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Signed Up October 26, 2014
Last Posted March 1, 2016 at 8:39 PM
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#15 Stress Test has begun in TF2 General Discussion
jeffindecencyis dx9 enforced
called a stress test for a reason

i believe it maxes out your settings

Stress test for their queue system and such, not your system.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 [HELP] sm_admin mid-game in Q/A Help

SoapDM automatically unloads all the stock plugins when the game starts, then reloads them when it's done. You can change what gets loaded/unload in cfg/sourcemod/soap_live.cfg and cfg/sourcemod/soap_notlive.cfg. (they're just cfgs that get exec'd, so you can put other stuff in there if you want)

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Config HELP in Customization

Use notepad instead, or even better, download notepad++ or textpad.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 DeathMatch plugin welp? in Q/A Help

There seems to have been an engine change a while ago that caused the teleport function in SourceMod to place you 65 HU higher or lower than where you're supposed to be, which broke some spawns. I've been fiddling around with an addition so that it will move you up or down a little until you're not stuck anymore, but it's not finished yet and I've not had the time to complete it.
Several spawns have already been fixed, just update your plugin from
As far as just changing the values so you don't get stuck, for SOAP it's addons/sourcemod/configs/soap/<mapname> (if you have an old version, it will just be addons/sourcemod/configs/soap.cfg), and for MGE it's addons/sourcemod/configs/mgemod_spawns.cfg. Turn on cl_showpos, and when you spawn stuck, find the line in the file that matches your current coordinates.

posted about 9 years ago
#186 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
DaMeiNAnyone have this demo still? The OP link is down


posted about 9 years ago
#3 tf2statr: Compile and aggregate TF2 stats in R in Projects

Nice! Haven't used R in bit, but this'll be a good excuse to play around in it again!

posted about 9 years ago
#2 i55 group stages complete in News

Dang, all these embedded listings and brackets are getting quite impressive!

posted about 9 years ago
#29 Please use mp_tournament_readymode 1. in TF2 General Discussion
ComangliaI've only played once on a server that does this, but prec didn't exec on round start.

Seems P-Rec is watching for a 'teamplay_round_restart_seconds' event with a time of 5. (what it is when starting with the old ready system) Anything else it seems to ignore.
If you set 'mp_tournament_readymode_countdown' to 5, P-Rec works as normal. Kevin, you should edit your post so people are using the right value.
I've added the option in soap_tournament to make sure mp_tournament_readymode_countdown stays at 5. You can re-download it here:

LaMqTamr64bit_Alright, added a hook in soap_tournament so it recognizes a game start with mp_tournament_readymode 1.
Haven't done real thorough testing, but it properly unloads soap_tf2dm on match start and loads it on match end.
Compiled binary here, should just be able to replace your current soap_tournament.smx with this. Compiled on SM 1.8.0-dev+5475, but it seems to work fine on the 1.7.2 release. Try it out and let me know if it's not working.
I'll submit a pull request to Lange's master in a few days most likely, as long as it works properly for everyone.
I think its working fine, you should push it to Lange, he was active lately so, we all PUG masters can use it! :)

Well, I haven't gotten any negative feedback, so I guess everything's good to go!

EDIT: Merged into Lange's master, so go download from here:

posted about 9 years ago
#18 Please use mp_tournament_readymode 1. in TF2 General Discussion
CHERRYmr64bit_Alright, added a hook in soap_tournament so it recognizes a game start with mp_tournament_readymode 1.
Haven't done real thorough testing, but it properly unloads soap_tf2dm on match start and loads it on match end.
Compiled binary here, should just be able to replace your current soap_tournament.smx with this. Compiled on SM 1.8.0-dev+5475, but it seems to work fine on the 1.7.2 release. Try it out and let me know if it's not working.
I'll submit a pull request to Lange's master in a few days most likely, as long as it works properly for everyone.
Can you do it on F2's version which has damage based health restore rather than on kill?

I've only changed soap_tournament, which unloads and loads soap_tf2dm (and other plugins if configured) automatically when a match starts/ends, so this should work fine with F2's version.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Please use mp_tournament_readymode 1. in TF2 General Discussion

Alright, added a hook in soap_tournament so it recognizes a game start with mp_tournament_readymode 1.
Haven't done real thorough testing, but it properly unloads soap_tf2dm on match start and loads it on match end.
Compiled binary here, should just be able to replace your current soap_tournament.smx with this. Compiled on SM 1.8.0-dev+5475, but it seems to work fine on the 1.7.2 release. Try it out and let me know if it's not working.
I'll submit a pull request to Lange's master in a few days most likely, as long as it works properly for everyone.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 TF.TV Mumble in Site Discussion
DanceNumberWould it somehow be possible for the casters to be in a completely different mumble then the public one and have a bot relay the cast to the public one?

although, the biggest issue with mumble casts, is they hurt stream view numbers
Intended for making a seamless bridge between two channels in different mumble servers, but with a quick change you can make it one way. (you could also pretty easily do the same thing with Eve.

I really enjoyed being able to listen to VanillaTV casts in mumble and watch the STV myself, especially when my horribly unreliable internet made watching twitch streams nearly impossible. (though I didn't know of livestreamer then, which would have helped) I don't remember ever seeing more than maybe a dozen tops people listening in mumble instead of watching the stream, so I don't think the 'it hurts stream numbers' argument hold much weight.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Chrome tab muting in Off Topic
ammo888That should definitely be a default setting.

A lot of new Chrome features that aren't %100 ready for release start disabled, but can be enabled by a flag.

posted about 9 years ago
#642 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
Jason_HeyAnyone knows the commad to open that "Contract Drawer" ?


posted about 9 years ago
#4 Question about Prec in Q/A Help

Unless you've changed 'prec_dir', the demos will still go in your tf\ folder, bookmarked or not. (unless you've set PREC to delete demos without killstreaks/bookmarks)
In the folder where your demos are being saved, there should be a file called 'KillStreaks.txt', which will contain demo names and respective ticks for either your killstreaks, or manual bookmarks.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Tom Mullica in Off Topic

Now we know where

came from.

posted about 9 years ago
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