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Last Posted February 19, 2015 at 12:34 AM
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#7 bwHUD in Customization

am i crazy or does this change how the models in the loadout screen work, i can move them in all sorts of directions now

posted about 11 years ago
#26 What Would You like to See On: Pyro in TF2 General Discussion
skynetsatellite013TwilitlordTbh the only reason airblast is stupid is lack of air control, if air control after airblast was implemented in the physics it would be a whole lot less irritating
Just curious what you mean by air control. Everyone in the air is subject to the exact same air physics. Airblast does not remove the ability to air-strafe.

I think there are 2 issues with the airblast: 1st, it doesn't have any falloff so getting hit by the edge of it is just as bad as getting hit in the face with it, and 2nd, it ignores your current velocity and resets your velocity to a fixed value regardless of what it was before.

getting airblasted against anything has the same effect as being juggled straight up by a rocket, you can strafe all you want but you're not really going anywhere

posted about 11 years ago
#13 ESEA S16 - Registration extended in TF2 General Discussion

2ft pir

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Blaze pls in TF2 General Discussion

what a responsible guy paying up before the season starts

posted about 11 years ago
#109 2/7 tf2 update in TF2 General Discussion

valve's method of balancing weapons is to give large buffs to perennially underused weapons, see what happens, and then change things further or keep them the same. that's what they've been doing since the great summer rebalance, and i don't think there is any reason that it is a bad thing. seriously, i'm pretty sure they just look at what percentage of players have X weapon equipped and then give that weapon a boost, or, in some cases, a nerf.

the consensus here seems to be that valve has no idea what they are doing with tf2 balance, but sending them an angry email about what we think of tf2 isn't going to change their minds or affect their decision at all. especially in a world where all of the weapons we are talking about are banned in our leagues. i think that part of the way they balance is through looking at how the players use the buffed/nerfed weapon, and when your only metrics come from 24/7 shitfest pubs you probably aren't going to get the greatest feedback.

it doesn't really affect league play (i don't know how ugc deals with mid-season weapon changes) and pubs don't matter enough to argue about weapon balance over. and besides, the real issue with the short circuit wasn't that it was necessarily bad - it just Wasn't The Wrangler.

posted about 11 years ago
#53 2/7 tf2 update in TF2 General Discussion
AloSecWandumMangachubeen over a year since valve has released an actual new weapon
Not counting reskins, there are 158 different items in the game. Half of these weapons dont get used cause they simply are not that great. Wouldn't it be better for valve to fix the current weapons instead of adding new bland ones that no-one will use in a couple of months? Besides, 158 weapons is a lot of different weapons. Does tf2 really need new items?
it needs better items

i think that's what he was trying to get at. it's way easier for valve to totally re-invent a weapon that already exists in the game instead of adding something totally new (that is probably terribly unbalanced and not worth using/only worth using) and having a new broken weapon along with the dozens of totally useless items.

posted about 11 years ago
#133 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic
skeejYour last sentence makes it seem like you equate "belief" in science to the same level as belief in dogmatic scripture, even though before that you pose a way more nuanced view. In this example, I think that in a certain epistemological sense it's relatively safe to say that gravity is an objective truth. If you don't agree, then the disagreement probably stems from which definition of "objective" you use, a word that has been attributed a confusingly broad range of meanings. Obviously we cannot "know" anything objectively when you define objectivity in its purest philosophical sense, because "knowing" is an act done by the subject, which inherently presupposes a layer of subjectivity. This is basically just wordplay. I don't think it's useful to talk about objectivity and truth in this manner because these pure and abstract definitions bear no relation to us, since we are innate subjects. If you use objective in the pragmatic common sense of the word, then there is nothing problematic with stating that gravity is an objective thruth (although, Erik Verlinde would like to have a word), just like you wouldn't jump off a balcony because "if gravity occured in every instant before this instant, there still a probability that it won't occur in this instant" ... By this I mean to say that, I think, although shocka1 might be arrogant and without nuance in his wording and style, it's fair to say that still he's "right". Saying that gravity is an objective truth makes almost infinitely more sense than placing unquestioning faith in a book.

