or twice before. Thing is, I know I'm going to need some substitute players, but I wouldn't know who they are yet. Can you add players to the roster after signup? (if they're eligible, of course)

posted about 11 years ago
#97 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion
wareya#92 Why not just have checks next to each of the item's stats and then an extra "bugged" one?

Well, that's one of the potential boxes, yes. The point is there are many to choose from.

posted about 11 years ago
#92 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

Well, firstly, aside from stock weapons, which just can't be banned, having preset bans completely destroys the point of the entire venture. For example, the wrangler is essential for engineer play, so it might find a way into a "permanent" banlist. It also needs a little nerf. So, in these lists, it would probably end up with a high proportion of bans. Valve would see this and nerf it appropriately. Thus, with a small amount of inconvenience, a long-term problem (too much sentry power/whatever) is solved. If this wasn't the case, it would never see change.

This brings up a similar point- specific weapons have different reasons why people don't like them- so (following on from earlier, with each player having an "offline" system of picking their own consistent banlist, which I think is a great idea) having a checklist asking why people don't like a weapon would help Valve make the appropriate nerfs, rather than changing the weapon in completely the wrong way, like making the Wrangler only able to target people long-range, or something.

To clarify, I think when you make your personalised banlist, you should have a series of boxes to tick that ask why you think the weapon shouldn't be used. These could specify "Does too much damage," "annoying," or "Gives player too much health" for example. They could be changed slightly for each weapon, so that it makes sense, because "Too much damage" doesn't apply to Bonk. Then, Valve would have very clear details about what weapons the majority of people don't like (maybe taking into account time spent in the PickBan HL games, so that it makes sure that people who are completely new don't get too much power, in case of a misinformed opinion), and their job would be easier, so we'd get more precise results.

posted about 11 years ago
#227 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

Great news on the front of competitive support in-game. It's really going to grow the scene for people who don't know much about it so far (yes, even 6v6 will gain popularity from it, don't worry).
Personally, I find the 6v6-based woes about Valve and what "terrible"things they're doing to the game pretty silly. I mean, here we are, with an actual opportunity for real implementation, by Valve, of support for competitive that will not only help to grow the comp community, but also help Valve balance weapons that need changes (read: you might be able to stop complaining about the gunslinger).
And something to keep in mind is that HL is more like pub play (I don't think this is such a bad thing). 6s is much more precious, with clear rules to stick to to do well. It does look stagnant. People wouldn't be immediately interested. They might be if they had experience of HL first.
So, please stop complaining about this opportunity. It's great for all of us involved.

posted about 11 years ago
#71 Sorta retiring in TF2 General Discussion

February 2012 you got me into TF2. Right in the deep end at competitive, and I've been hooked ever since. Thank you, Sal, for being the funniest, most informative, on-cue, pleasant to watch caster I've ever seen. Enjoy your real life <3

P.S. Can't help it; gotta get into casting now myself. Damn you, Sal!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 New to Competitive; Unsure If Good Enough in Q/A Help

I've been playing TF2 for about a year now, and I've racked up almost 300 hours, and I really want to get into some competitive highlander (probably as an engie), but I worry that I'm just not good enough.
I see people on some forums looking for teams at the lowest level with 1000-2000 hours, and is that what's really necessary of me? I know the game very well, and watch a great deal of competitive casting/POVs and the like, but I'm not sure if I'd actually be good enough to be in a team. plz hlp

posted about 12 years ago