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Country United States
Signed Up December 13, 2015
Last Posted March 21, 2016 at 10:55 PM
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#4 Help with demos in Videos

so to anyone i found the solution (for me and hopefully for you too).

1. disable multi core rendering in the advanced options
2. cl_lagcompesation .32 (.30-.35 for most people it depends on your system)
3. cl_interp 0.1 (once again depends on system)

Remember ALL OF THE CONSOLE commands depend on the system you have so don't blindly fallow what people say in forums then complain why their solution didn't work for you. troubleshoot it a little and do some research for your system, I did that and it was worth it

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Frame Rates in Q/A Help

Here's my situation, I run on a great AMD gaming laptop and it runs games very well in general, fallout 4 gets 60+ (unless I'm in large gunfights then it's more like 30-40, which I don't mind) and in tf2 when I'm in spawn i get 150+ frames. And as I run around I get 60-110 but if there's a large fight going on or a choke point, which happens a lot in tf2, my frames go down to 30 and under. Now i really don't mind 30, but as soon as it get into the 20s I start to notice. It's been like this the entire time I've has this laptop but I'm finally sick of it. I play on medium to high graphics. I've tried lowering them but it didn't make a difference. Are there any suggestions?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Help with demos in Videos

I started a thread a while ago with the resolution being cl_interp 0.1, and that helped but my demos are still very choppy and laggy. I feel like I've tried everything, is there anything else I can do?

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Demo Problems in Videos

Thanks that fixed it

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Demo Problems in Videos

Sometimes when i record a demo, the demo comes out really laggy even though that didn't happen in the game. I tried looking at other forums but i couldn't find anyone else with the same problem. I need help.

posted about 9 years ago