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Signed Up March 25, 2018
Last Posted January 23, 2020 at 9:14 AM
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#98 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
rainy_kidThe South American TF2 scene is not all that Flawless

get the fkn out.

posted about 5 years ago
#37 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

It is a very sad fact that we have this kind of things happening around a shrinking community, however, we still have the power of making it a good place. it tottaly depends on the ones administrating it, when you have a group of toxic people, you can't expect less than a toxic comunity.
I miss the Chapelaria times, where we've done the best we could at our limited rescources to make the best enviroment as we could.
I don't have any thoughts about Pepito and Flawless, besides the fact that they have to face the concequences of their acts. I hope they don't get back the hate they have spread.

I'm happy to se the Analytics tool is beeing used as intended: a truth repository.

Remember, there will never be enough toxicity to overcome the ones that really want to do the greater good.

As sonikro said: Cheers from Brazil <3

posted about 5 years ago
#5 powah: "I'm happy to see that the scene keeps in movement somehow" in News

Boa mano! Representa a SA!

posted about 6 years ago
#24 Chapelaria S3 GF: SVIFT SA vs. Bee Work in Matches

It is realy rewarding to see our work on TeamfortressTv. Thankyou guys =D

posted about 6 years ago