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Signed Up July 6, 2018
Last Posted August 13, 2022 at 3:49 PM
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#1 RGL LAN Highlights in Videos

Didn't see a highlight video so I made one:

posted about 2 years ago
#8753 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 2 years ago
#467 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
liam trying to help us not be snaked by youngman

Its not being a snake its rgl rules. Spazz literally said even if I dint report it would had been overturned because of 3 ringers.

posted about 2 years ago
#399 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
chellSpaceCadetYoung_SanityPrime Era (8-7) - Cannot make playoffs in any scenarioGG if I dint get benched maybe this would have been different.
you weren't benched for the first 6 losses.

Win or loss it's shitty to bench a main roster. If you don't want to play with someone, cut them. Young man didn't deserve a season wondering if he'd even be allowed to play.

His team nearly got dbk in for him in our match, and didn't even want him to know they were planning to bench him. The only reason he got played is cuz we rejected the ringer. I'm not a good TL and I didn't lead my team to the success we wanted, but at least it's better than permanently putting someone on edge about their place on a team, only to bench them for the deciding match of the season.

The justification of "you were playing for the last 6 matches that you lost" is not at all relevant here. Win as a team or lose as a team. Don't string someone along the entire time so you can rat for bottom seed playoffs.

I normally don't post on here but as his teammate I will to explain the warped picture young man is trying to paint here. young man for the past month has been leaving mid game multiple times to do tasks like make tea or gatorade or food or go afk for other unknown reasons. He gets scrims and then sleeps past our scrim time and doesn't inform anyone of the other team's contact so we have to hunt down the other teams leader. He will consistently not try in scrims saying he's "saving his energy for the match" and feed the entire game. He will not listen to comms and it's cost us games. It's not even a skill issue and instead a player issue. He doesn't respect his teammates enough to play, listen or even show up to half our scrims and that's why he was benched for the last game.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Kudos Team Frag Movie - RGL S3 IM in Videos

Been about a year since S3 but finally finished the video. Features me, soap, nk, mimky, joy, sashi, false, and spoils.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 The mcats fragshow - Ep. 2 in Videos

After almost a full year since the last one, it's finished. I've been losing motivation to edit and play TF2, so I might make 1 or 2 more videos, then I'll likely be moving on.

posted about 4 years ago
#4 mcats fragshow 1.5 in Videos

is joke

posted about 4 years ago
#1 mcats fragshow 1.5 in Videos

hey guys I spent 300 hours on my latest project and tried new things and it was very hard and took 3 hours to render and its featuring some of my very own very good frags :O

I'll be making episode 2 in a bit just wanted to get some of these unused frags out of the way

posted about 4 years ago
#2 Fragvideo song blocked in Videos

Not your song, so you really don't have any rights to it. Thats how copyright works. The artist/label has the ability to say they don't want other people using their stuff. Your best option is to upload it somewhere else or pick another song. If they're a small enough artist you can try contacting them for permission, otherwise you're out of luck.

posted about 5 years ago
#13 The mcats Fragshow - Ep. 1 in Videos
Shearsvery chill frag movie, a nice change of pace,

as far as SFX I think Cyanic means having prerecorded SFX for weapon impacts (rockets/pipes/stickies exploding, sniper headshots, etc.) so you can pick and choose what you want the audience to hear. That is a buttload of extra work though, I don't blame you if you can't be fucked doing all that.

Don't worry about the caliber of your play too much, as long as the frags are at least moderately interesting (they are) I'll always watch a frag movie with this level of visual and editing quality.

Yea that's what I did for Strobe and some of my other edits so that's why I said general laziness because it does take a lot longer to manually add SFX. Glad to hear you enjoyed it

posted about 5 years ago
#11 The mcats Fragshow - Ep. 1 in Videos
CyanicReally nice work, I enjoyed this a lot, although I personally would have preferred it if you'd added SFX.

Going forwards it'd be really cool to see you get more ambitious with your cinematics (the pipe thing was great for example) and you should consider using SFM to give yourself more freedom and avoid issues.

As far as SFX I did have the ingame audio recorded I just lowered it a ton because I wanted the music to be the main focus and also just general laziness

I'm also trying to get my AGR'S to work so hopefully I can use SFM in the future.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 The mcats Fragshow - Ep. 1 in Videos
corsamcatsI'm not that good of a player though lol.
there's no reason to put yourself down

few of the slow mo's were choppy, but i know that can be difficult with some demos. the editing was nice, and the speed and amount of transitions fit the song pretty well my dude

yea my POV demos were the ones that were causing a lot of the choppiness in the video as some of the models would bug out mid-smooth; it's why I generally try to use STV's as they are less buggy.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 The mcats Fragshow - Ep. 1 in Videos

Just finished a frag movie of some of my own frags, I'm not that good of a player though lol.

What do you all think?

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Strobe - A TF2 Community Frag Movie in Videos

Finally finished this. Sorry for the long wait to everyone that submitted, some things came up and I wasn't really feeling motivated to work on it.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Custom Killfeed Icons in Videos
obliqueAre they blocked by sv_pure 2?

This isn't a mod it's just the kill feed icons in a PNG format.

posted about 5 years ago
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