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Signed Up February 14, 2013
Last Posted February 19, 2015 at 12:34 AM
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#77 TF2 Feature Requests and Bug Fixes in TF2 General Discussion

not to harp on some silly 6s supremacy thing, but if some kind of competitive mode ever does come to tf2 i think it would be best to have a relatively low player count. nine dudes is organizational hell, and too many of the maps in the game seem cramped with like 3 people in every entrance to every area

posted about 10 years ago
#3107 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

if you are legitimately looking for criticism or feedback on a hud make it evident in your post what you're looking for in regards to that feedback. out of context screenshots of a nice looking hud aren't going to get any good advice, and to the average reader of this thread just seem like fishing for frags, regardless of actual intentions.

posted about 10 years ago
#56 Girl gamer shows cat on stream; almost goes blind. in Off Topic
hektikHow can people say someone deserves to be hurt badly in the eye for showing affection in a ingenuous way???

I hate cats though, my dogs simply lick my face if I put it next to theirs, actually, they're really passionate for cleaning the inside of my ear heh

its like walking up to someone who looks obviously, clearly pissed off and then giving them a hug and expecting them to react nicely

posted about 10 years ago
#5 joan rivers dead. in Off Topic

man i didnt really know shit about her but it turns out she was a mega bitch

posted about 10 years ago
#21 i52 Stream Postmortem and GXL in TF2 General Discussion

i think thirdperson and freecam are useful when teams are stalemating to see rotations and transitions from the teams, but the majority of the matches at i52 had so little stalemating and so much player skill (airshots, crazy scout plays, snipers, etc) that moving away from first person would be a disservice to the viewer.

posted about 10 years ago
#49 New Unreal Tournament in Other Games
Derpus" The game is slated for PC, Mac, and Linux and will be free upon release. Not free-to-play, Epic is quick to specify, but no-strings-attached free."
does this mean pay2win lol

i think it explicitly means that the game is actually free instead of "free but pay for x, y, z features" free

posted about 10 years ago
#7 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion
Devonif possible you should add accuracy stats, like there was before in past versions... i really miss
those stats.

wasn't there some huge, cumbersome issue with accuracy stats in older versions that ended up getting them removed?

posted about 10 years ago
#76 TI4 has begun in Other Games

no boots three rapiers livin the ember spirit life

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Update 7/8/14 in TF2 General Discussion
RadmanAir_the nerf's intention was to prevent heavies doing the jump spin to chase people down.So a nerf to aggressive play, making sure to leave boring, defensive play untouched.

heavies are not meant to play aggressively, other than engie they're like the premier defensive class in tf2

that they could chase you down and jump spin a billion damage into your back was probably not a good thing

posted about 10 years ago
#99 ESEA S16 LAN - Day 1 in Events

the 2 hp last hold

thats about as close as a last hold gets

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Old Rocket Launcher Skin? in Customization

does it seem like the texture itself on the rocket launcher has changed as well? or am i just crazy

posted about 10 years ago
#917 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
Hellbentthis tf2 looks too gimmicky for me to actually enjoy it

one change on one weapon that causes, at most, three other weapons to be used semi-regularly is "too gimmicky"

posted about 10 years ago
#434 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
D13H4RD2L1V3BTW, I really love how people downvote my post even though I try to explain my perspective of the changes.

Come on, people. At least I didn't make any insults like some others.

people minus fragged your post because you began it with "as a heavy main"

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Demoman middles in Mentoring

bait your team by dying on the rollout, respawning, and then killing a scout with a trap while theyre pushing your last

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Fov while spectating in Q/A Help

when spectating the game uses the fov_desired amount of the person getting spectated, not the spectator

as far as i know this is how it has always been, it's just very rare for someone to not be using fov_desired 90 in any competitive setting

posted about 10 years ago
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