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Signed Up August 24, 2012
Last Posted February 10, 2025 at 10:32 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 75 76 77 78 79
#38 Season 13 map? in Map Discussion

standin would be great if they made it so the cap time reverted alot faster, pretty much the only major issue with the map

posted about 12 years ago
#16 Share your story on getting into comp in Q/A Help

saw phelon play on devastation way back on, he dominated everyone and hit some of the craziest shots and it pretty much inspired me to start a 6v6 team with a pub community. was a very cool experience for me to get to play on the same team as him eventually as well :)

posted about 12 years ago
#61 Being Different in TF2 General Discussion
Ricki dont let go of w (+forward)

rick its things that comp players don't do

posted about 12 years ago
#18 Staying positive? in Q/A Help

what marmaduke said. just to build on what lanksy said, surround yourself with positive non-ragey players, and also players that aren't oversensitive about criticism. Just take every game you play and be optimistic, find something from the games you play that are good (things you can build on) and also importantly things from a game you dont do well (that you can improve on) and make sure you approach both with positive mindsets and then act on them

Attitude First!

posted about 12 years ago
#10 The Chess Club Returns in TF2 General Discussion

this makes me so happy

posted about 12 years ago
#112 rip tf2 invite in TF2 General Discussion
KillingAt the beginning of the season I was actually thinking of not allowing sweater into invite. This entire ordeal makes me think that some sort of "Invite Blacklist" would be a good idea. This wouldn't necessarily mean you're banned from invite for life, it would just make it much harder for certain individuals to get in. Ideally, players on the blacklist would have to make their way into invite through IM rather than a direct seed. This would force players to put in time and effort to get into invite rather than taking it as a given. The players will probably do well in IM which makes life much easier than a sub par invite season so it wouldn't really be a true test but I guess it'd be better than nothing. Playing 1 full season of invite would get you off the blacklist which means if you fuck up twice, you need to go through IM twice. This would act as a deterrent I'd assume but it may force players that give up as easily as these to quit rather than put in the time. Powah is a prime example of how to quit a team. He told his team his situation and gave them plenty of time. Leaving like that won't get you on a blacklist.

I'm curious what you guys think of this idea. Thoughts?

this is the /endthread imo.

What players and teams need to start to realize is that Invite level tf2 will never be stable or competitive throughout the whole division unless there are more invite quality teams, not just teams randomly thrown together before the season made up of invite or ex-invite players. What Invite needs to become competitive and continue its longevity and keep its integrity is that teams need to keep playing together for long periods of time, work up through the ranks, achieve some realistic goals and that way you will create another invite quality team, NOT another team thrown together with "invite" players on the roster, as that will not create any real competition.

I think the Invite blacklist is an amazing idea, this would be a great way to keep teams together and steadily improve as a team and work towards some real goals, much better then any "roster rule" would. additionally, It would more then likely stop the trend that sees teams form with all-stars weeks before the season, fails miserably, then everyone leaves and reforms another mix with the same players.

please TF2 community, deeply consider this suggestion from killing and you will see guaranteed improvement in competition across the board.

TLDR: Check powah's post at 139

posted about 12 years ago
#9 rip tf2 invite in TF2 General Discussion

the invite legacy continues

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Roamer POV + Coms in TF2 General Discussion

i watch this for stultus' comms

posted about 12 years ago
#11 Chess Club Cast H2K vs normalcool cp_granary in TF2 General Discussion

going live within minutes

posted about 12 years ago
#25 djc and cbear in TF2 General Discussion
Shwan"none of you have done anything beside play it and whine of the forums"

I haven't listened to the whole thing but I don't understand why DJC thinks the community hasn't done shit even though they want tf2 comp to be successful. Was it not the community that payed sal back 14 grand for sending 2 teams to FUCKING EUROPE; And supported other teams in order to make it to the ESEA lan? Not to mention the fact that the community is the only reason djc has any readers, why extv has any staff, and why any stream has any amount of viewers. Consuming the content that others make isn't doing nothing, it directly supports it.

He then shits on "high IM" players for not casting, failing to realize that the reason those players cant cast is because they are busy playing the game. Most nights IM teams cant even watch eXtv because they are playing in their own ESEA matchs at the same time. Now some times invite matches are later and an IM player could finish a match and cast the invite one. But that is only if their team stops playing TF2 after a match, many teams keep scriming. Luckily Cbear got it right when he pleaded for players that AREN'T playing but where top IM or low invite to cast with eXtv.

In order to contribute to the community you need to have a solid knowledge of the game, and an ability to write coherently, or the personality to be streamed on the internet. It doesn't surprise me that their are only a handful of people like that. I haven't even mentioned that fact that everyone plays tf2 on top of going to school / having a job / being social. To contribute you need the right ratio of those things to even have enough time left to create content let alone the skills needed.

All that being said DJC is a someone I like and he is right in saying that we need more creators, I just don't like the way he went about saying it.

I also just realized DJC was drunk... maybe that is why he didn't realize these things.

logic bombs

posted about 12 years ago
#12 Airstrafing in Q/A Help
wareyazigzterI'd also like to add that pulling out your equalizer (escape plan whatever) mid-air doesn't help in any way and just makes you look like an idiot. Unless you're going for the melee on landing, of course.I've tested it out and it /does/ make a difference, with how tightly I'm able to strafe, especially at high speeds.


posted about 12 years ago
#17 How in gods name did cp_ashville get into rotation in TF2 General Discussion

if the spawns on freight were fixed it would be a sweet map

posted about 12 years ago
#5 How in gods name did cp_ashville get into rotation in TF2 General Discussion

time played on map: 1 hour 15 minutes

time actually spent playing: 15 minutes

posted about 12 years ago
#20 The Official "Review My Demo" Thread in Q/A Help
kirbyHas this thread been somewhat successful?

kinda tough, only people to have posted are a beginner medic, a HL Engineer, and 1 scout who wants a High level scout to look at his

posted about 12 years ago
#11 cp_evergreen in Map Discussion

alot of these new maps are wayyyyyyyyyyy too big and wide open (see cp_ashville_b6)

posted about 12 years ago
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