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Signed Up December 24, 2012
Last Posted November 29, 2024 at 3:25 PM
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 42
#6006 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Zestymousiopedoes anyone have an updated pvhud without the giant fonts from the ui scaling update ?


posted 3 months ago
#6004 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

does anyone have an updated pvhud without the giant fonts from the ui scaling update ?

posted 3 months ago
#14 Save tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
sleepysocksplummousiopebut valve letting racism remarks slide in their games it would bring a far more negative publicity and force them no fix the game since we all know they dont give a fuck about the cheating part
It's well known that Valve makes most of its money from the Steam Store, and is also a private comany. This insulates them from a lot of motivation to do anything the public wants. Comparison example: You can be sexist in any CS lobby, but be banned in any Riot game.

i mean valve makes a shitton of money from microtransactions. they made like one billion from just key sales for CS last year. obviously they make the bulk from the steam store but lootbux isn't a drop in the bucket for them. they just don't give a fuck in general about anything other than their weird doodads they're working on and maintaining constant revenue sources
mousiopeBut if you say that valve does nothing about transphobic comments and that gets in the news, I'm sure valve execs got to do something about the negative publicity. In fact when the first save tf2 movement came out that was the only reason they did something...

i mean i guess, although i don't think it's still going to be that effective. the internal culture at valve doesn't really seem to incentivize actually working on a 17 year old first person shooter with a decently sized playerbase. which is a shame considering i think it's one of the favorite games of like every poster on this forum

titanfall 2 suffered from a similar issue where the servers kept getting ddos by a bunch of morons to the point where you couldnt find a game through the official client and it got completely fixed and its fully playable nowadays and the game makes a fraction of what tf2 makes
this is pure valve negligence and the fact they need every bit of negative publicity to come their way to even do something regarding this its baffling to me
but its pretty safe to say they clearly dont give a fuck

posted 8 months ago
#8 Save tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
Wild_Rumpusis it really so shocking that pubbers are upset that they can barely play casual when tftv has a thread every few months over mild inconveniences, obviously people care about what affects them. proudly declaring that you don't actually care about the thing that other people do doesn't make you cool

that its not what I meant at all maybe i didnt explained myself properly
I meant that if they wanted to force valve to actually do something, they shouldve been more vocal on the racist, transphobic and homophobic shit the bots say instead of I cant play a videogame because the bots ruin my experience because they are cheating
im not saying they shouldnt be upset because they cant enjoy the game anymore fuck i quit the game because of that but valve letting racism remarks slide in their games it would bring a far more negative publicity and force them no fix the game since we all know they dont give a fuck about the cheating part

posted 8 months ago
#3 Save tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
Teobro who cares

That's the problem. No one cares about the in-game experience...
No one that matters and can actually do anything to fix this shit.
Fucking hell being transphobic is really unpopular nowadays and news sites love to bring this shit up because it brings attention and clicks and that means revenue.
But no, I can't play this ancient video-game because bots are bad.
What a waste.

posted 8 months ago
#1 Save tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

So let me get this straight, these morons instead of putting valve on blast for doing nothing about the bots while they keep spewing shit like racist, pedophilic, and transphobic remarks in-game while valve turns a blind eye, their main issue seems to be that bots ruin the game experience? LOL
No one outside of the game will give a fuck if there are bots shooting your head faster in an old video game...
But if you say that valve does nothing about transphobic comments and that gets in the news, I'm sure valve execs got to do something about the negative publicity. In fact when the first save tf2 movement came out that was the only reason they did something...

posted 8 months ago
#19 Most memorable Tf2 moment to you? in TF2 General Discussion

when i was beginning to learn tf2 the movement and etc i fell in love with playing spy, I used to watch the omfgninja and stabby stabby videos for hours on end and practicing stairstabs failing over and over listening to ratatatat music i got from stabby´s videos
i remember twitch was starting to grow and one day stabby started streaming and i joined his server with 120 ping since im european and ended up pulling a move on him I learned from watching his videos
he got a bit mad because i was lagging all over the place but ended up giving me props for it
that was a nice little moment i remember to this day

posted 11 months ago
#2414 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

where is this option "alias snapshot_buffer snapshot_buffer_low" on the web app ?
im guessing this is the one most ppl here use
why did you remove it ?

posted about a year ago
#43 Morealexi VAC Banned. in TF2 General Discussion

but he has Kovaak´s icon on his desktop

posted about a year ago
#2 tf2 arch crashing in Q/A Help

im no linux expert but cant you use stuff from the steamdeck to run the game better like proton ?

posted about 2 years ago
#4 Monitor in Hardware

benq with dyac or the new oleds (1440p though)

posted about 2 years ago
#1266 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

anyone has soapy's edited sayo2 ?


since for whatever reason that i cant be bothered to understand asked the dude to share it but i guess its a private file of massive importance ...
so i havent touched hud mods in years and had to waste 60 minutes to figure out this crap again
havent tested it a lot but i guess the main is all there if anything is missing let me know ill see if i can fix it

posted about 2 years ago
#1264 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

does anyone have soapymeister modded hud ?

posted about 2 years ago
#19 TF2 update for 12/1/22 (12/2/22 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

this is fucking huge
just wish they would give the engine a small boost to properly use cpu´s and gpu and this game might get a second chance at life

posted about 2 years ago
#714 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
adysky7600x stock
32gb 6000 cl36 (running on 5600, 6000 is not very stable)
windows 10
flat textures
mastercomfig low

2639 frames 5.820 seconds 453.43 fps ( 2.21 ms/f) 46.448 fps variability
4812 frames 9.658 seconds 498.26 fps ( 2.01 ms/f) 84.618 fps variability

no windows optimizations yet, no OC, just fast bench test after building the rig

dx8 or 9 ?

posted about 2 years ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 42