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Signed Up August 18, 2014
Last Posted October 29, 2016 at 8:48 AM
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#37 gameboy classics in Other Games

wouldn't personally say minish cap is the best loz but it's up there for sure. super underrated game.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Mousepad for high sens? in Hardware

its honestly just worth investing in something around the size of a qck+ even if u do play on high sense. the extra pad size will do magic for your game.

posted about 8 years ago
#81 tf2 guilty pleasures in TF2 General Discussion

2fort sniping since i cant hit people who use their wasd keys for shit.

posted about 8 years ago
#55 Valve adds streams list to main menu in News

better late than never i guess

posted about 8 years ago
#25 OZF 15 Premier teams revealed in News

is rep playing core for ego or just sub/roster riding?

posted about 8 years ago
#63 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion
flamewhat do you mean these guys didnt?

do i need to fucking write in the imaginary esports handbook "dont ddos the enemy team during a match" or "don't stream snipe your matches" or "don't fucking COMMIT LEGAL CRIMES"

please, give me a break.

I don't care if it's 6 months or 5 years, I personally and Valve DEFINITELY does not want these guys to EVER be the top story of any game of theirs, or representing any of their products in any way, and that is 100% justified.

i am not saying it needs to be a rule before you are punished. i am saying there needs to be a known precedent and punishment for the crime, rather then just make an example out of the ibp or epsilon guys, it could of been 1 year or 5, people wouldnt risk throwing anymore if valve had just said "we will permaban you if we catch you"

i can 100% get on board with valve not wanting these guys representing the game, you put that in the light for me and i had never thought of it in that way before, but i still stand by what i say. i personally dont think a lifetime ban is needed. people were throwing before this story broke out, as soon as valve laid down the law people didnt fuck around with it anymore. that still would of occurred if ibp/epsilon hadnt been lifetime banned but instead valve just saying to the community the next team to throw will be permabanned. but actually communicating with people seem to be the last thing valve wanna do.

doesnt matter anyway though, valve have made their decision. i dont think much can be done to change their mind lol.

posted about 9 years ago
#61 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion

no, i am saying that there should already be a precedent in place. people who do insider trading know what they are getting into, they know the risk. these guys didnt, why make an example of them when a 1/2 year ban would of had the same effect on all professional players and other community members

is 1/2 years not a suitable punishment in your eyes? cuz i dont see how it would be any different either way.

posted about 9 years ago
#59 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion
flame I don't think theres any organization in this country or world that gives a second chance for insider trading. people go to jail for insider trading. pretending they 'didnt know better' or 'wouldve thought twice if they knew "the rules"' to me, is a joke.

is that why people who've committed insider trading crimes are in jail for life?

posted about 9 years ago
#56 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion
deetrmethmaiden 5 second decision to throw a game that had no real significance behind whether they'd win or lose.
ya who cares about thousands of dollars that's not really significant, free the ppl who defrauded the community!!11

never once said what they did wasnt wrong. yeah, they SHOULD of known better then to do that shit, but people make dumb and quick decisions in life. these guys do need to be punished, im saying a 1/2 year ban would of had the same effect on the people who did fix these games, and the community would of known that this shit isnt gonna be tolerated if valve had given a follow up statement saying from now on this will be punishable by permaban

do you honestly think these guys would of thrown if they had known prior that they would be permabanned if they got caught?

posted about 9 years ago
#53 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion

most bullshit punishment ever.

im not sure about you guys, but i believe in second chances, everybody fucks up in life and everyone makes mistakes. these players dont deserve to have their whole career thrown down the dunny just because of a 5 second decision to throw a game that had no real significance behind whether they'd win or lose. fuck valve honestly, a 1 year ban is a suitable punishment, not this fucking bullshit "gotta make sure to set an example for all these plebs who think throwing is acceptable" attitude. a 1/2 year ban for these guys would of had the same effect on the community. as soon as you ban them for a year or two, THEN you make a statement saying that if any other player is caught throwing, they will be permanently banned from all valve tournaments and lans. you set the law, while still punishing the people who broke them
(even though there was no actual written rule about match fixing)

anybody who thinks valve did a good job handling the situation then im just gonna say youre a mong and leave it at that.

free ibp and epsilon.

posted about 9 years ago
#26 Shadow Ninja Sasuke's Magnum Opus in Videos

this video gave me ptsd

posted about 9 years ago
#368 The Tough Break Update in TF2 General Discussion
mdvi think my scoreboard has cancer. number ping was good since...ever, now they feel the urge to change to casual console ping layout.

you can change it back to show numbers in advance options.

posted about 9 years ago
#365 The Tough Break Update in TF2 General Discussion

dont see what all this whinging over pyro is about. the class itself hardly got nerfed. you can still reflect with the stock flamethrower and also light people on fire. thats how pyro should of been from the beginning. i am surprised people genuinely think that having the ability to lock a class in place, then being able to land an almost guaranteed crit flareshot somehow took skill in the first place? removing that retarded gimmicky play style should be the first thing to do if you want to re-work the class which i am sure we will be seeing in the near future. for now if you play pyro just fucken adapt to the changes, its not like pyro is unplayable right now, you just have to use your fucking brain and try something else besides pressing mouse 2 and switching to flaregun and 1shoting

update is a good sign of things to come, i am looking forward to the other changes valve have planned for properly balancing the game.

posted about 9 years ago
#728 post your desktop in Off Topic

posted about 9 years ago
#1126 It begins! in Off Topic

give santa hat please

posted about 9 years ago
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