Purpleeeeeeeedrmtcyou dont need a warm up ritual if you are good at the game. consistency comes with high levels of practice. all being "good" at something means is that the lowest level at which you can ever perform is still at a level that is competitive.
There's a reason that the top nfl players have warmups. The top soccer players have warmups. People who have achieved amazing things. They have warmups. The warmup itself allows you to unlock that consistency and skill.
A lot of my friends have done sports, some have even gotten scholarships at IUN/Purdue etc etc. Most of their warmups were smaller versions of the sport itself, my friend Mitch did pole vaulting, so he'd just jump over a bar without the vault, and then he'd run.
Most of the time, if you go from being this chilled out guy in scrims, and even death match servers, but when you play in an actual game and you want to be Mr. Super Serious, then you're not being yourself. As long as you play like you normally do, then you should be fine.