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Signed Up April 1, 2017
Last Posted August 4, 2019 at 5:55 PM
Posts 15 (0 per day)
#36 ANOTHER mass shooting in Dayton Ohio in World Events

I also love how you call me a conspiracy theorist for siding with the immigrants.
I'm against them being used, maybe if you fully read my initial post on it you would understand.

... or maybe you're illiterate? can't read?

posted about 5 years ago
#34 ANOTHER mass shooting in Dayton Ohio in World Events

It's not a conspiracy... multiple voting investigations (such as Pennsylvania, 2016 during the presidential election) have shown that illegal immigrants and dead people are being used on the democratic ballot. Names being used more than once too.

Conspiracy means not true, dude. This is true LOL

posted about 5 years ago
#32 ANOTHER mass shooting in Dayton Ohio in World Events

If you think democrats care at all about illegals, you're just dumb. I'm sorry.

Not only are they a tool for more votes, (whose names have also been used more than once in ballots by democrats!!)
They are also used for cheap labor. An OVERWHELMING majority of illegal immigrants serve our country by working in hyper-industrialized factories such as Perdue Chicken. Is being used the American dream? I don't think so.

Is being used as nothing else except a vote the American dream? I don't think so. Democrats and certain Republicans all think alike. This is all for maintaining cheap industry, producing cheap goods for cheap buyers. That's the American economy, folks. Quality thrown out the window, so that we can ship in illegals to do the dirty work while we sit inside in the AC all day chomping down on their garbage.

Illegals in America are not "dreamers" they are tools. They don't stimulate the economy, they flat-line it in a "comfortable" position. Comfortable for who?

Illegal immigration is, and will continue to be a problem, in terms of the war on drugs. The opioid epidemic in the Northeast US is destroying the youth, as seen in NYC and Baltimore especially. Everyone is zombied out, on drugs pouring in from our southern border. This isn't a coincidence. None of this is.

Illegal immigration is, and will continue to be a problem because we don't know who is coming in. Sure, some of them may be "dreamers", but for every "dreamer" we could be (and we really have been) letting in 3 more drugs dealers, and another rapist. People in the drug scene and Central-American human trafficking scene have criminal interests in America, and we are enabling it by lacking security on our southern border.

posted about 5 years ago
#29 ANOTHER mass shooting in Dayton Ohio in World Events
ulmyxxThis thread is going way off topic about some dumb religion shit. I am really sorry to all the families and people affected by these shooting, personally, I think that at this moment we should just think about the peoples lives that were lost and think of their families, politics and discussion about other things are just stupid right now.

Exactly what I said in my above post. Preach

posted about 5 years ago
#27 ANOTHER mass shooting in Dayton Ohio in World Events
insommelatoninGuys, every single shooting statistic in America is inflated beyond belief.
Single-person murders occur just as often in countries with gun control.
Shooting statistics in America also include parking-lot suicides.
Gun control with the availability of the black market literally nullifies the effects of gun control. Criminals still access weapons, law-abiding citizens suffer.
Nothing I'm saying justifies mass shootings. They're awful no matter what the motive is. You people can ONLY focus on the statistics (inaccurate and extrapolated ones!) and the MOTIVE rather than the people who lost their lives.
None of you are smart.
You're a bunch of like-minded pea-brains with no grasp on political happenings. Stay under your rock, it's probably better for 95% of you people.
Keep aping out. I pray for people like the ones on this thread.
And yes, dishsoap, Christians are the most persecuted religion in the world currently. Disconnect from a TF2 server and walk outside, you might learn something new! :D

Here's my discord if anyone wants to talk!

Good christianity fucked over the world, they better be the most persecuted

Woah dude, really edgy!!! You mean, masonic satanists and far-leaning SECTS of Protestantism ruined most of what's "ruined" today. Giving Africa railroads and water sucks man!! >:(

The Orthodox Church has done absolutely nothing except exist since the time of Christ when it was founded. I can even say nice things about RCC and most Protestants. I have no idea what we did to "ruin" the world outside of having a faith, and an actual explanation for where our morality comes from!! :D

You're really smart though, dude, I shouldn't mess with you.

Oh, and once again. Turning a post about people losing their lives into a religious debate!!! Wow!!! You're an upstanding guy! You really care about them outside of as a statistic!!

posted about 5 years ago
#25 ANOTHER mass shooting in Dayton Ohio in World Events

Guys, every single shooting statistic in America is inflated beyond belief.
Single-person murders occur just as often in countries with gun control.
Shooting statistics in America also include parking-lot suicides.
Gun control with the availability of the black market literally nullifies the effects of gun control. Criminals still access weapons, law-abiding citizens suffer.
Nothing I'm saying justifies mass shootings. They're awful no matter what the motive is. You people can ONLY focus on the statistics (inaccurate and extrapolated ones!) and the MOTIVE rather than the people who lost their lives.
None of you are smart.
You're a bunch of like-minded pea-brains with no grasp on political happenings. Stay under your rock, it's probably better for 95% of you people.
Keep aping out. I pray for people like the ones on this thread.
And yes, dishsoap, Christians are the most persecuted religion in the world currently. Disconnect from a TF2 server and walk outside, you might learn something new! :D

Here's my discord if anyone wants to talk!

posted about 5 years ago
#23 ANOTHER mass shooting in Dayton Ohio in World Events
jhonmaddentfw Iraq's Christian population goes from 1.1 million to 200,000

guess they just vanished.

Remember when more Orthodox Christians were killed by Stalin's systematic genocide than Jews in the Holocaust??
... no you don't. :(

spittin FAX

posted about 5 years ago
#21 ANOTHER mass shooting in Dayton Ohio in World Events


posted about 5 years ago
#65 what's ur goto order from mcdonalds in Off Topic

h, g, t

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 6 years ago
#1 Name Change in Requests

would like my name changed to melatonin, thanks any admins :)

posted about 7 years ago
#2 LFT S27 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Highly recommend picking him up he's got good game sense and DM. :)

posted about 7 years ago