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Last Posted July 14, 2019 at 3:05 PM
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#94 weekly hedgehogs images in Off Topic

glad to see spike keeping up with the latest in the world of sports

posted about 5 years ago
#797 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

ohhh boy now im pissed

posted about 5 years ago
#792 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Antlersgg to the team that fears skyz gaming

sure as hell isnt me, we wanted to reschedule but you pussies were too scared to play

posted about 5 years ago
#6017 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Is there any way to have the cow mangler's ammo show up as a number, not as a bar? maybe other huds are different but the hud i have shows the cow manglers ammo as a bar that reloads with 4 sections. is there a way to have the ammo show up as 0,1,2,3,4 instead of the bar?

posted about 5 years ago
#9138 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 5 years ago
#18 RGL unveils Traditional Sixes League details in News
ScreamHey guys, I went behind the scenes and found the entire RGL survey!
Please answer dilligently!

"RGL Survey
Your responses will not be taken into consideration."

Sounds about right

posted about 5 years ago
#179 Announcing Sixes - Season 1 in TF2 General Discussion

ESEA might not have been the perfect league, but it was the best option that we had.

frenzy_Letting a engi main run a 6s league no thank you.

edit1: Also why the fuck would you take out granary and badlands for 2 maps ive never heard. Granary and badlands arent the best but i still think they are the best option while transitioning to a new league.

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sigafoocorsaDaffodil-Just for the record, sigafoo also attempted to get a representative from the paddie/corsa team as well.
as far as i know, neither of us were contacted

I didn't contact every team in Invite, as generally more voices don't always make the decisions better. Often too many voices can stifle decisions because too many people trying to express an opinion. "Too many cooks in a kitchen."

I contacted the leaders that I've already worked with in the past to some degree. Which was b4nny and Lucrative.

Daf is a long time player in RGL and ESEA and I've had conversations with him in the past about various TF2 things. So I added him.

Then I wanted three more leaders to balance out that. I basically just went top down on rankings from ESEA Invite. I saw Ascent, so I reached out to Ma3la. Reached out to ford gaming which directed me to Sandblast. I reached out to Garbuglio (cafe monsters), who declined taking part in it. So then I added Space Pirates, who directed me to Shamoo.

Pretty straight forward, used the contacts I already knew and reached out to ones I didn't to fill in the gaps.
wtf did i just read. Sigafoo my man im sorry this is a lot of bullshit your talking. I smell a snake.
yightim telling u guys right now this guy is like kim jong-un except he plays engi

i will swallow 10 tide pods on stream if he budges about any of his awful rules and on top of that he DESPISES 6s

banny already sold his soul to sigafoo

none of you have to.

we can stop this.

It definitely seems like sigafoo just wants to have his way with the league instead of genuinely getting community feedback or else a lot of things would be set up differently. Obviously when you run any type of business you need to think about longevity, not just what customers want, but from reading through this thread I don't think that this is what's best for the community by any means.

Map Pool Stuff
I've always thought that a new map pool needed to be implemented, and I was hoping a new league would create a better one, but apparently I was giving too much credit to RGL. It's great that we get a new KOTH map introduced, as I (I believe marmaloo has shared similar ideas) have always thought it promotes better gameplay overall and is much more enjoyable and entertaining to spectate. A 3 minute countdown provides much faster paced gameplay without teams parking the bus/being content with a stalemate, which is both boring as players and spectators.

I also don't understand why the TF2 community, or maybe its just NA idk, is so fixated on having 9 maps. If TF2 had 7 maps in the pool like CS:GO, the numbers work out nicer for pick/bans, and allows teams to spend more time on each map. When it comes down to finding out what team is truly the best, why would you want two teams to play against each other on a map that they might not spend a lot of time on because it doesn't get played often enough? It makes more sense for teams to spend more time on less maps. 7 maps is still plenty of maps to have variation while also being manageable to scrim. It also allows for maps to be rotated in and out, without really obscure maps like the two new ones being added. It would allow for maps like granary, badlands, or propaganda to be reworked in between seasons while still having a good pool available for the upcoming season and you can still have the option to try maybe 1 new map per season, depending on the community's feedback.

I could ramble a lot more with my issues on the map pool and scheduling of maps but I'm trying to keep it somewhat concise at the moment.

posted about 5 years ago
#509 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

because open itself gets worse every season

posted about 5 years ago
#507 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
krphyxzwlpzthis is the last open thread of esea can we please make it memorable!1! post only good posts from now on :)

before we move on i would like some feedback for a very important scientific study i am now conducting on why open players are the way that they are

posted about 5 years ago
#494 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Gaze upon the positivity that hides behind the shadows of fear. Free or persecution. Free of negativity. Free of the dark side.

call me toxic yet you photoshop shit like that? hell yea brother

posted about 5 years ago
#486 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Lefty_thanksSide note: any recommendations on a new motherboard? My PC could use some upgrading.

just let it die and dont get a new one

posted about 5 years ago
#480 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
dishsoapthis drama sucks

i agree, can someone make a huge fuckup or can something exciting happen for once

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Team hortress 2 in The Dumpster

i agree

posted about 5 years ago
#307 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
EntropyTFi LOVE to game

gamer alert

posted about 5 years ago
#242 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
EntropyTFi LOVE to game

hell yea brother

posted about 5 years ago
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