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SteamID64 76561198022781747
SteamID3 [U:1:62516019]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:31258009
Country United States
Signed Up April 30, 2015
Last Posted May 24, 2015 at 7:08 PM
Posts 6 (0 per day)
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#715 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion here...but why is this Akemi kid, who has been accused of triggerbotting, defending Sun, a known triggerbotter? And not just once, or twice, but a few times? Screams hacker buttbuddies to me.Seems like they both have guilty consciences if they're defending themselves repeatedly in this thread. here...but why is this rykespyke kid, who was hacking in pubs with hobo, defending hobo, a known hacker? And not just once, or twice, but a few times? Screams hacker buttbuddies to me. Seems like they both have guilty consciences if they're defending themselves repeatedly in this thread.
Also, why do you alias as me? I am sun/moon. Also nice profile picture. Really original.

posted about 9 years ago
#710 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

oh shit shots fired
*drags mouse5 over hobo*

posted about 9 years ago
#25 has anyone gone to the cheesecake factory in Off Topic

old spaghetti factory is better

posted about 9 years ago
#693 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
TERRYCREWSmoonyTERRYCREWSIn our weekly edition of "this kid is too stupid for life", I come bearing news of yet another Sun alt. This one was much much harder to find, since he's apparently realized that "SunTF" as a customID may be a bit too obvious. Instead, he's opted for a different customID, while sticking to his roots with an in game name of "sun", and using possibly every hack available to the casual consumer in a Valve pub.

Featuring his trusty sidekick hobo, who you may have seen posting in this thread

Hey, sun here. Like the actual sun. I can get in a mumble and confirm that I am sun. My voice is u n i q u e. This wasn't me. I don't know who hobo is. Check the IP or do some magic. I have never spinbotted, I used to trigger. This is someone else. I got a concussion playing rugby 2 weeks ago or so on may 1st. This is my first time on a PC since then. This can be confirmed by several people in the community. I'm not that stupid Terry. Almost, but not that stupid. Also, its a three letter fucking word. Anyone can rename themselves sun. and who the fuck is hobo.

If you were a legitimate player, I would probably assist you in figuring out the owner of the account I mentioned. But you've proven to be a liar and a cheater relatively recently, so really the only reason your reputation is being harmed by this account is because you have a track record of alts that you hack on all named Sun. Sorry about your concussion. Get better soon!

lol im done with the community, no worries about me. im just informing you to stay alert to another cheater in the community. as in, keep an eye open for this guy. i dont care who the owner is, im just telling you terryboiii.

posted about 9 years ago
#661 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
TERRYCREWSIn our weekly edition of "this kid is too stupid for life", I come bearing news of yet another Sun alt. This one was much much harder to find, since he's apparently realized that "SunTF" as a customID may be a bit too obvious. Instead, he's opted for a different customID, while sticking to his roots with an in game name of "sun", and using possibly every hack available to the casual consumer in a Valve pub.

Featuring his trusty sidekick hobo, who you may have seen posting in this thread

Hey, sun here. Like the actual sun. I can get in a mumble and confirm that I am sun. My voice is u n i q u e. This wasn't me. I don't know who hobo is. Check the IP or do some magic. I have never spinbotted, I used to trigger. This is someone else. I got a concussion playing rugby 2 weeks ago or so on may 1st. This is my first time on a PC since then. This can be confirmed by several people in the community. I'm not that stupid Terry. Almost, but not that stupid. Also, its a three letter fucking word. Anyone can rename themselves sun. and who the fuck is hobo.

posted about 9 years ago
#376 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
ign: Dumbazz
| steamname: Never Do What I Do!
| steam3ID: [U:1:219184517]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:109592258
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:
this kid is blatantly cheating
waves his magical wand around and it clicks for him
after the game he goes "oh wow really great game, been a while since ive had to try so hard"
someone needs to put this sick puppy down

I care about TF2 so I can call people out if they are hacking. equality is a concept in the game team fortress 2. i dont need your drama @fade

posted about 9 years ago