Sorry Boys, stream is cancelled tonight due to technical issues, We will be casting it post game though :^) so make sure you listen out on the ozfortress discord or forums for an announcement, sorry you couldn't enjoy tonight's coverage
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198135894861 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:175629133] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:87814566 |
Country | Australia |
Signed Up | July 22, 2015 |
Last Posted | February 18, 2025 at 6:41 PM |
Posts | 728 (0.2 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 100.00 |
Windows Sensitivity | default |
Raw Input | 1 |
what |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
144Hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Corsair Raptor M40 Gaming Mouse |
Keyboard | Corsair Gaming STRAFE Cherry MX Red |
Mousepad | my cappingtv tshirt |
Headphones | Astro A40 |
Monitor | ASUS VG248QE 24in Widescreen |
This is what ESEA has done to Nursey.
Meejaeygo himariii
Tomorrow CappingTV will be broadcasting Ninja Robot Dong Sharks vs Original Gamers.
Casted By: Snazzy and TBD
Analysed By: Liam
Produced By: TBD
Live at 7:50PM AEDT (6:50PM AEST)
Match was moved to a day we can not do, Stream cancelled
Thursday CappingTV will be broadcasting The Suh Dudes vs francis' classroom
Casted By: TBD
Produced By: Sisorcen
Live at 8:50PM AEDT (7:50PM AEST)
Stream | Match
Could be moved to tomorrow
Tonight CappingTV will be broadcasting the top teams of IM, The Suh Dudes vs Salt Free Gaming.
Live At: 8:50PM AEST
Casted By: Sisorcen and Bunneez
Produced By: Mitch
Come and enjoy the stream!
nopehm what ok :o
Hmm what?
TONIGHT, CappingTV will be covering %teamname% vs Torquesquad Reformed
Live at 8:50PM AEDT,
Casted By Sisorcen and eXtine!
Tune in for an amazing cast!
Well acchy woke up, rip
trquec+Joseph Torque I have played you and won, so immediately your point is fucked. Oh yeah maybe you won 1 life but I won 20, congrats on that 1 kill out of 21. Also the MGE videos are for my real life friends to see for other reasons. It is just MGE please calm down, I don't even try and win against all your friends in MGE, dam makes me want to actually play to see how far I can really destroy. Oh hey maybe next time I will let you people win so youse all will not get so salty over MGE. I make it easy for ya so it's guaranteed you will win against me once, I will play with my feet, I am making it so easy, stop hating on me because I'm not even trying and I'm winning in MGE against you when clearly I ain't trying and over there you are sweating. Actually now that I think about, you guys killing me when I'm only using my feet seems a bit unfair? I will just go AFK so that you can aim at non-moving hit boxes because you seem to be only able to hit those. 13 hours ago• Lazz
Woah guys, what with the banter
Shoutouts to YourWishes for stepping up to producing
Moy5:50 AM EST
Rip, you can always watch the VoDs after!
Tonight CappingTV will be broadcasting The Suh Dudes vs Torquesquad Reformed at 8:50PM AEDT (7:50PM AEST) Live On
Casted By Bunneez and Sisorcen | Produced By YourWishes
AfsWill the crowns game be uploaded on youtube ?
I think it was removed by YouTube, can't take the memes