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SteamID64 76561198102195119
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:70964695
Country United Kingdom
Signed Up April 18, 2015
Last Posted August 24, 2023 at 4:05 PM
Posts 373 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.9
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse G Pro Wireless Superlight
Keyboard Ducky One 2 Mini w/ Cherry MX Brown
Mousepad Artisan Hien XSoft
Headphones Sennheiser CX 300S
Monitor BenQ XL2411Z
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#13068 stream highlights in Videos

posted about a year ago
#4 Regarding RCADIA Fortress Tournaments in LAN Discussion

No need to apologise, we're very grateful for everything you managed to put out for us and am very thankful to you for providing the best lan experience at least I personally have ever had. You wern't given the respect you deserved at the end of the event, so to hear you're sticking around despite that is brilliant and I hope the collective is able to give you your dues in the near future.

posted about a year ago
#86 shadowplay clipdumps in Videos

posted about a year ago
#58 Morealexi VAC Banned. in TF2 General Discussion

Checking around stuff like the tf2 sub-reddit, I might of been one of many in a mass false banning or something.

posted about a year ago
#56 Morealexi VAC Banned. in TF2 General Discussion

problem solved

posted about a year ago
#29 Morealexi VAC Banned. in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#16 Morealexi VAC Banned. in TF2 General Discussion
yak404now he can join a team with jeven

he heard you

posted about a year ago
#966 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

fuck off max

posted about a year ago
#9284 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about a year ago
#16 Best matches in tf2 history? in TF2 General Discussion
PhnxRcadia 2022 grand finals was a nail biter until the end, a must watch

Gaz' POV with comms from the entire final

posted about a year ago
#12906 stream highlights in Videos

posted about a year ago
#6 any interest in an ETF2L top 100 players? in TF2 General Discussion

Such a list was planned and teased around iSeries last year but was never published, not sure what happened to it

posted about a year ago
#35 Hey, can we please ban wall bugs in tournaments? in TF2 General Discussion
Max_FactsMachineOr you could check them like any other spot. Are we going to start banning Batman on Metalworks? Secret in Gullywash? Unless a certain wallbug spot genuinely breaks the game (in which case you can ban that spot), I see no reason to remove a skill-based mechanic. That's the conclusion ETF2L came to and every time we've discussed it in NA the decision has been to keep them

Why should anyone ever have to check that spot for a soldier hiding, especially when you don't hear a rocket jump just before the push so you wouldn't be expecting someone bombing

because someone doing their job properly checks every possibility with due diligence

posted about a year ago
#9 ETF2L Admins: Blackmail, Bias and Censorship in TF2 General Discussion
KaylusI've tried. He just does not understand and does not stop. But I don't really care for this. I'm rather disappointed by other's actions and words. So if you move past the feeling that I'm trying to victimize myself I do find my joke to be amusing. Because this is all this was.

You are the senior league admin of ETF2L, like it or not, that position requires responsibility and maturity, things of which you are currently not demonstrating. I do sympathise that there are some literal demons about that you have to deal with and will always make you and the lives of other admins hell, terminally online, no life purpose etc etc we all know the stories. But do yourself a favour, don't make it worse for yourself, don't hand people the stick to beat you with. Be firm, be diligent by all means, but be fair, be reasonable, and do things the right way.

posted about a year ago
#6 ETF2L Admins: Blackmail, Bias and Censorship in TF2 General Discussion
KaylusFinally I took over the "Aoshi will ruin everything" meme

I know very little about this guys ban, I have heard some bad things but have no frame of reference to know whats true and whats not, and frankly I do not care its nowt to do with me. But just a thought, maybe don't shitpost in threads like this. Some of this shit already makes you look bad enough, I'd stick to trying to fix the issue, doing what is right and fulfilling the role you've volunteered for, rather than trying to immediately victimise yourself, and looking like a cunt.

posted about a year ago
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