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Signed Up November 13, 2022
Last Posted January 31, 2025 at 6:56 PM
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#13 na & eu combined league in TF2 General Discussion

rent a server on the southern tip of greenland

posted 1 month ago
#1 lfp adv in Recruitment (looking for players)

last minute advanced team exists now ty

pscout: jw.
fscout: taiga
pocket: mild
roamer: throne
demo: jjdewitt
med: mur

posted 1 month ago
#20 mild lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 1 month ago
#37 Fireside announces Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 in News

cu@ :P

posted 2 months ago
#3 name change in Requests

revert, change from reverie to mild

posted 2 months ago
#34 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
HamiIMO, the current rules give way to much leeway to teams who literally are showing up to an official, scheduled match without 6 players on their roster. Why should the team who show up with a full roster ready to play have to be inconvenienced by having the enemy team literally get their choice of possible ringers who fulfill some vague criteria about being “close to the skill level” of the player they’re replacing.

I do agree that a team should not be able to ring a player for half a season when they should have just rostered them as a sub or found someone else to sub. At that point the enemy team should be completely in their rights to deny the ringer and force the other team to find a new one. I would also like to say that default ringers (like minaaj in this case) should exist since if you are playing in a div, you should be prepared to play against any player that is rostered in your division, since they should be reasonably within the level of skill you would expect to face anyway. This is especially true in games between two top div teams (its not like a bottom main team playing another bottom main team wants to ring someone from the top seed, that would be different). So when it comes to needing a default ringer once or even twice, that should be allowed since it just cuts out a lot of the hassle.

Besides, I think we are overrating how much of a difference ringers can make. Just because a player is "better" on paper doesn't necessarily mean it would just be a plug-and-play direct upgrade to the team ringing them. Player performance depends on more than just individual skill such as their chemistry with teammates. When my team had to ring a pocket soldier in the middle of playoffs a lot of the protocols we established over 9 weeks of playing were out the window which had quite the impact.

posted 2 months ago
#18 mild lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 2 months ago
#228 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
tobiasCan we get a pug cancel button?

We played a pug where the enemy med did not have tf2 installed and no sub was found in 20 minutes. Enemy team had to go afk and let us win in 5 minutes to end the pug.

posted 5 months ago
#17 mild lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 6 months ago
#15 mild lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 6 months ago
#14 jou lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

-rep warm up coper

posted 6 months ago
#291 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

hi, thanks for all the help.

DivineATreverieI do want to mention that using this method (pausing and going tick-by-tick) the ang values were not consistent every time I went through (by around +-0.2). The demoui also sometimes skips 2 ticks instead of 1 when using the goto button. This usually happened when I tried to go from 55->56, and it ended up going straight to 57. The data above is what happened when I was able to actually land directly on 56, then progressed to 57 and 58 by 1 tick.Pretty sure if u just press this button on the demoui you'll go by 1-tick exact

unfortunately the next tick button on the demoui still has the same problem of skipping some ticks. however using these commands:
developer 1
demo_debug 1
con_filter_enable 1
con_filter_text "dem_consolecmd"
it appears yen fired on 55956. this means the crosshair actually over flicked. assuming this to be true, the sniper clip is now incredibly inconclusive. thanks for helping me get to the bottom of this one. I am probably going to go over some of the other pov demos with less confirmation bias this time.

posted 6 months ago
#288 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
a longer video this time, this time looking at the crosshair positions, open to feed/pushback on my analysis
If you want to see the actual recorded angles, you have to go through a POV demo tick-by-tick while paused.

EDIT: One more thing, you can just check the angles within cl_showpos 1 while paused. Much better method than drawing lines on a video.

hello, thank you so much for the insight. I went through and looked at every angle value cl_showpos 1 in accordance to trippa's image (
(559)53: -3.87 -39.47
54: -3.97 -39.77
55: -4.46 -41.02
56: -4.86 -41.47
57: -5.15 -42.05 (this is when I heard the sniper shot)
58: -5.02 -41.64 (crosshair is now moving back down to the left)
59: -4.51 -40.40
60: -4.23 -39.34
61: -3.37 -38.37
62: -3.03 -38.80
63: -2.93 -38.99
I do want to mention that using this method (pausing and going tick-by-tick) the ang values were not consistent every time I went through (by around +-0.2). The demoui also sometimes skips 2 ticks instead of 1 when using the goto button. This usually happened when I tried to go from 55->56, and it ended up going straight to 57. The data above is what happened when I was able to actually land directly on 56, then progressed to 57 and 58 by 1 tick.

I went through the ticks 56-59 multiple times, and each time the sniper shot sound was played on 57. Through multiple passes, the crosshair would stop moving rightward on either 57 or 58. However, what was consistent was that yen's crosshair always changed direction in 1 tick. Either 57-58, or 58-59. I never saw yen's crosshair stay still between 57-58.

If someone here knows a lot about tf2 demos, then I would very much like your insight. I would like to try this analysis again with any other demos that have surfaced.

posted 6 months ago
#276 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
a longer video this time, this time looking at the crosshair positions, open to feed/pushback on my analysis

posted 6 months ago
#273 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

I agree that none of these individual clips are conclusive enough to ban just based off of one or two of them, but the amount of sus flicks/clips that are surfacing, his ridiculously consistent logs, and other older evidence in this thread is pretty damning.

posted 6 months ago
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