this sort of hit the nail on the head for me here - i don't think there is any inherent problem to the discussion we're having, the issue is just all of the angry condescension that turns up in all of the posts, which sucks and is not really conducive to having interesting debates.

i mean, regardless of whether or not shocka, or really anyone, is right here, there is still a whole bunch of pointless hostility that makes the whole conversation sound like nerds fighting over the internet instead of something that actually matters and is relevant to our lives.

if you are on the side of truth shocka, which, personally i think you probably are, then just say what you believe is true and don't be flippant and dismissive about the things that are contentious to your argument.

posted about 11 years ago
#100 makaveli stream in Off Topic

the brightest flames burn the shortest

posted about 11 years ago
#110 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic

in order, just going down your post because tediously quoting quoted things would look like a bigger mess than this.

this statistic is hilariously impossible to find, literally saw a site called "infidels.org." it's probably true that most atheists turn over from religion, rather than being born into it, i guess? china is actually the largest irreligious state in the whole word, with like ~80% of their population being atheist or essentially equivalent.

either way i think what you're saying here is a generalization. what i'm saying is that there are internal motivations for becoming atheist, and that while the majority of the time the outward response of those motivations is denying the bible or god or whatever, it's probably always more complex than that for the majority of people. because, you know, people aren't really very simple in their choices like that.

this is a clarification that you didn't do a very good job of making the first time - my point was the way that your post described "religious people" so uniformly causes shitty generalizations that, like i said, make these discussions really stupid. (as evidenced by the last page of this thread!) also, faith isn't really exclusive to religion, every branch of science has to begin with a few assumptions about how the world works, and those assumptions are faith-based. even if that faith is informed by not yet being proven wrong about those assumptions.

the implication in your previous posts was that the mere act of becoming an atheist somehow, like, leveled you up as a human being, giving you more intelligence. my point there is that not every atheist gains knowledge by becoming one, and that someone can question their faith while still remaining religious and gain a separate kind of knowledge. i am also shit at cars, so if this doesn't make sense just say so - but what i'm trying to say is that at that point you described, where the mechanic informs you of the better oil choice, that isn't as obvious as you're making it out to be. it's closer to someone, who isn't necessarily smarter or better at cars than you, offering you a change in oil type, doing the research, informing your decision, and then choosing between the two. this metaphor is kind of stupid though, and it's a lot easier just to talk about it directly.

finally, how someone questions their faith is not my business to know, as i don't deign to have a faith to question. if faith is religion, the opposite of that would be skepticism. it may be a large part of science (just as faith is a large part of religion,) but it isn't the complete picture, so to speak.

posted about 11 years ago
#103 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic
shocka1You must have misunderstood what I said, let me rephrase. I initially stated "Also, overall, nonbelievers are far beyond well versed compared to believers."

"Well versed", concerning the bible. A vast majority of atheists know more about what is in the bible than Theists do. And again, this is what leads to their de-conversion. This has nothing to do with being "inherently smarter". And when people stop believing in god, that does not mean they got "smarter". No, not at all. They simply have gained knowledge and have a better understanding regarding the value of skepticism and critical thinking. This sounds like an insult, sure, but people who are insulted by this are simply insecure with their beliefs. For instance, I don't know much about cars, but there are many people who do. Would you not state that their understanding of cars is much greater than mine? Does this make them smarter than me? No. Am I insulted by this? No. What if I was using the wrong type of oil for my car because I was taught this as a child by a parent who also didn't know about cars. And later on in life I found out from a mechanic that I actually need this other oil instead, and he explained why. I can recognize that people have a greater understanding in different areas of life without taking offense to it.

