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Last Posted October 27, 2017 at 2:31 PM
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#5 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games

1864-8973-7116; m4risa

adding everyone here

posted about 10 years ago
#94 Pokemon X/Y in Other Games

i just fully trained an impish carbink

101 def @ lv23 @_@

stealth rocks
rock tomb (buffed to 60bp, 95% acc)

using rock tomb more as a utility to lower speed of things that come in on the switch

posted about 10 years ago
#78 Pokemon X/Y in Other Games

some moves were changed

Show Content
weather effects from abilities now last 5 turns
hidden power locked at 60 BP
thunder/blizzard/fire blast/hurricane dropped to 110 BP, probably will be the same for hydro pump too
steath rock untouched :(
frost breath now has 60BP, and since it always crits it will effectively be a 90% acc blizzard
I love how fennekin looks like, but it's evolution is so awfully.

dont you mean awfully sexy? ;3

posted about 10 years ago
#55 Pokemon X/Y in Other Games


posted about 10 years ago
#37 Pokemon X/Y in Other Games

i cant wait for all the new meowstic, goodra, and sylveon porn

anyhow im probably going to get back into competitive pok

posted about 10 years ago
#71 America in Off Topic

every country has its shitty areas

posted about 10 years ago
#22 America in Off Topic
moweUSA has a lot of things going for it. The biggest economy, high quality of life, best military, excellent higher education, acceptance of people of all races, religions, and sexualities (this is a big issue even in many European countries) etc. Of course it has its problems, namely the health care system.

i feel a lot of this is wrong

-shitty economy
-rapidly declining quality of life
-having a bloated military doesnt actually help
-higher education is WAY too expensive for most people in the u.s.
-alternate sexualities not accepted in the u.s. as well overall as in many other south american and european countries
-you're right about the healthcare, it's inferior to many other more developed countries

posted about 10 years ago
#39 Making tf2 friends in TF2 General Discussion

tf2 friends thred

posted about 10 years ago
#148 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion

wow too much stuff to read

Anyhow the main point I wanted to develop and get across is that 9v9 isn't really just an organized pub (anymore) unless you're playing in lesser divisions. There is a division anywhere from Iron to Platinum that just about everyone here fits into properly if they were to join a team right now, unlike in early seasons where one could just stack a team of random invite players and expect to win. I can understand having a bad aftertaste left from playing in older seasons or in lesser divisions, but 9v9 in its current state is much different (and much more enjoyable) from how it was several seasons ago and I'd like it if people that didn't enjoy it before, gave it another try now. I also wish people would respect the talents of players that play nonstandard 6v6 classes; yeah you might dislike Engineer, Pyro, Heavy, and Spy mains but someone has to play them and I hope that people realize it still takes skill and dedication to play those classes at the highest level of 9v9 and still remain relevant. Teams and players are still getting better; compare the difference between 6v6 now and 6v6 five years ago, very different.

Regarding items, that's not really a problem with the gamemode, that's more a problem with the league and I'd wish they'd at least do divisional bans and keep all the dumb stuff in Steel.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Help with raging in Off Topic

slam the table, not the keyboard

posted about 10 years ago
#110 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion
kirbyA class' responsibilities don't dictate whether or not that class takes any skill. Each class has a skill ceiling and the engineer's ceiling is significantly lower than most of the classes, on the exception of I would say only heavy, with pyro coming in close.

I agree with Engineer being having the lowest skill ceiling, but Pyro and Heavy coming in close is very wrong. There is a very noticeable difference between the Pyros and Heavies in upper Platinum compared to those in mid or even lower Platinum, don't even get me started on lower divisions.

posted about 10 years ago
#52 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion
AllealWhat's the difference between all that and pubs?

Communication, teamwork, smarter and better players. A far more competitive experience regardless of how dumb and annoying some of the unlocks are. Considering you've only played Highlander in Iron and Steel, I can see why you think that way though.

posted about 10 years ago
#49 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion
BlackdottI think 9v9 is a lot less balanced than 6v6.

I don't think balance is the proper word to use. Different classes have different value in both 6v6 and 9v9. In 9v9, there might be a much larger difference between how valuable each of the classes are but it in no way should imply that the format is imbalanced. Different values for each classes is part of what makes TF2 interesting from a competitive standpoint, Demoman and Medic picks are huuuugeeee, but a Scout not so much. Both team both have the same set of classes, this is not imbalance. Imbalance would be a map being unsymmetrical or one team being allowed a different set of classes than the other.

posted about 10 years ago
#44 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion

I feel that 9v9 is very team-centric, similar to 6v6. It's difficult to have as much of an individual impact in the game which is similar to what clockwork was saying earlier; I can understand people not enjoying highlander because it's harder to do big plays and makes you feel small in a way. However, every class has a team-based role that helps the team as a whole regardless of some classes being more useful than others. Highlander has developed a lot more since two years ago to the point where a team of individual DM powerhouses can't just out-DM players that actually play as a team as easily as they would in 6v6. You're a lot more limited to the classes that you can play since 9v9 only allows one of each class which in turn makes the strategy in 9v9 much more static than it is in 6v6. But on the plus side, it forces all teams to play similarly (being mostly limited to different positioning), only losing or winning because of how well they played as a team, not because of a last second class switching strategy that some teams in 6v6 could not adjust to.

Something else that bugs me is how people throw around the term 'fast-paced' and make it sound like it is factually better than 'slower-paced' as opposed to a only being matter of preference. Lots of players don't mind and still enjoy slower games. It's like how fast-food chains throw around words like 'fresh' or 'all-natural', just a buzzword.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion
LKincheloeAdditionally, most leaders can only track up to about three separate things at once. This is no problem in 6v6 because you can track yourself, the combo and the flank with ease. But in HL there can be anywhere from four to seven different elements to keep track of at once, it's impossible for one person to do.

I really feel this is wrong.

The Medic really only keeps track of the Heavy and Demo; Pyro keeps track of the Heavy, Medic, Demo. The Engineer, Sniper, and Spy generally do their own things (build stuff and get key picks). Scout and Soldier (usually) play the flank and try to annoy. Losing a player in Highlander, especially classes like Scout, Spy, Engineer (on offense), Pyro, or Spy doesn't make nearly as much of an impact as losing any single one class does in 6v6. If you're trying to keep track of the positions of every single player on your team by yourself like in 6v6 then you're going to to crazy. There isn't a need to keep track of so many things at once in the 9v9 format. If everyone plays their role like they're supposed to then there shouldn't be a problem and you shouldn't feel overwhelmed.

posted about 10 years ago
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