pupper helping with dinner
pupper helping with dishes
pupper after long day
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198037509122 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:77243394] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:38621697 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | October 29, 2014 |
Last Posted | January 3, 2025 at 8:01 PM |
Posts | 2447 (0.7 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 2.4/3 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
800 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
180 |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Razer Viper V3 Pro |
Keyboard | Unikorn 60 |
Mousepad | LGG Saturn Pro |
Headphones | Sennheiser 6XX |
Monitor | LG 34" |
pupper helping with dinner
pupper helping with dishes
pupper after long day
demos are fucky, there's no fix for this afaik
rocket magnet :^)
all bs aside seth has tons of potential and is dedicated to improving.
stop shitposting he needs a fucking ride lol
OppeboS- Forward
Z - Backwards
A - Strafe Left
X - Strafe Right
is this why you blow at scout??
what bill said
also yes open is the best way to improve if that's what you want, but be ready to commit to it
can almost speak english fluently
wasn't Cy playing for them and just aliasing as duwatna
PontNot sure if this would help, but could be a cord connection issue? Maybe try a new HDMI (if you're using it) or try plugging it into a different hdmi port on your monitor
hdmi does not support 144hz so there's ur problem
use dvi
go marm
logjam & coalplant
people have been acknowledging your ideas ironically please stop taking honestly
i'd say no because nobody gives a fuck if your legs are shaved or not
I, Pyxelize Julio Ricardo Montoya De La Rosa Ramirez, swear that my team will not voluntarily use the Quick Fix, Soda Popper, or Soda Popper in neither scrims nor matches. Furthermore I will make the decision to actively avoid other players attempting to bring toxicity into the game by using nerdweapons. I make this pledge to ensure a fun and competitive gaming environment for myself, my teammates, and my gaming community.