In addition, it seems religious people apply the same 'atheistic' skepticism throughout every endeavor of their life, (similarly to a court room), but when it comes to their religious beliefs, it goes out the windows. Eyes shut, headphones on.

what proportion of atheists are formerly religious people?

both groups of people in this discussion are huge and varied, and your post makes the assumption that, say, all atheists made the decision to be that because they read the bible and decided that god doesn't exist. i mean, you say "religious people" as if they are all carbon copies of each other, acting and living the same lives with the same principles outside of religion - making those kinds of assumptions about either group doesn't get this discussion anywhere, it just leads to the generalizations that fuel political and religious divides everywhere.

mind, i don't mean to disparage atheists or theists at all, there are merits to both ways of thinking. the problem is that these types of discussions almost inevitably fall into the "all religious people are incapable free-thought" and "atheists are all godless, immoral heathens" territory, which nobody here wants, i'd hope.

Edit: also, this is sort of pedantic, but

"And when people stop believing in god, that does not mean they got "smarter". No, not at all. They simply have gained knowledge and have a better understanding regarding the value of skepticism and critical thinking."

is literally what i meant when i said that you implied that becoming an atheist makes someone inherently smarter, maybe my definition of smart is out of date, but i think that someone "gaining knowledge" probably also constitutes them getting smarter. like i said before, not all atheists question theism in the name of science or rationalism.

posted about 11 years ago
#77 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic
shocka1MarxistTheist type is usually not particularly well educated in theology so they can't even present nuanced arguments beyond "god did it yo the bible said so" nor do they ever really get deep into theological texts because their grasp of theology is usually quite poor.
MarxistThe atheist is usually also pretty crap because, in general, most atheists just substitute theism in form.
Definitely not. It's simply a rejection of the god claims. "God exists." Do you accept this as true or not? (A/theism) If BigFootism was the belief in big foot, and ABigFootism was the rejection of that belief, would Abigfootism be a substitution? No. It's actually in directly opposition. Deism would "qualify" more as a "substitution" for Theism.
MarxistGenerally, most posit that while there isn't some big other figure with unlimited power, there's still a cosmic order of sorts, evolution or chaos theory, and so on blah blah, that provides them with some sort of unique place in the universe - which still utilizes the existence of an, albeit less conscious, "other" which is beyond life and in control. Nor are they ever particularly well versed in theology which makes things even more boring, because there's nothing like a nonbeliever asking theological questions that can't be answered.
Generally, you should never tie Atheism into any other belief or stance on anything else other than what Atheism is, and that is dealing exclusively with the claim of god's existence. Atheism has no dogma or tenants, yet people misdirect Atheism to tie into many other political, moral and scientific stances. Stating you're an Atheist does not mean you are automatically tied to accepting the big bang theory. I've met Atheists who do not accept the big bang or evolution.

Also, overall, nonbelievers are far beyond well versed compared to believers. It is how they became nonbelievers in the first place, because they started to study what they were blindly accepting without question as a child.

this is all correct in the abstract world where all atheists are 'true' (or people who truly only deny theism, like you said) and adhere to the principles that make an atheist 'true.' or, i guess, a lack of principles. the world is not like that and most people still like to hold their beliefs close to themselves and defend them in stupid ways, regardless of what those beliefs are.

you are right about what an atheist is, and i'm not sure if that was every really in contention, but in practice what marxist said tends to be pretty accurate. most people, regardless of whether or not they're religious, make a choice at some point in their lives to change what they learned and accepted as a child. i think it's a little presumptuous to make the claim that all atheists are somehow inherently smarter and more well informed than people who believe in whatever, plenty of very smart people believed in a god and have still managed to further humanity in some significant way.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Cock Launcher Vs Stock RL in TF2 General Discussion
hooliCathy_AceIt is both accurate and precise. You can get it to go exactly where you want, and it will do so in a consistent manner.i'm not going to argue semantics with you
educate yourself

maybe you'd have less trouble understanding me if I told you the original is more accurate than the stock?

it would probably be better for your argument if you actually contextualized it to tf2 instead of linking to the wikipedia page

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Vindictus in Off Topic

yonder days of sitting on the same map in maplestory for five hours and getting 20% of one level on a 2x exp day

posted about 11 years ago
#106 invite happenings in TF2 General Discussion

this isn't invite drama god damnit guys

posted about 11 years ago
#20 reality tv in Off Topic

i want the adventures of bernice the badass and her well meaning but a little bumbling sidekick dave

posted about 11 years ago
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